1119 entries in 0.195s
erlehmann: ok
erlehmann: seems i need to learn more about deedbot and then try again instead of wasting others time
erlehmann: i thought this was an ok answer http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-03#1665369 ☝︎
erlehmann: i have no idea. before i went to sleep it was telling me i need to register, when i was doing !!up – even though i had already.
erlehmann: that is incorrect behaviour, i presume?
erlehmann: weird
erlehmann: still 404
erlehmann: that is correct behaviour, i presume?
erlehmann: !!up
erlehmann: either extreme lag or me misunderstanding how deedbot works
erlehmann: when it breaks, you have proof that hoon cannot compile itself
erlehmann: asciilifeform as i understand it, “~/ %add” says “use the C implementation here”. fun exercise: remove ~/ digraphs until implementation breaks.
erlehmann: regarding urbit and hints: https://github.com/urbit/arvo/blob/master/sys/hoon.hoon#L25
erlehmann: thought a bit about it, have not met her since
erlehmann: e.g. had a 20 year old tell me recently that she would not meet me that often if she would expect that fucks would not be given
erlehmann: problem is, i err too often for my taste
erlehmann: cheap as in == easy to acquire
erlehmann: since i learned that sex is cheap i try to only fug with ppl who i would spent a similar amount of time with even if sex was not in the picture. turns out this is a good heuristic to avoid assholes.
erlehmann: the preference or the saying?
erlehmann: mircea_popescu also i prefer the ones that have interesting stuff to say.
erlehmann: well, i know that approach works. slowly, but it works. after a while you have a knot of people who hook up with each other.
erlehmann: mircea_popescu sounds depressingly heterosexual
erlehmann: worked like a charm
erlehmann: mircea_popescu i once was in a channel where the rule was that new members would only be full members if they are in the local hookup graph
erlehmann: bummer
erlehmann: oh i thought this might be a channel with sluts
erlehmann: asciilifeform maybe moldbug imagined himself steve jobs, who also sometimes lied brazenly.
erlehmann: asciilifeform but there is no recognizer. just a rune to tell the hoon interpreter to get fucked
erlehmann: trololo
erlehmann: so for example the markdown support? just joking, all of this is done by some C lib
erlehmann: but alas, it was just hints
erlehmann: in the beginning i thought jets would work like a recognizer + cache
erlehmann: lel
erlehmann: asciilifeform why don't you make FPGAs? or processors for that matter? starting with home computers?
erlehmann: at least use it often
erlehmann: you seem to like this word
erlehmann: asciilifeform source of liquishit?
erlehmann: trinque consider the following http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/DUowJ/?raw=true
erlehmann: but it did not help?
erlehmann: trinque i tried again and used --export-options export-minimal
erlehmann: trinque i do not understand
erlehmann: trinque 0x6468DB63F020E509 i guess ☟︎
erlehmann: trinque what is fp?
erlehmann: i like exhibitionists
erlehmann: mircea_popescu i think she thinks herself to be too modest. on the other hand, she has repeatedly told me she will not fuck me without me stating sexual interest, which in my experience people only do if they actually do think about fucking.
erlehmann: mircea_popescu i even linked the sharpie in pooper incident to convince her of your generosity.
erlehmann: mircea_popescu indeed i did.
erlehmann: BingoBoingo sorry no article for you today. am sleepy enough.
erlehmann: chinsaw :>
erlehmann: trinque so i just create an ascii armored pubkey export and try again?
erlehmann: but i disgress
erlehmann: “just don't hold it that way”
erlehmann: trinque may i suggest http://langsec.org/
erlehmann: trinque i see, that was the error apparently!
erlehmann: classic 2 idiots 1 thought
erlehmann: !!key BingoBoingo
erlehmann: BingoBoingo encrypted to whom?
erlehmann: trinque do you do full recognition before processing?
erlehmann: lol
erlehmann: in b4 deedbot's weird
erlehmann: BingoBoingo ok, where do i submit? or do i publish in my feed and it gets synced?
erlehmann: translating to a lot of canadian dollares
erlehmann: result is >60k ETH in limbo
erlehmann: > Our code didn't prefix the Hex string with 0x and when we upgraded Geth from 1.5.3 to 1.5.9 on the 24th of May, the SHA3 function call failed and our sweeper process then called the contract with an invalid data payload resulting in the ETH becoming trapped.
erlehmann: > The Web3 SHA3 implementation requires the Hex value to be prefixed with 0x - optional until Geth 1.5.6.
erlehmann: BingoBoingo https://www.reddit.com/r/ethereum/comments/6ettq5/statement_on_quadrigacx_ether_contract_error/
erlehmann: BingoBoingo ok, it is already on reddit, so not news
erlehmann: i think i can do one short hateful article about cryptoscamming before i sleep
erlehmann: submission where?
erlehmann: BingoBoingo all articles on the front page are from you. editor, edit thyself?
erlehmann: BingoBoingo does there exist a gatekeeping mechanism so that qntra does not drown in horsecock as kuro5hin did?
erlehmann: !!rate deedbot 1 Most likely a bot.
erlehmann: what is L1/L2?
erlehmann: oh
erlehmann: and L2 is amazon style recommendation?
erlehmann: wot connectivity i assume?
erlehmann: > Ostracism was crucially different from Athenian law at the time; there was no charge, and no defence could be mounted by the person expelled. The two stages of the procedure ran in the reverse order from that used under almost any trial system — here it is as if a jury are first asked "Do you want to find someone guilty?", and subsequently asked "Whom do you wish to accuse?"
erlehmann: if you got at least 3 people representing at least 33% of voting populace, exile!
erlehmann: because it was self-evident
erlehmann: and by “worked” i mean: no one complained that anyone should be kicked out
erlehmann: worked until the person hosting the bot killed it
erlehmann: if you pissed of a minority of users, a ban happened
erlehmann: in a channel i administered we had a ὀστρακισμός done by bot
erlehmann: does it have other functions useful for me in my current state?
erlehmann: nice
erlehmann: phf have you ever played “digital – a love story”? apparently christine love is too young, so she pieced together how 1989 looked through textfiles.com – http://scoutshonour.com/digital/
erlehmann: i registered with deedbot. so what changes now?
erlehmann: who is girl and what are the rules of the game?
erlehmann: thx
erlehmann: (and give me reason to)
erlehmann: unless you consider it sane
erlehmann: i assume FUCKGOATS does not help here?
erlehmann: asciilifeform how far along are you in implementing sane foundations for sane personal computing?
erlehmann: “avoid undefined behaviour” can mean “avoid C” http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-03#1665176 ☝︎
erlehmann: agree http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-03#1665167 ☝︎
erlehmann: so i guess whoever hates on undefined behavior hates some kinds of typing
erlehmann: during normal operation
erlehmann: allowing the compiler to infer that this does not happen, ever
erlehmann: i see it as a kind of type annotation
erlehmann: asciilifeform do you mean you need integer overflow or that it is difficult to check for it?