15 entries in 0.531s
shinohai: Almost there, @StartJOIN pitch almost ready, an Open Source PGP digital Key signing tool that we're after funding to add new features"
assbot: South African Goldcoin GLD Conference project on StartJOIN
punkman: from that microguy https://www.startjoin.com/gogold
mircea_popescu: https://www.startjoin.com/comments/project/trollc
assbot: 4 results for 'startjoin' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=startjoin
mircea_popescu: !s startjoin
cazalla: startjoin
mircea_popescu: assbot: Unlike Bitcoin, Gold or Silver - - - StartCOIN (when held at /StartJOIN) pays diviends EVERY WEEK. Currently ann. rate = 34% <<< that's one way to sell the entire demurage thing
assbot: Unlike Bitcoin, Gold or Silver - - - StartCOIN (when held at /StartJOIN) pays diviends EVERY WEEK. Currently ann. rate = 34%
penguirker: New blog post: http://qntra.net/2014/10/cryptosnews-join-the-shenanigans-at-startjoin/
mircea_popescu: https://www.startjoin.com/comments/project/trollc << yet another thing max keiser promises then fails to follow through
mircea_popescu: punkman yeah totally. like this : https://www.startjoin.com/comments/project/trollc ☟︎
dignork: https://www.startjoin.com/trollc this will end in tears ☟︎
Duffer1: Start a Revolution Join a Revolution @StartJOIN Revolution in a box. Anyone can start or join a revolution. Global insurrection!
BitcoinPropagand: Hey we're raising money to keep making more awesome bitcoin posters, you can check the campaign here: https://www.startjoin.com/bitcoinposters and the designs here: http://bitcoinpropaganda.blogspot.com