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BlueMeanie4: the disparity in attitudes is just tremendous
BlueMeanie4: 1989? here's what we were doing http://media.giphy.com/media/xDrn9oG797R96/giphy.gif
BlueMeanie4: something like that ya
BlueMeanie4: he wrote this great article on 'dofenism' one of my favs
BlueMeanie4: i like Orlov
BlueMeanie4: they've lived in uber-affluence for decades
BlueMeanie4: mostly for the first time in their lives
BlueMeanie4: Americans are about to get a taste of all this
BlueMeanie4: when did romania collapse exactly?
BlueMeanie4: actually no, i have a clamshell
BlueMeanie4: meanwhile the Californians are like: but it's got Flappybird!
BlueMeanie4: its just getting totally nuts here, you have to scotch tape the camera on your cell phone so they dont turn it on and record you
BlueMeanie4: only IRC
BlueMeanie4: its edgy but wow, explains a lot if true
BlueMeanie4: MP: ever seen these videos? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SZnkULuWFDg
BlueMeanie4: just the low level morons will get hung
BlueMeanie4: ya but its getting so obvious at this point, many ppl are like- ok whats going to happen now, total breakdown?
BlueMeanie4: youre never one to hold back on graphic imagry
BlueMeanie4: true true
BlueMeanie4: undata, oh im sure about that
BlueMeanie4: everyone accept this at this point
BlueMeanie4: this place has become a !@#$ing nut house in the past 15 years
BlueMeanie4: i think there is a long term plan to break down america
BlueMeanie4: maybe for you, but the average mouthbreathing american goes by TV or Twitter feed
BlueMeanie4: tells you that the agenda here is something quite different. They WANT tensions- that is the goal
BlueMeanie4: just watch that video i posted. many regular black ppl think this is bogus, but they suppress that
BlueMeanie4: the Russians I think are running this
BlueMeanie4: i think personally they want to bring it to such high crisis level they can totally remake US govt.
BlueMeanie4: i imagine as a Romanian you are not exactly keen on 'greater Russia'?
BlueMeanie4: ukraine is perfect example dude
BlueMeanie4: definitely tensions building up EDL, etc.
BlueMeanie4: and there will be riots there too
BlueMeanie4: undata- for sure
BlueMeanie4: the UNHCR was invented specifically for Palestinians
BlueMeanie4: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gc0bINh22Wc
BlueMeanie4: you just dont hear from those ppl
BlueMeanie4: there are plenty of black ppl who think all this is ridiculous
BlueMeanie4: in engineering these problems
BlueMeanie4: and its not 'equality'
BlueMeanie4: there's a clear agenda here
BlueMeanie4: personally, I think Russia has a hand in all this
BlueMeanie4: demographically practically different planets
BlueMeanie4: the whole thing is a massive media manipulation stunt, seems we get one every few months these days
BlueMeanie4: daniel can tell you what KFC is
BlueMeanie4: any Americans in the house?
BlueMeanie4: if they close KFC, yes
BlueMeanie4: mkay
BlueMeanie4: 'here's our WOT- figger it out bitches!'
BlueMeanie4: well that aint gonna get ya users now will it? ;)
BlueMeanie4: ok so it should be un userfriendly?
BlueMeanie4: Iphone ... as in trendy tracking device?
BlueMeanie4: haah
BlueMeanie4: a
BlueMeanie4: greetings folks
BlueMeanie4: hello from Murica
BlueMeanie4: no not suggesting these two groups of sociopaths are related
BlueMeanie4: these guys are real class act
BlueMeanie4: and then started getting hacked + threats a few days later
BlueMeanie4: recently Jeff Garzik pointed out that their distributed object code doesnt match their source code
BlueMeanie4: you obviously dont follow my twitter
BlueMeanie4: you could be working on a software project with a serial killer for all you know
BlueMeanie4: all these ppl hiding behind anonymity- you really no idea who youre talking to
BlueMeanie4: just sort of conjured up some of my recent experiences with NXT ppl
BlueMeanie4: just goes to show how pathetic some of these anonymous voices actually are in real life
BlueMeanie4: anyway interesting article http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2013/09/homeless-hacker-commander-x-quits-anonymous-retreats-to-robot-lab/
BlueMeanie4: you should !up me after I see what the subject matter is
BlueMeanie4: the greatest new crypto coin in the world- not allowed to say anything negative
BlueMeanie4: polyannacoin
BlueMeanie4: im a crypto expert, I also double a circus sideshow freak and a professional craft beer taster
BlueMeanie4: does everyone have a gimmick these days?
BlueMeanie4: possibilitiarian
BlueMeanie4: hey, just writing up some stuff on NXT @ reddit
BlueMeanie4: ok so we still think anonymous assassinations are great?
BlueMeanie4: youre correct on that
BlueMeanie4: no excommunicated
BlueMeanie4: everyone knows that if you keep sailing west you will fall off the edge of the world and dragons will eat you
BlueMeanie4: he was so annoying
BlueMeanie4: like Galileo
BlueMeanie4: especially the part about burning heretics at the stake
BlueMeanie4: that was my favorite medieval century
BlueMeanie4: i cant wait
BlueMeanie4: it would? the lords are the ones with the money remember?
BlueMeanie4: otherwise its cement shoes for you! yay lolbertarianism
BlueMeanie4: therefore if you dont have a high life-value rating, you shouldnt express your opinions
BlueMeanie4: every person can have an entry on the block chain that indicates the current value of their life
BlueMeanie4: hold on so its not dangerous because 'the market' will weed out any undesirable assassinations?
BlueMeanie4: or maybe we can pool our money and have your unpopular opinion elimated for good if you catch my meaning?
BlueMeanie4: if you cant see the obvious problem with that im not going to run down that road with you
BlueMeanie4: seems these perpetual adolescents who browse 4chan think an anonymous assassination market would be real swell
BlueMeanie4: there are some real dangers were facing with these things
BlueMeanie4: per share? what if theres a split?
BlueMeanie4: it should be calculated according to total market cap , no?
BlueMeanie4: re. that Berkshire bet
BlueMeanie4: the truth has been written down many times, the technology we used to write it wasn't the problem :)
BlueMeanie4: its hard to see, but it's very biased
BlueMeanie4: i noticed wikipedia's slow demise at least 5 years ago
BlueMeanie4: for sure
BlueMeanie4: meanwhile it's got NSA and friends written all over it from day one.
BlueMeanie4: ppl think they are the last word on anything
BlueMeanie4: Google has become WAY too powerful