600 entries in 0.643s
asciilifeform: ninjashogun: a small gizmo, described here: http://trilema.com/snsa-first-product-the-cardano
asciilifeform: ninjashogun: did i just fall through time warp? 'mpex' not built yet?
BingoBoingo: ninjashogun: That doesn't mean you can't grab a tire iron and supply a pawn shop with tvs until your enterprize is "funded"
asciilifeform: ninjashogun: so what are you wasting time with us for? go rob someone
mircea_popescu: ninjashogun you know what the selection fallacy is ?
asciilifeform: ninjashogun: try 'gold phoenix ltd.' (china) for prototypes.
asciilifeform: ninjashogun: nope. and i'm not a baron, duke, anything, no titles of nobility
asciilifeform: ninjashogun: i know what you'll answer: 'having a day job sucks.' and sure. but then you can pay for hardware, prototype runs, etc. without begging
asciilifeform: ninjashogun: if i were anyone else, i'd swallow this. but i'm doing much the same thing you said you did (hardware startup) but without passing begging hat
asciilifeform: ninjashogun: traditionally, one first secures capital and only then gets on the hook for business obligations (employees, factory floor, etc.)
asciilifeform: ninjashogun: so you built the mexican factory prior to, rather than after, securing funding. this is not a fatal mistake
asciilifeform: ninjashogun: around here, you only need collateral in the usual sense for a cash loan, but not for 'revolving credit'
asciilifeform: ninjashogun: take one of your loyal men and order him to do it, then
asciilifeform: ninjashogun: if you take some employment (even temporarily) bank will lend you $.
asciilifeform: ninjashogun: then why not go to a bank?
asciilifeform: ninjashogun: if you live in usa, just about any bank will give you a credit card good for $20K+
asciilifeform: ninjashogun: if you know how to turn it into 8.5M, then borrow it from whoever
asciilifeform: ninjashogun: you said you wanted 17k
asciilifeform: ninjashogun: sell motorcycle?
asciilifeform: ninjashogun: get a credit card?
BingoBoingo: ninjashogun: is roughly a pound of flesh, with reasonable blood loss acceptable security?
mircea_popescu: ninjashogun or so you think.
mircea_popescu: ninjashogun counterfactuals are good for reddit masturbation. this isn't a good venue for it.
mircea_popescu: ninjashogun none of the examples you cut out of the real world and pasted onto your model as "eventual upper bound results" have anything to do with the model itself.
mircea_popescu: ninjashogun no , it does not. it has nothing to do with anything other than the particular way the usg implements welfare for a certain subset of the youth population.
mircea_popescu: ninjashogun what's the problem with being called an idiot iyo ?
ughlol: bye ninjashogun, mircea_popescu, Dimsler <3, only!! :)
ughlol: Will definitely keep that in mind ninjashogun! Thanks for the introduction here, and sorry that your rep went down.
mircea_popescu: ninjashogun a dubious proposition. look at the recent business insider refinance,
ughlol: ninjashogun: I agree. I will get to that immediately. :)
benkay: if only ninjashogun were educable
benkay: ninjashogun: the notion that ughlol is founder material falls on its face when he dances like a monkey in here asking "how ams i even make money guys?"
mircea_popescu: ninjashogun giving money to people for the reason that they're people never ends well.
mircea_popescu: ninjashogun you have your answer ready : vcs do exactly that, and they lag the indexes.
benkay: ninjashogun: so why would anyone play a retarded game like that?
Dimsler: ninjashogun, can you and ughlol panhandle elsewhere?
BingoBoingo: ninjashogun: The fact of the matter is that you can not recharacterize old text as a misrepresentation of a bunch of new text, yet to be released
Dimsler: ninjashogun, yeah right
mircea_popescu: ninjashogun i think you perhaps misjudge the quantity of luck involved in facebook becoming facebook.
BingoBoingo: ninjashogun: Based on reading the public conversation in this channel it seems the Rape WHistle app came first and today's social network idea is new.
mircea_popescu: ninjashogun can you be specific ?
steven-__: Mar 17 22:52:09 <ninjashogun> how do you do source control?
BingoBoingo: ughlol: Have you tried #dogecoin ninjashogun Seemed to find interest there before
benkay: dude ninjashogun if you say traction around mp he'll probably just kill you and feed you to the harpies
benkay: ninjashogun: you ain't introducing shit we already ran him out of here.
nubbins`: ninjashogun are you in here with your ideas again?
BingoBoingo: ninjashogun: What ever happened to your Dogecoin investor?
