800+ entries in 0.037s
erlehmann: but then those are the ones urging ppl to upload ther private keys
erlehmann: about as useful as tingling feeling in butt
erlehmann: asciilifeform crypto cranks need no proofs. take https://keybase.io/triplesec/ – money quote: “We don't have any exact proof of security for a cascade of block ciphers in CTR mode. But we're pretty sure”
erlehmann: asciilifeform wiles announced proofs at math conference, no?
erlehmann: perelmanned?
erlehmann: i guess trisectorball cannot into hilbert space
erlehmann: > the author has never made a study of these branches of learning
erlehmann: y
erlehmann: http://web.mst.edu/~lmhall/WhatToDoWhenTrisectorComes.pdf
erlehmann: i remember reading an article about the trisectors
erlehmann: i wonder what “simple” in that sentence would mean. short? or “i have a beautiful solution but it does not fit into the margin of this input field”?
erlehmann: i guess with immutable inputs, redo would not be necessary. ☟︎
erlehmann: care to extrapolate your onions?
erlehmann: from coreutils
erlehmann: do you have an opionion on GNU tsort?
erlehmann: yet outputs can change based on e.g. newly introduced inputs
erlehmann: seems sensible
erlehmann: i see
erlehmann: metadata cleanup, maybe.
erlehmann: okay, but then one of the converted ones changes.
erlehmann: how would you structure it? programmatically, it does not matter if there are 3 videos or 30000, a “partial build” just converts the ones that need converting and uploading.
erlehmann: well, full rebuilds are infeasible, in terms of time and computing power resources i have available
erlehmann: a bot i wrote, that travels PubMed Central open access publications, takes supplementary materials, fixes common errors in metadata, converts the files to other formats and uploads them.
erlehmann: most of those are audio or video files. every format conversion is a build
erlehmann: current number of files that OAMI converted and uploaded to wikimedia commons stands at 35646
erlehmann: so redo turns the process on its head: build is atomic, but redo only claims to have a tree when all is built.
erlehmann: think of TeX requiring at least three compiles until layout becomes stable
erlehmann: the point of redo vs. make is that make does the same: build tree, walk tree. the problem is that this may need in a second treewalking phase and a third etc. pp. until the build becomes stable
erlehmann: toposort
erlehmann: i did and asked to clarify
erlehmann: asciilifeform there might be one detail why it is possible to make a v maketron, but no v redotron. does v try to work out all dependencies before processing?
erlehmann: 0000000 fb ef be
erlehmann: ; printf '++++' | base64 -d | od -t x1
erlehmann: actually, ++++ is a valid base64 input
erlehmann: asciilifeform thanks for giving an example regarding +++
erlehmann: the part from “while read dt source tr _;” on is solely to prevent bad stuff happening
erlehmann: well, epigraph has a preamble that parses input http://news.dieweltistgarnichtso.net/bin/epigraph
erlehmann: well, full recognition before processing.
erlehmann: asciilifeform i often do stuff in shell because major implementations fuck it up. this, for example: http://news.dieweltistgarnichtso.net/bin/unicode
erlehmann: thinking about the grammar of vpatches made me come here
erlehmann: i think it's subtly wrong btw
erlehmann: same problem domain, simple problem, DON'T TASE ME BRO
erlehmann: in terms of v, i have only produced this piece of questionable sanity http://news.dieweltistgarnichtso.net/bin/vdiff
erlehmann: but that's my need. i was scratching my own itch.
erlehmann: i have a single phone with no bourne shell and two others that have it.
erlehmann: i chose bourne shell specifically because redo runs everywhere and i consider it stupid to need a C++ compiler or python interpreter for building stuff.
erlehmann: i am willing to abandon my redo efforts if v maketron suits my needs better. does there exist a v implementation in <500 lines of shell? ☟︎
erlehmann: i understand completely
erlehmann: apart from separation of concerns (tree-walking vs. invoked programs), what other gains are to be had by using a hypothetical v maketron instead of the existing redo maketron?
erlehmann: i see the overlap
erlehmann: non-existence dependencies are leaf nodes, so tree-walking stops there
erlehmann: so v is more like a reverse epigraph, in my understanding
erlehmann: i was of the impression that it presses a specific view of the world out of a) source code b) patches c) wot
erlehmann: asciilifeform i am curious, how does v walk dependencies and non-existence dependencies related to files?
