7 entries in 0.477s
asciilifeform: for non-ru folx, procrusted link goes to a thing re an anti-faggotry protest in ukrlandia
asciilifeform: nao we'll see if the schmucks actually generated 3104-bit key and procrusted it...
asciilifeform: now! this procrusted-karatsuba is only used for the barrettron, so theoretically could compensate for that 3 with 3 additional subtractor-muxes. and still win ~4x speedup vs last night's . but this is mega-ugly.
a111: 2 results for "procrusted", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=procrusted
asciilifeform: !#s procrusted
asciilifeform: sooo somewhere in mircea_popescu's log, there'll be a getinv for 0000000000000000036, the prev block, then for this final one, 0000000000000000038 (complain to tardoshi re the procrusted hashes, not to me..) ,
asciilifeform: which will frame-shift as the contents get procrusted by the idiot code