1119 entries in 0.149s
erlehmann: if you don't like undefined behaviour, don't write undefined behaviour
erlehmann: i don't get the hate against optimizing c compilers at all ☟︎
erlehmann: make the culture palatable to the businesspeople
erlehmann: open source : free software :: “new wave” : punk
erlehmann: judas goat, that is harsh. and to the point.
erlehmann: asciilifeform i also have no gnomes.
erlehmann: if i was sufficiently bored, i would do the same to systemd
erlehmann: reason: i wrote a vintage filter for GNOME 3 when i discovered their screenshot app has a postprocessing step. i submitted patch and one person saw it as the garbage it was intended as, but then others were like WHAT A COOL EASTER EGG MERGE.
erlehmann: if you have GNOME 3, you have software on your computer that i wrote as a joke
erlehmann: i sometimes tell that to hipsters.
erlehmann: rms is pretty charismatic btw. would meet again, even if i can guess i will not learn much.
erlehmann: like, for the experience?
erlehmann: nope. should i?
erlehmann: but apparently i do not know my history
erlehmann: i knew about the patreon page and thought he was just unemployable maybe?
erlehmann: i thought a bit and decided that person would probably eat shit if it promised riches.
erlehmann: a guy i know told me he put 600€ in ETH and 400€ in BTC. without a concrete plan, of course.
erlehmann: in the end he got paid for that
erlehmann: for some people it brings ease
erlehmann: classic moldbug
erlehmann: “if the above makes sense to you, do not attempt revolution, sit in your chair and await certain death”
erlehmann: “this is how bitcoin dies” and “we'll make our system so the state can censor everything with ease”
erlehmann: ah yes
erlehmann: i always thought it piggybacked on bitcoins marketing.
erlehmann: asciilifeform how should urbit ever affect bitcoin?
erlehmann: reaction: when moldbuggery starts making sense, stop looking at it.
erlehmann: and where the impedance mismatches came from.
erlehmann: and what it should do.
erlehmann: like, not the code. but i started to understand hoon digraphs.
erlehmann: my worst urbit moment: after i read some hoon language code i started to understand it. immediately decided to no longer look at the stuff.
erlehmann: i must admit moldbug is pretty good at creating memetic hazards
erlehmann: oh, but it has not ended yet! i am sure there can be at least one other unlaunch and relaunch
erlehmann: on the other hand, i successfully used “see, this guy sold his dukedom in 2013” as argument to convince someone that urbit is of no use ☟︎
erlehmann: and then lost interest quickly
erlehmann: especially since i had followed the urbit story at that time
erlehmann: asciilifeform my fault. i should have assumed differently.
erlehmann: :D
erlehmann: in 133t
erlehmann: “5K” looks like “SK”
erlehmann: asciilifeform maybe that is it why it is nock 5K!
erlehmann: phf please do not devote time to debugging. but is the result of nock([57 [4 [0 1]]]) NOT 58?
erlehmann: a simple task, really. and one i have used to mock the workings of nock (heh)
erlehmann: where he asked people to decrement with only addition
erlehmann: i remember that blog post i think
erlehmann: right?
erlehmann: ah, for decrement
erlehmann: asciilifeform why then buy a dukedom?
erlehmann: asciilifeform how long did it take you to discover that urbit was built on sand? less than a year probably, going from the date on the blog post.
erlehmann: that being said, back to the topic at hand: intellectual dishonesty
erlehmann: as far as i can remember, i actually used it for debugging
erlehmann: the beginning of nock.sed has a label “: reduce” and a single “p” command (“print the current pattern space”)
erlehmann: but it comes naturally when you are working with sed(1)
erlehmann: probably
erlehmann: asciilifeform my implementation has the questionable benefit of seeing each step of the reduction rules being applied. screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/qh3zvSv.png
erlehmann: http://news.dieweltistgarnichtso.net/bin/nock.sed
erlehmann: turns out changing the order of reduction rules is a problem in that case
erlehmann: just to illustrate you can get by with search-and-replace if your spec looks like that
erlehmann: funnily enough, my incomplete nock 5k implementation in sed(1) was a rough transliteration of the nock 5k spec
erlehmann: https://github.com/urbit/urbit/issues/14
erlehmann: i am of the impression that any change to nock 5k should have become nock 4k, if goldbug were following his self-proclaimed principles, correct?
