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erlehmann: ben_vulpes only that advertising industry is not trying to shame people into being thinner, but to dull their hideounsness
erlehmann: tbh, it probably isn't. i already spoiled the singular joke.
erlehmann: !!up js-of-mp
erlehmann: neither before or after that article contains word “jew”
erlehmann: js-of-mp no idea. article kind of dances around question if house owners would burn houses to evict less profitable renters, then interviews one guy who was entrapped to pay for fire. money quote: Gideon was jailed for 17 months. He hung around with the other Jewish prisoners. They were popular. Gideon says the non-Jewish inmates would ask their advice on starting businesses or trading currencies.
erlehmann: seems that in soviet america, arson is even weirder http://www.gq.com/story/san-francisco-is-burning
erlehmann: Framedragger they once tried to pander to people like you and do arthouse gaming. newbies stopped playing, now they limit complexity to attract new marks.
erlehmann: seems wotc got it right http://mtg.gamepedia.com/Substance > Substance is an obsolete keyword ability that had no inherent effect.
erlehmann: js-of-mp i have never seen burning shitbag. it also means person has to be home.
erlehmann: phf i see!
erlehmann: i often have the problem that i describe a position and then people think i support it. i stopped describing moldbug's ramblings because of that, though i find urbit in particular a quite good idiot test.
erlehmann: phf btw is there any way i could have phrased it differently so that “berliners hate tourists and airbnb in particular” could not have been interpreted as “i hate tourists and airbnb in particular”?
erlehmann: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-23#1673846 << a type of situation, where if you are clever enough to react in a calm and decisive manner, you are probably not obnoxious enough to end up in it ☝︎
erlehmann: i'll read the log again to maybe get a clear picture
erlehmann: i mean, err, discussion.
erlehmann: oh, i enjoy conflict.
erlehmann: trinque i don't actually want to have a conversation about invasion, because i don't particularly care. i came here because of the v versionatron and because i liked the attitude behind that.
erlehmann: ben_vulpes i think identifying as trans-black or something might top it, depending on circumstances
erlehmann: Framedragger it is the one where vampires can't do VR because they have autism and see the pixels.
erlehmann: trinque “grandmother-pleasing behavior”?
erlehmann: Framedragger let me retaliate: http://www.rifters.com/real/Blindsight.htm
erlehmann: vice forgot to include that ethereum transactions are indeed reverseable, but only when core developers lose money.
erlehmann: right?
erlehmann: asciilifeform you mean conflict is classist, not racist.
erlehmann: Framedragger URL?
erlehmann: directed by m. night. shyamalan.
erlehmann: Framedragger i actually meant “i had not noticed to that extent until now how tolkien tells a story that can be seen as a race war”
erlehmann: e.g. i rarely encounter black people when going to the supermarket
erlehmann: fact of the matter is i have not enough reference points
erlehmann: asciilifeform i enjoy turkish and kurdish food, but otherwise, no idea.
erlehmann: asciilifeform i spent years of my youth in a remote boarding school inside an old monastery building. not many turks or africans there.
erlehmann: well, i think when i arrive people often tend to think i want to convince them of something. i often do not want and do not care as much as other think i do.
erlehmann: rohirrim are even described as white-skins, no?
erlehmann: i think it is fairly plausible that the description of “orcs” can be read as some kind of blatant racism – “black-skinned”, “brutish”, “slant-eyed” … ☟︎
erlehmann: compare, e.g. amount of vegetation inside city with other german cities. berlin has much more.
erlehmann: berlin is special, partially because both east and west used it to show off. ☟︎
erlehmann: trinque it is about the specific history of berlin.
erlehmann: fefe also made a podcast in 2017 with the same guy (andrej holm) https://alternativlos.org/40/
erlehmann: if you understand german, i can recommend this about gentrification (from 2010) https://www.kuechenstud.io/kuechenradio/episode/kr268-gentrifizierung/
erlehmann: tourists are worse in every way ☟︎
erlehmann: they have skin in the game, so to say
erlehmann: trinque refugees intend to become residents, not transients.
erlehmann: point is, it is not only working class.
erlehmann: the trivial solution is piss disc
erlehmann: des pudels kern!
