16 entries in 0.47s

mircea_popescu: it's certainly evident in period napkin notations (because yes, stuff like asimov's productions are "the napkin doodles of scientific work") ; and strictly speaking there is exactly no difference between "sentient machine" and "
metastable strange". that's exactly what sentience fucking is,
metastable strange.
mircea_popescu: tell me this -- ever wondered why premature ejaculation is
metastable in the population ?
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform isn't the probability to find a
metastable state roughlt linear with system energy ?
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform: no need for the 74xx to melt - enough to 'get lucky' and reach a
metastable state in one or more switching elements << for pure wankeriferious interest : wouldn't supercooling it be a pill against all this ?