erlehmann: or, for that matter, the silent bugfixing of nock 5k … without adjusting the temperature.
erlehmann: oh, that. well, i would argue the hints in hoon are enough to discount that stuff.
erlehmann: broken foundations
erlehmann: i agree with your assessment of urbit btw
erlehmann: i know that
erlehmann: asciilifeform i think one of the reasons why i thought it was satire was “Make RSA Great Again”
erlehmann: at least i am not aware of garbagemen having groupies
erlehmann: it seems that it is not for other people.
erlehmann: sorry, am sleepy
erlehmann: wait, no, not taking out the trash. whatever it is called when they pick up trash cans.
erlehmann: programming (to me) is a blue collar job, like taking out the trash.
erlehmann: btw, most problem's do not feel interesting to me and programming is not fun.
erlehmann: asciilifeform i have probably done more work on automatically capturing non-existence dependencies in real-world usecases (which seems also trivial, in retrospect) – so is it now my idea? why should i care what the guy says if he does not followup with code?
erlehmann: also non-existence dependencies. yeah, i read it at djb's website, but if his implementation does not exist (not published = not existing in practical terms), i don't care about his opinions regarding that.
erlehmann: however, having a single command in a build script that says “rebuild the target, then rebuild the current target” seems trivial in comparison.
erlehmann: often not, yes. to understand why URbit is designed in such an idiosyncratic way, i always suggest to read unqualified reservations first.
erlehmann: i come from imageboard culture, where discussions only devolved into shitting on each other if a person was assuming a name
erlehmann: just redo
erlehmann: i have no interest in arguing about djb's merits tbh
erlehmann: bloodletting, yes. there are rare diseases where it can work: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hemochromatosis
erlehmann: but then again i was sceptical of weev's aryan awakening at first as well
erlehmann: i believed the suggestion to let NIST generate your private key was sarcasm
erlehmann: i think it is like fefe said: a) tenure b) does not care
erlehmann: but he seems responsive in person
erlehmann: djb also never answered my mail regarding redo
erlehmann: it is a rendering of dependencies behind http://news.dieweltistgarnichtso.net/bin/
erlehmann: asciilifeform for a website case, see some output of redo-dot(1) http://daten.dieweltistgarnichtso.net/pics/graphs/redo/bin-dependencies.png
erlehmann: phf i believe redo is an unpolished gem. sadly, many people implement it ALMOST correctly and then do something stupid
erlehmann: maximum bloat
erlehmann: in my opinion, having python and sqlites as dependencies is a massive no-go for a build system.
erlehmann: and by ”massively shitty” i mean apenwarr used sqlite because “filesystem is slow of course”. turns out 300 lines of shell script are faster than more than double that amount of python if you actually benchmark and not talk out of your own ass.
erlehmann: phf if you want to learn about redo, i suggest to: 1. read djb's notes. 2. read http://news.dieweltistgarnichtso.net/bin/redo-sh.html and my man page 3. avoid apenwarr's unmaintained implementation (it is the only one that got some popularity, but massively shitty)
erlehmann: second: “i have written a redo implementation, does it work correctly?”, i again lost him. he suggested to meet at a place at a time during the conference and i thought i knew the place but apparently i erred because there was no place with the name i thought he had said.
erlehmann: first: “where is your redo implementation?”, i believe his answer was like “has to be cleaned up before release” or something before i stupidly decided to come back later bcause he was answering crypto questions
erlehmann: i had two interactions with djb regarding that
erlehmann: i suspect he has at least a prototype, but he has never published it. reason: i found dofiles in some stuff about elliptic curves.
erlehmann: i think the main reason for me implementing and using redo is that the scripts work fine without all the logic. it is just an optimization.
erlehmann: as the saying goes in german: wenn du einen hammer hast, kannst du die ganze welt nageln!
erlehmann: regarding redo: needing dependencies is not limited to compiling programs. datasets are also something. i build my website with redo. i have managed converted media files with redo. i would not want to wait hours for the re-encoding of each file every time i rebuild a web site.
erlehmann: rc shell grammar is listed on the man page. very small. nice. monkey like.