29 entries in 0.982s
mircea_popescu: and that's also why the hope of the beta bois whining around "nrx" because "girlz be mean yo" is so well set to be disabused. more market, not less, is the future.
EllieAsksWhy: Daniel, am I driving everyone away by my presence? That happens in NRx Jackal Hour too :)
the_scourge: pete_dushenski: you've obviously not aquainted yourself with NRx at all. if you chose to read a little and open your mind, it will hurt for several days
pete_dushenski: did the kings and aristocrats that nrx'ers so rose-tintedly adore stay under their sheets all day ?
pete_dushenski: mircea_popescu: nick land's blog. what first put me on to "nrx" as per http://www.xenosystems.net/quote-note-144/
the_scourge: the question is, have NRx found out that we actually live in a world where 'nuclear' weapons don't do anything? that's potentially one of the corellaries to the entire argument
pete_dushenski: mircea_popescu: this exactly. twas my comment about nrx not grokking economics, money, and the fundaments of power
assbot: Logged on 05-05-2014 01:39:07; mircea_popescu: i also picked up "nrx" today
assbot: 10 results for 'nrx' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=nrx
mircea_popescu: !s nrx
punkman: I'm sure there's a whole bunch of "writers" that saw "NRx" and thought "hey, Rx is the good stuff right"
punkman: yarvin is the "nrx" thing. <- if not yarvin, who?
mircea_popescu: the entire thing having no further substance past repackaging, obviously the coca cola company is the coca cola thing, and yarvin is the "nrx" thing.
mircea_popescu: so i'm not too inclined to see any of these lables as anything more than "ignorant kids from the us web". be it "nrx" or "neoreaction" or etc.
mircea_popescu: so let's leave aside the "therefore" bitcoin this and that, as i dun have the energy. instead, re "nrx" : i have little doubt that there are some kids in the us that thought the one repackaging of stuff they ran across is somehow more significant than all the repackagings they don't know, and definitely more significant than the originals. and that they need a name and so on. this exercise in nominalism does not instit
the_scourge: i think it's a misconception that yarvin started NRx or even is/was a leader in any way. he's a good writer. he is NRx, yes
the_scourge: NRx is just shorthand for neoreaction
the_scourge: *an NRx'er
the_scourge: and considering i'm a NRx'er, i'm pretty sure i'm for the former and against the latter
the_scourge: mircea_popescu: true but we all bring different things to the table, i could write a book on NRx history, philosophy etc: that is proof of hard work done
johntraveller: asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: yeah, I followed a bunch of the NRx guys for a long time as I hadn’t encountered anyone else saying the same things. but I got bored after a while, they clearly don’t have any plans or goals
assbot: 4 results for 'nrx' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=nrx
mircea_popescu: !s nrx
mircea_popescu: and im not even sure what nrx is. this chick that follows these things pointed it out here, but i don't think it's been followed up.
johntraveller: have you been following moldbug/nrx for long?
xmj: moriarty: it's funny. i've seen the progression AnCap -> NRx happen a few times
xmj: NRx :3
mircea_popescu: - They also have all their own secret handshakes, and their own terminology [like the Cathedral ("political correctness"), thedening ("re-establishing ethnic group identity"), genophilia ("love of one's own race"), NRx ("neoreaction"), etc.].
mircea_popescu: i also picked up "nrx" today ☟︎