600 entries in 0.479s
asciilifeform: ninjashogun: you were just told why a 'security' gizmo in the shape of a card is inescapably worthless. care to disagree? or do you even read replies at all
asciilifeform: ninjashogun: what part of this crap do you imagine is patentable?
asciilifeform: ninjashogun: homework. determined the cost of, starting with nothing but idle hands, personally determining exactly what your 'yubikey' does.
moiety: your metaphors and sarcasm are very clear... a few lines later ninjashogun (yawn)
asciilifeform: ninjashogun: anyway, take this to the 'trezor' folks, not me. i've personally no interest in manufacturing 'lukewarm wallets.'
moiety: ninjashogun: i don't believe that's my place to do so
asciilifeform: ninjashogun: if you'd like to trick people, you've the wrong address
moiety: ninjashogun: i have no words. learn about how card processing works first?
moiety: ninjashogun: that was in no way, shape or form a serious comment. my apologies.
moiety: ninjashogun: all you need now is chip'n'pin for bitcoin and youre all set!
deadweasel: ninjashogun: we could use toe warmers?
asciilifeform: ninjashogun: from the point of a luser, a mercedes runs by dwarves under the hood turning a crank.
asciilifeform: ninjashogun: please take the time to learn something about how btc actually works
asciilifeform: ninjashogun: let's work through this. how do you propose the wallet machine is to be communicated with?
benderp: ninjashogun: ^^
benderp: ninjashogun: how could an offline device know its balance?
benderp: ninjashogun: the rational thing for long term btc holders is...
benderp: ninjashogun: another challenge is the backup and restoration problem.
moiety: otherwise ninjashogun people would be buying exact amounts for their purchases to get the best conversion
ninjashogun: deadweasel - fair enough, but I was just addressing "ninjashogun, no one buys bitcoin to buy things" - though to be fair ThickAsThieves probably meant to say that as a generalization, which is true.
ThickAsThieves: ninjashogun, no one buys bitcoin to buy things
deadweasel: ninjashogun: this is not jesus
deadweasel: ninjashogun: I don't
deadweasel: ninjashogun: the mental hurdles people put up for themselves are far higher than the small mental hurdles you have bounded to understand it.
deadweasel: ninjashogun, i seem to have lost you completely. but i know one thing, the last time I thought I had some insight on bitcoin I asked everyone here. turns out i was wrong.
deadweasel: honestly, i can't follow your ramblings at present, ninjashogun, how could you possibly explain it to a newbie?
deadweasel: ninjashogun, explain a bitcoin to a a newbie and then convince them to buy some.
asciilifeform: ninjashogun: 'Honest toil not so much, but honest cunning aplenty in this fabled subsection of the population, the offensively stupid poor. The costs of the strategic mistake of dealing with them are huge. Up until recently it was practically impossible to become embroiled into any sort of dealing with the subgroup, their ownership being strictly assumed and their lives strictly subsumed by the corporations com
asciilifeform: ninjashogun: see mp's piece on why it is unwise to become embroiled in the making of products for idiots.
benderp: ninjashogun: if you can't be bothered to respond to private conversations that you start, I don't see why I should arse myself to respond to your PMs.
asciilifeform: ninjashogun: this is catastrophically misguided.
asciilifeform: ninjashogun: i might theoretically, at some point, make something that fits this description, but the current product has nothing to do with bitcoin or wallets
asciilifeform: ninjashogun: i think you have the wrong address. that'd be 'trezor' et al.
asciilifeform: ninjashogun: who said i was involved in making a bitcoin-related anything?
moiety: ninjashogun: ok ok i clicked and i give up on any article that begins: "have you ever felt like......"
benderp: everyone i know who can afford a macintosh pays an accountant if they're not on salary, ninjashogun.
davout: ninjashogun: no, it's defaulting on debt, which can make sense :D
davout: ninjashogun: precisely because of tech debt
davout: ninjashogun: "improving their OS" and "creating a new solid OS" sounds like a difference in degree, not in kind
davout: ninjashogun: for the rest there's mastercard
Perlboy: ninjashogun, all of it. :)
moiety: ninjashogun: 100%
davout: ninjashogun: it can be debt in the sense that they have to keep backwards compatibility up to some level
Perlboy: ninjashogun, all of it.
