8 entries in 0.583s
BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> !~later tell BingoBoingo where was that hoster that'll host peculiarly small boxes , that you were using back in the day ? i have a buncha http://btcbase.org/log/2017-12-19#1754247 that fit exactly those dimensions << I looked at "Mac Stadium" but ended up going with Joe's Datacenter before the payment portion of Joe's website went full NameCheap retard. ☝︎
a111: 5 results for "joe's datacenter", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=joe%27s%20datacenter
trinque: !#s joe's datacenter
mircea_popescu: trinque if it helps, the last that i see on the path to you is (joe's datacenter). is also allocated to them. however does not, it's "olympus corporation" of kiminobu eto, takuro watabe & toru yamaki whatever japanese company. why's that in there.
trinque: psa that joe's datacenter will happily stand up an openbsd box on the cheap
Framedragger: "trinque: Framedragger: if you get tired of aws, there's this cheap-as-shit DC called Joe's Datacenter I've been using" << sooo :) do you know by any chance if *they* are behind any stupid gear which may filter out mass scans?
a111: Logged on 2016-05-21 18:53 trinque: Framedragger: if you get tired of aws, there's this cheap-as-shit DC called Joe's Datacenter I've been using
trinque: Framedragger: if you get tired of aws, there's this cheap-as-shit DC called Joe's Datacenter I've been using ☟︎