13 entries in 0.223s
asciilifeform: 'hey, i heard you wrote something about music, i'm gonna start a band' 'what instruments do you play' 'i'm gonna bang two rocks together' 'y'know, it is not easy to tune these' 'eh, if i feel the pain, i have a stringless fiddle in my attic i might play with'
asciilifeform: nah it's just this old skull attic furniture, this rhyme.
asciilifeform: it works just as well in attic.
asciilifeform: what if in his attic ?
asciilifeform: the one with the attic cache
asciilifeform: $s from:asciilifeform attic
asciilifeform: lel for a second i thought mircea_popescu dug up the photo of asciilifeform's attic posted last year !!
asciilifeform: 'who is selling 800k of coin? not usg!111 you hatefact-peddling nazi. it's this bloke in his attic'
asciilifeform: attic is not hermetically sealed.
asciilifeform: has an attic, which is entirely unsuitable for electronics
asciilifeform: it is typically built as a system of wall ducts/grilles and massive blower in the cellar (in my case, attic)
asciilifeform: (converted attic)
asciilifeform: people in the 'iron curtain' lands still often find 'grandfather's schmeisser' in the attic, etc.