16 entries in 0.581s
asciilifeform: the tricky bit with experiments like that, is that if you fry it enuff you get sram cells that go metastable, rather than simply flip, and then all bets off
mircea_popescu: it's certainly evident in period napkin notations (because yes, stuff like asimov's productions are "the napkin doodles of scientific work") ; and strictly speaking there is exactly no difference between "sentient machine" and "metastable strange". that's exactly what sentience fucking is, metastable strange.
asciilifeform: the win, when there is a win, is that you can make the jesusbolt 'stateless', i.e. if particle whacks it, it resets and retries the last cycle rather than going into metastable strange
mircea_popescu: tell me this -- ever wondered why premature ejaculation is metastable in the population ?
a111: 10 results for "metastable", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=metastable
asciilifeform: !#s metastable
asciilifeform: (problem was , analogue rng's waveform, while meeting the signal voltage constraint, and even the rise/fall time constraints, sometimes does not meet the hold time constraint! and results in metastable state in digital chip it is connected to
a111: 7 results for "metastable", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=metastable
asciilifeform: !#s metastable
asciilifeform: if never metastable, then no
mircea_popescu: it actually can't ever be metastable can it.
asciilifeform: because an ordinary logic gate can enter a 'metastable' wedge-state if it is given a 'pathological' input transition (i.e. you try to use the output before the inputs are stable)
asciilifeform: but given example wasn't so bad, 'molten slag' is also a metastable state.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform isn't the probability to find a metastable state roughlt linear with system energy ?
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform: no need for the 74xx to melt - enough to 'get lucky' and reach a metastable state in one or more switching elements << for pure wankeriferious interest : wouldn't supercooling it be a pill against all this ?
asciilifeform: no need for the 74xx to melt - enough to 'get lucky' and reach a metastable state in one or more switching elements