BingoBoingo: nubbins`: Is that ninjashogun restaurant guy still asking for money because some mystery man in #dogecoin left him hanging on hit 1337 hardware project
nubbins`: i hope ninjashogun comes back later and pesters us into giving him money
nubbins`: ninjashogun: you need to realize that what you're saying means nothing to anyone here
gribble: WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user nubbins` to user ninjashogun: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=nubbins%60&dest=ninjashogun | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=ninjashogun | Rated since: never
nubbins`: ;;gettrust ninjashogun
decimation: ninjashogun: mircea_popescu, mind if I call you Baron from now on << http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=17-02-2014#509819 ☝︎
mircea_popescu: ninjashogun i just did what i always do, told people what to do.
benkay`: anyways ninjashogun if you want privacy on IRC this is what you do
benkay`: ninjashogun weren't you just derping about not having time to derp in irc?
mircea_popescu: ninjashogun sheep have no privacy, nor crabs nor birds. privacy is a construct of the human mind, and it is built upon identity. which you don't currently have.
benkay`: ninjashogun: there's no minimum IQ required for participating on the internet.
BingoBoingo wonder how long it takes to catch with ninjashogun on that BingoBoingo did not merely link the linking article, but wrote it
moiety: erm just sites just now ninjashogun i think i'll know what to do more, the more i learn XD
BingoBoingo: ninjashogun: People don't have a "WoT score" they have personalize networks. The score is the least relevant part of a WoT
BingoBoingo: ninjashogun: Well just this afternoon someone supposed a deal, I took and and the thing was resolved in minutes.
nubbins`: ninjashogun: consider that you might as well be walking into banks asking for a loan and providing your WoT identity
nubbins`: ninjashogun: don't worry about it, i was kidding anyway. go fuck yourself
mircea_popescu: "Feb 25 08:13:06 <ninjashogun>guys I've received some suggestions to "lurk" and "read logs" here, which I wouldn't really have time to do. It was nice meeting you all though and I may be back as the project progresses. Overall I don't think I will be spending a ton of time building WoT, advisors, etc - as I have real-world references for the moment that I would expect anyone to consutl."
nubbins`: ninjashogun if you ident i can provide you with any size loan you need
asciilifeform: ninjashogun: for instance, if you were to reveal what the hardware is, i might take pity and tell you how to obtain an equivalent for 17 instead of 17k usd.
asciilifeform: ninjashogun: please consider saying what it is.
gribble: Nick 'ninjashogun', with hostmask 'ninjashogun!~User@', is not identified.
BingoBoingo: ;;ident ninjashogun
mircea_popescu: ninjashogun you are nobody. what personal ?
asciilifeform: ninjashogun: what are you building, that you need a loan? airplane? particle accelerator?
asciilifeform: ninjashogun: bank loan can finance a dope habit
asciilifeform: ninjashogun: perhaps you have mistaken the address. loan lives at bank.
mircea_popescu: ninjashogun you think something magically changed since last week or w/e ?
mircea_popescu: ninjashogun: anyone interested in startups here? << ahahaha epic.
antephialtic: ninjashogun: *humblebrag exits*
mircea_popescu: ninjashogun an' that's fine.
mircea_popescu: ninjashogun http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=23-02-2014#523542 im dead, what. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: ninjashogun well it was seriously.
mircea_popescu: ninjashogun i think it just looks for the <title> element in html
mircea_popescu: ninjashogun if you just dump the link ozbot will read the page title.
mircea_popescu: ninjashogun no, i just tell people what to do.
greenspan_fan: benkay I've just never had anyone ask me for money and it turn out well, so I am holding out hope for ninjashogun
mircea_popescu: ninjashogun listen, you're really misbehaving here, albeit perhaps unintentionally. the correct approach is to lurk and read the logs for about half a year. then you'll be in a position to meaningfully engage th dragons here.
mircea_popescu: ninjashogun for the other part of your question, i would say everyone speaking here knows a lot of math.
Duffer1: ninjashogun do you have any product at all atm to show?
copumpkin: ninjashogun: here's a cute way to compute shortest paths: http://r6.ca/blog/20110808T035622Z.html
mircea_popescu: ninjashogun they're also inclined to play, something vc's aren't normally. ATC got started because people were bored and so far cost about 50k or thereabouts.
mircea_popescu: ninjashogun people here are worth well over a billion all together.
copumpkin: so if ninjashogun can get it up and running, he'll have a lot of willing customers
mircea_popescu: ninjashogun but how do you account for flexibility in either side ?
mircea_popescu: ninjashogun specifically, what is the problem you are solving ?
greenspan_fan: ninjashogun the scraping part could be a thing unto itself
mircea_popescu: ninjashogun basically everyone's point is that regardless how you personally look at it, mathematic reality is accessible to everyone on their own terms.
copumpkin: ninjashogun: pagerank is a graph algorithm :)
Bones_: ninjashogun, will this site help me get laid
mircea_popescu: ninjashogun unless you manage to lay zuck you're not in this game.
Duffer1: ninjashogun tell us more about how to invest
mircea_popescu: hi ninjashogun