Perlboy: ninjashogun, every system, windows.
davout: ninjashogun: except if you're considering the expense of time required to switch useful applications to better OSes
davout: ninjashogun: sounds like a point
moiety: ninjashogun, dear, when you begin by talking about incompetence of managers and people that make food... you cannot really switch to a whole company that is comprised of millions of them. #consistency
davout: ninjashogun: just because you're never going to repay it doesn't change the nature of a debt, it's still a debt
davout: ninjashogun: you may be confusing value with technical debt
Perlboy: ninjashogun, true, but then it's been rewritten what, 4 times now (3.11, 95, XP, 8)?
benderp: and yet ninjashogun those are the 'architects' out there in the wild, delivering value by your standards.
moiety: i totally agree with mike_c i think it would be a really interesting good thread ninjashogun go for it
Perlboy: ninjashogun, no they are typically promoted either a) Because they stroked egos and didn't create any issues [or covered them up to people who would be concerned] or b) Were found to be incompetent but were stuck in the organisation so were promoted to a position where they couldn't fuck things up
moiety: ninjashogun: yup 100% competent huh
mike_c: ninjashogun you should expound on this topic at length on bitcointalk.
moiety: ninjashogun: yes. go work in a hospital or government agency. competence in your definition = arselicking and shagging someone higher up
Perlboy: ninjashogun, 99% of managers are a case of shit floating.
benderp: no, you're a budding Jobs, right ninjashogun?
moiety: please tell me that was also sarcasm ninjashogun
moiety: ninjashogun: imo, you get people competent and incompetent in every field. competence is not something that comes with status. There are plenty of incompetent management in the world
benderp: ninjashogun: all the reading in the world, and look at the shitshow that's resulted.
moiety: people can be competent at producing food, building things... all the things you said ninjashogun
benderp: nonsense ninjashogun. a vanishingly thin slice of everyone is competent, and everyone else is constantly justifying their incompetence to themselves and each other.
mircea_popescu: ninjashogun anyway, you talk too much.
ThickAsThieves: ninjashogun ir probly furuknap or some other past annoyance
dignork: ninjashogun, but 1M$ is overestimation, if it costs 10K$, should you care?
dignork: ninjashogun, let's say it's a complicated attack, and it costs 1M$, which you don't have, then you can safely assume you shouldn't care :)
dignork: ninjashogun, c) they're idiots
dignork: ninjashogun, that's because a) people store useless trash on their systems and don't care/ b) they calculate the risks and live with it
dignork: ninjashogun, so you keep your key off your computer, to avoid exactly that
dignork: ninjashogun, as simple as possible, wifi transmitter on key-storage device will leak cpu state of key-handling process, game over.
BingoBoingo: ninjashogun: Maybe you are the wrong audience as you aren't concerned very far
asciilifeform: ninjashogun: your second homework is to play ussr national anthem using a pc, c or cpp program, and a shortwave radio.
asciilifeform: ninjashogun: your homework is to prove, given K bit rsa key with factors P,Q, there exists N, where N is number of bits you need to learn to factor into P,Q in polynomial time.
dignork: ninjashogun, you missed the point, transmission creates side-channel leak
asciilifeform: ninjashogun: you were told about 'nonstop' and continue to suggest radio transmitters. inattention, or willful ignorance ? ☟︎
dignork: ninjashogun, take RasPI, hook up wifi dongle and build one, maybe someone will buy, why arguing?
BingoBoingo: ninjashogun: I think the point of the Cardano is it serves people who can not even entirely trust the security of *nix systems
asciilifeform: ninjashogun: if you did not know the fact that a radio transmitter radiates not only what you want, but the state of nearby circuit, you know now.
BingoBoingo: ninjashogun: Or just blast the area with cheap crt tv's playing reality shows, sound off.
BingoBoingo: ninjashogun: Are you familiar with the actual concept of an airgap.
BingoBoingo: ninjashogun: I'm not defending his design. I'm am suggesting your "improvements" are abominable
dignork: ninjashogun, alternatively, you could tunnel over usb
BingoBoingo: ninjashogun: Have you considered that rather than leveraging a complex behemoth of other people's work which was produced with the potential of malice towards your intended cause, you could just make something simpler.
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: ninjashogun: remember to ground the faraday cage
asciilifeform: ninjashogun: cardano is optionally usable inside a faraday cage. put that in your pipe & smoke.
dignork: ninjashogun, your javascript is downloaded by firefox, from forgeable location ... p0wned
asciilifeform: ninjashogun: suggested experiment. take a radio transmitter (a household walkie-talkie will do) and transmit, with a computer sitting nearby. ☟︎
dignork: ninjashogun, your Firefox will trust almost any certificate, unless you'd verify it manually
BingoBoingo: ninjashogun: My concern with WiFi is packet capture.
asciilifeform: ninjashogun: wifi mitm takes all of five minutes to set up.
BingoBoingo: ninjashogun: I mean why not some sort of cable that might only incidentally happen to function as an antenna, for which shielding is possibly. WHy demand an active antenna throwing your bits around?
BingoBoingo: ninjashogun: Doesn't Wifi violate the intent of an airgap even if there is "air" involved
diametric: ninjashogun: but you do configure wifi secure? lol..
asciilifeform: ninjashogun: wifi. with ssl, right. troll much ?
asciilifeform: ninjashogun: not joke
mircea_popescu: ninjashogun people who don't have to supervise their own humours to please a third party behave differently than the us norm.
asciilifeform: ninjashogun: http://trilema.com/category/snsa/
asciilifeform: ninjashogun: it's on mp's site, he's co-author