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erlehmann: http://oglaf.com/porkchisel/
erlehmann: one of my favourites is the one with statues you can fuck
erlehmann: i am http://oglaf.com/honor/
erlehmann: phf deutsche haben sowieso keine ehre!
erlehmann: mircea_popescu what do you consider thorny?
erlehmann: i approve
erlehmann: grandfather was still alive, cowardly. ☟︎
erlehmann: punchline: everyone else on the photo was a very dead fighter.
erlehmann: he then went on to “this one wanted to become a submariner, this one wanted to become a war hero” etc. pp.
erlehmann: re fighter/faggot: when my grandfather was still alive, he showed me a photo from before the second world war. he was there as a young child with lots of other males.
erlehmann: that conflict → syria
erlehmann: re agency: i had a talk with a syrian electrical engineer yesterday. he needed a ride and explained that mostly young people flee that conflict because every side sees them as potential fighters. that was the moment where i decided that the neo-nazi meme “they wan't our jobs and our women” ascribed way too much agency to immigrants.
erlehmann: loaded question. probably because of whoever is in power there to make the clothing rules.
erlehmann: metaphorical dicks?
erlehmann: care to elaborate?
erlehmann: i was a wimp when i was 12.
erlehmann: i get the point
erlehmann: i observed differently, but my first girlfriend was probably some kind of underage succubus.
erlehmann: so maybe there's no empowerment going on there, just a slut filter being installed
erlehmann: regarding elective sexual behaviour, i observed people acting slutty if they know it is a) acceptable socially (i.e. their friends are doing it) b) they learn that it is possible (e.g. non-monogamy)
erlehmann: indeed
erlehmann: well, that would be one critique for the quota/empowerment thingy (would you say “quotatron”?): a theater for persons with characteristics might end up with persons that exhibits the characteristics, without changing something about society.
erlehmann: i see where you are going with this
erlehmann: mircea_popescu i get the car analogy. i would not ascribe agency to the car, therefore i might at best assume that car owners conform to their neighbours.
erlehmann: not sure if this can be called conforming
erlehmann: > We analysed time series of lizard scale colour dynamics over four years of their development and demonstrate that this pattern is produced by a cellular automaton (a grid of elements whose states are iterated according to a set of rules based on the states of neighbouring elements) that dynamically computes the colour states of individual mesoscopic skin scales to produce the corresponding macroscopic colour pattern.
erlehmann: money quote
erlehmann: mircea_popescu something like this, maybe? https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28406206 ☟︎
erlehmann: i do not feel confident enough in my knowledge about biology to be able to answer that one.
erlehmann: i guess were chatting about people conforming to their peers regarding elective behaviour. i think most do. if i understood you correctly, you do not share that opinion.
erlehmann: about the text?
erlehmann: i read that already
erlehmann: so
erlehmann: i get it
erlehmann: even more hilarious when companies narrow pool through “must live in SF”
erlehmann: failing to see the difference between “best who applied” and “best in industry” → back to logic school
erlehmann: i know this “we hire only the best” meme and would consider it dishonest, but maybe acceptable if used as idiot gauge.
erlehmann: ha
erlehmann: also women of either gender!
erlehmann: i read the airplane text. i like it, actually. tits-in-dirt accounting, breast-fixated fuckwits, slutty statistics – that text might fit into any queer zine for all the wrong reasons.
erlehmann: i just automated parts of it, that is why it took some time
erlehmann: ok
erlehmann: probably not. i have no idea what you are referring to right now.
erlehmann: care to explain?
erlehmann: i see stuff like that everywhere. might be confirmation bias, though.
erlehmann: mircea_popescu are you aware of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asch_conformity_experiments ?
erlehmann: why would one want to support other people if considering them fucktoys?
erlehmann: mircea_popescu i have problems parsing “i do not credit this because one whit.”
erlehmann: people often elect to do stupid shit because their peers do it. if a person during 1990ies looks like a member of the trenchcoat mafia on stock photos it is entirely possible that they came up with it independently. very unlikely, though.
