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a111: Logged on 2018-02-04 16:38 asciilifeform: i actually have a pcengines apu1 ( 2G version ) with the sage header soldered on, and sageprobe, that i am adding to the cargo manifest
asciilifeform: i actually have a pcengines apu1 ( 2G version ) with the sage header soldered on, and sageprobe, that i am adding to the cargo manifest ☟︎
asciilifeform: sage probe is quite easy to find. 1) get in wot -- register with deedbot 2) make a bid in btc 3) one of the folx here will sell you a sageprobe.
asciilifeform: laplinker: i don't particularly need this for anything, when i have a working sageprobe and amd boxes
a111: 9 results for "sageprobe", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=sageprobe
asciilifeform: !#s sageprobe
asciilifeform: ( if anyone recalls my sageprobe crack ? that was as simple as it was because the thing used crc as hash... )
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform heh i guess you're the internets sageprobe authority. cuz everything is online and mit keeps churning out experts
asciilifeform: i had this , handmade and orcish, using sageprobe . but it took ~2h per bringup...
asciilifeform: funnily enough, #trilema is wuite likely world's largest sageprobe user group today
asciilifeform: my sageprobe setup (amd g-series mobo, probe, cables, lcd, keyboardmouse) fits in briefcase. and with plenty of room to spare (for, e.g., battery if i ever put one)
asciilifeform: i keep confusing them because there is an 'igloo' in the sageprobe.
asciilifeform: the sageprobe d00d
asciilifeform: sageprobe was a needle specifically made for this type of sow.
asciilifeform: this is actually why i bothered to clean up and post the sageprobe thing earlier this year