erlehmann: make lulz
erlehmann: makelucz
erlehmann: and the makefile only builds the project on every second invocation
erlehmann: but the cmake scripts don't work well
erlehmann: it has cmake scripts and a makefile
erlehmann: shinohai for a massive real-world C++ workload, build https://github.com/linleyh/liberation-circuit
erlehmann: i have yet to see a build system that can do so much in so few lines of code
erlehmann: reading the text explains that statement
erlehmann: if your build-system is not recording two dozen dependency relationship for a simple hello world program, it is pretty much a non-build-system
erlehmann: shinohai you can see here why redo is superior by far http://news.dieweltistgarnichtso.net/posts/redo-gcc-automatic-dependencies.html#dependency-graph-visualization ☟︎
erlehmann: shinohai faster smaller and more reliable than make
erlehmann: shinohai http://news.dieweltistgarnichtso.net/bin/redo-sh.html
erlehmann: > Makefiles ☟︎
erlehmann: sina http://langsec.org/occupy/
erlehmann: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-26#1674429 << “of course i've validated my input, officer, i swear” ☝︎
erlehmann: sina have you checked all your input against a formal grammar today? ☟︎
erlehmann: “… und was sich reimt, ist gut!”
erlehmann: rhymes, even!
erlehmann: http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=%22not+in+wot%22
erlehmann: i wonder if it was intended as genuine satire or more as clickbait to get advertising dollars
erlehmann: BingoBoingo medusa magazine seems pretty reasonable, indeed https://medusamagazine.com/youre-a-bigot-if-you-wouldnt-have-sex-with-a-gay-friend ☟︎
erlehmann: safe, sane, consensual (choose max. 2)
erlehmann: http://trilema.com/2014/consent-is-a-myth-lets-see-how-it-came-to-be/ << i did not know what to make of mp's idiosyncratic writing style at first, but this what i'll show people if they question the “queer zine for the 1%” line.
erlehmann: also most compose key sequences are just overlaying of characters, compose + - makes ±
erlehmann: modality is limited, that's why i asked
erlehmann: asciilifeform but compose C C C P makes ☭
erlehmann: asciilifeform so for example compose and - and > makes →
erlehmann: asciilifeform kind of mod key: 1. press compose key. 2. press at least two other keys in succession 3. get glyph that makes sense
erlehmann: in terms of machine being predictable etc.
erlehmann: asciilifeform totally unrelated, what is your opinion about compose key?
erlehmann: because poor → no illusions about self-worth?
erlehmann: on that note, my pronouns are haltstopp and blitzkrieg
erlehmann: trinque omg raCIS-male!!!
erlehmann: but why short dude?
erlehmann: next up: Framedragger comes to town, ends up in bed with jacob applebaum, writes seven blog posts about it because that is what j.k. rowling did (right?).
erlehmann: js-of-mp i don't particularly care. germans weirdly enough use “refugees” (older german: „flüchtling“ newer german: “geflüchtete”). i finally understood the orc metaphor, that was the point of the statement.
erlehmann: i guess the point was that she did not catch feelings. i know that type and keep away now.
erlehmann: worst story of that type was that i once got a lecture how prostitution is bad, because the woman who told me that had done it and never found love (abridged, but probably truthful enough). meanwhile, other people rather fuck for money than work as a waiter.
erlehmann: js-of-mp misunderstanding. i like slutty behaviour. but if you want something else than sex, don't be disappointed if slutty behaviour results in sex.
erlehmann: looking for hugs? don't act slutty so you get some. there are other ways.
erlehmann: i think nowadays no fucks would be given. X Y problem.
erlehmann: later i realized that while i gave her an orgasm, i should have given her a hug. i'm so mean!
erlehmann: eh, it's not always unspoken. one woman told me that one reason she fucks around would be that “it's hard to find intimacy while travelling any other way”. because, you know, fucking strangers is a real intimate thing!
erlehmann: Framedragger very old card. but check out how name, illustration and database id align: http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Discussion.aspx?multiverseid=1488
erlehmann: “you are fat? well, you can still be fat and feeeel beautiful, just eat shit!”