erlehmann: but also: writer had no idea that welding was a good career option
erlehmann: implying injustice
erlehmann: note “It’s estimated that only 5% of welders in the U.S. are women.”
erlehmann: regarding welding: https://www.arc-zone.com/blog/carmenelectrode/about/tips-for-women-in-the-welding-industry/
erlehmann: regarding elective behaviour, peer pressure works
erlehmann: it actually turns me off if people instead of saying “no” outright start to tell a story about their issues i might or might not want to hear (even if true)
erlehmann: apologizing for such stuff
erlehmann: weirds me out
erlehmann: so for example a women came up to me and asked “can i smack your ass?”. i consented, she did just that. when i asked, if i can do the same to me, she declined. a weird moment occurred when she told me a few moments later that she only declined because she wanted to practice saying no.
erlehmann: or even saying no (which also is)
erlehmann: and still have problems asking (which is elective behaviour)
erlehmann: many people know this
erlehmann: i know i have no problems asking whatever, in most circumstances. EV of asking a person for sexual favors is positive in many situations.
erlehmann: like, making them able to
erlehmann: intro was teaching people about asking potentially offensive consent questions.
erlehmann: spoiler: i did not learn anything new
erlehmann: at the conference i was at the weekend there was a workshop on anal exploration
erlehmann: oh, people can be weird about stuff. peer pressure, etc. pp.
erlehmann: also i stopped attending the group soon after i learned about that
erlehmann: not at OWS, of course
erlehmann: asciilifeform i had such an experience in a group as well
erlehmann: my criticism regarding such stuff was that fixing the measured variable does not fix the injustice and might even create perverse incentives
erlehmann: re activism, i suspected quotas work like “we found that women talk significantly less in our gatherings than men, even though they represent ⅔ of in-group. this is an injustice. let's make a rule that men can't talk more, that'll fix it”
erlehmann: warm fuzzy feeling
erlehmann: or greedy
erlehmann: i did not donate. lesson: other people care about things i do not care about.
erlehmann: i once crowdfunded new underpants for a known troll who lost them during moving. people donated 300€.
erlehmann: originally i assumed that this kind of activism works like “i measured variable X, which is a proxy for injustice, let's just fix X by some means”
erlehmann: i suspect welding might not have enough prestige to get that attention. but that's speculation.
erlehmann: (well, that's *one* plausible story)
erlehmann: 1. person rarely sees black girls code 2. person decides this to be an injustice 3. person founds charity with intention to align world with personal sense of justice
erlehmann: mircea_popescu maybe that is exactly the point. making it happen, i mean.
erlehmann: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-05#1666164 << this seems to be some kind of virtue signaling? ☝︎
erlehmann: thx
erlehmann: i see.
erlehmann: what does “~” in front of a word mean? like here: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-05#1666145 ☝︎
erlehmann: asciilifeform i see the genius of the naming now, sane people can respond to such things with “i'd rather FUCKGOATS” and be right 100% of the time
erlehmann: ok, this is getting silly “curl https://rest.randomsanity.org/v1/q/12341234123412341234123412341234” returns true
erlehmann: … and on the second invocation it returns false. seems like a classic GET with side effects.
erlehmann: true
erlehmann: ; curl https://rest.randomsanity.org/v1/q/0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF
erlehmann: 1. put “rest” in URL. 2. ??? 3. RESTful service achieved
erlehmann: > https://rest.randomsanity.org/v1/q/$BYTES
erlehmann: the stupidity looks fractal to me
erlehmann: that seems like the more hilarious part of it
erlehmann: > Users of the Random Sanity Project can take those random numbers – from 16 to 64 bytes – and input them into the service, which will return a 'true' if the bytes look random, or a 'false' if the numbers don't.
erlehmann: thanks for helping
erlehmann: ok, this works
erlehmann: so was that all? if not, what could i do more? the instructions seem to end here http://trilema.com/2016/how-to-participate-in-the-affairs-of-the-most-serene-republic/#footnote_2_68942
erlehmann: that looks exactly like the fingerprint of the key i wish to use
erlehmann: !!register http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/B6uhP/?raw=true ☟︎