erlehmann: i'd also avoid berlin hacker gatherings
erlehmann: prepare to get fleeced
erlehmann: on the other side of the street the drink will cost half as much, but what do you know, tourist! ☟︎
erlehmann: and they'll smile and take all your money
erlehmann: because you'll ask it in a cafe
erlehmann: ah no, that will work
erlehmann: a suitcase on wheels marks a person like a shitstain on their pants
erlehmann: if, on the other hand, you are looking to experience tourist hate, take an airbnb in mitte, in the vincinity of st. oberholz. take a wheelie case and new apple devices with you.
erlehmann: as i said: as a tourist, i probably would not choose airbnb in berlin. reason is that the strategy is working. less stressful to book hotel room or hostel.
erlehmann: i think it is not about rent per se. it is about long-term renting.
erlehmann: and are on the average much bigger assholes than people living there.
erlehmann: more generally, communities. tourists use infrastructure, but do not always pay taxes.
erlehmann: ben_vulpes local paupers
erlehmann: took me some time to understand that.
erlehmann: it is most likely a tactical action to make you go away.
erlehmann: example: burning cars. if your car is insured and it burns, that is not vandalism. ☟︎
erlehmann: it is just that berliners have a very good understanding of how to make people fuck off
erlehmann: so i guess motivation is low
erlehmann: but i also don't have airnbn next door
erlehmann: joke's on you, i don't do such stuff
erlehmann: basically, if you want to go cheap: go to a hostel, rent a room for 4 or 6.
erlehmann: let's say i heard stories. or saw stuff. who knows!
erlehmann: i could not possibly comment on that
erlehmann: also, did you know that frozen piss can be shoved under a door and seep into the carpet?
erlehmann: by passion, i mean: some door locks are faulty and seem to spontaneously fail in the middle of the night, when you come back to the ap. ☟︎
erlehmann: b) many airbnb guests behave in such an obnoxious way that entirely unpolitical people living in the same house hate them with a passion. ☟︎
erlehmann: furthermore, two observations, one on a systemic, one on an individual level: a) airbnb drives up rents, because it is much more profitable to (illegally) rent on airbnb than to (legally) rent to someone long-term. transients always spend more money then residents.
erlehmann: re scammy: read reviews and think if an airbnb host with that name really exists. it may or may not do you any harm if “sarah” never shows up and is in fact a front for some rent-seeking dude.
erlehmann: i have a single, very important berlin tourism tip. avoid airbnb (and similar things) to the strongest extent possible. there are only a few faster ways to make enemies, like putting on a police uniform and visiting rigaer straße alone in the middle of the night.
erlehmann: looking for rave culture. are you some kind of rave-apologist? maybe even a gang rave!
erlehmann: Framedragger where will you stay? type of venue / part of city?
erlehmann: about berlin
erlehmann: Framedragger i can give advice, but first specify what kind of advice
erlehmann: Framedragger each cell in minetest is potentially a lua program
erlehmann: (apparently: minecraft clone. actually: generalized networked 3d cellular automata engine.)
erlehmann: it remindes me of my work on minetest, years ago
erlehmann: who of you except mp works on minigame?
erlehmann: mod6 sorry then i assumed the latter (even though the keys are right next to each other)
erlehmann: no further questions then
erlehmann: urgs
erlehmann: but maybe you know better
erlehmann: asciilifeform what do you use as shell? i use rc shell, because grammar fits in head (actually, grammar is written on man page).
erlehmann: mod6 did you mean „word“ or „weird“?
erlehmann: where do you need them?
erlehmann: it's not? most i3 users have no use for draggable windows. the maemo wm (i forgot its name) also has none.
erlehmann: mod6 mouse-wm means mouse can have two modi. managing windows and managing application.
erlehmann: indeeed
erlehmann: actually
erlehmann: it's <8k of C
erlehmann: it seems way less than 100kb of c. but then there are libs.
erlehmann: this is what a friend of mine wrote: https://github.com/plomlompom/PlomWM/blob/master/plomwm.c
erlehmann: source?
erlehmann: i see
erlehmann: well, they are optional. they are used because i3 can not only tile windows, but also tab them. and float them, if you *really* want to.
erlehmann: asciilifeform you probably hate plan9