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BlueMeanie4: bitcoin
BlueMeanie4: then somewhere between '13 and '14 they want batshit insane about all these other ideas
BlueMeanie4: its starting to become clear that the whole thing was a ponzi to begin with
BlueMeanie4: lost more than 30% of its value
BlueMeanie4: so who thinks bitcoin is going to crash further?
BlueMeanie4: a federated Wot?
BlueMeanie4: hyporcubez
BlueMeanie4: do you hate america Daniel?
BlueMeanie4: what are the prices for that
BlueMeanie4: ive been making Bitcoin comics https://twitter.com/BlueMeanie4/status/563787262559678464
BlueMeanie4: greetings
BlueMeanie4: most of them are in Berlin
BlueMeanie4: and all the agencies surrounding this project
BlueMeanie4: lots of really interesting info coming out re. Tor
BlueMeanie4: anyone in Germany?
BlueMeanie4: anyway, huge frauds afoot
BlueMeanie4: im hoping this isnt the chitlins pic
BlueMeanie4: what are the good ones
BlueMeanie4: whats the word?
BlueMeanie4: seasons greetings freinds
BlueMeanie4: whats b-a?
BlueMeanie4: bitcoin remains a mystery
BlueMeanie4: re. cryptos
BlueMeanie4: see now?
BlueMeanie4: http://i.4cdn.org/pol/1417652023224.jpg
BlueMeanie4: moving to Russia ASAP
BlueMeanie4: yep
BlueMeanie4: any advice from Romania on how to survive economic collapse and govt takeover?
BlueMeanie4: fun times
BlueMeanie4: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rex_84
BlueMeanie4: no one remmeber Ollie North
BlueMeanie4: they are anticipating things getting out of control
BlueMeanie4: theyre not prepping to get Al Queda
BlueMeanie4: absolutely
BlueMeanie4: he already clearly violates the Constitution
BlueMeanie4: right and the feds will label them domestic terrorists
BlueMeanie4: Texas and perhaps a coalition will basically say FU
BlueMeanie4: then theyll start taxing everyone like crazy
BlueMeanie4: well if that happens
BlueMeanie4: could happen i think, not far fetched
BlueMeanie4: civil war?
BlueMeanie4: but fact is ppl are getting more and more aware
BlueMeanie4: ya lots of technique
BlueMeanie4: i live in a red state, generally stay away from the blue areas
BlueMeanie4: ya it's called Gun Control
BlueMeanie4: the concept of the average Texan is miles apart from where Obama is taking the US
BlueMeanie4: Texas
BlueMeanie4: i can def. see some states just dropping out of this
BlueMeanie4: there are parallels for sure
BlueMeanie4: it will be King Blue Meanie
BlueMeanie4: because the asshats will DEMAND their 'standard of living' be preserved
BlueMeanie4: yep
BlueMeanie4: but no doubt this isnt going to end well
BlueMeanie4: danke
BlueMeanie4: everyone is pushing money around or spying on citizens
BlueMeanie4: no investment in real education
BlueMeanie4: no investment in infrastructure
BlueMeanie4: pumpkin spice lattes to be precise
BlueMeanie4: MP: we can grow rich by serving each other Lattes!
BlueMeanie4: twatter is the most hilarious for sure
BlueMeanie4: youve got a lot of clear Nazi ideas building up
BlueMeanie4: and its not pretty
BlueMeanie4: yep pretty sad, you can read about what is underneath on 4chan/pol/
BlueMeanie4: they are an increasingly ridiculed group
BlueMeanie4: most dont even have jobs, just support from parents
BlueMeanie4: they have no real concept of how the world works
BlueMeanie4: see: Tumblr
BlueMeanie4: one and the same with homo redditicus
BlueMeanie4: yep
BlueMeanie4: they have no relationship with reality
BlueMeanie4: mainly white kids reared on Obama nonsense
BlueMeanie4: ya the 'hipster' set is clearly a major part of the problem
BlueMeanie4: oh ok
BlueMeanie4: oh sure Romania is probably safer than NYC, certianly safer than NYC with no police
BlueMeanie4: Rastafarians with Trust Funds
BlueMeanie4: undata- oh ya , we call them Trustafarians
BlueMeanie4: there isnt the the underlying urge to robe your neighbor
BlueMeanie4: its really nothing like e. europe, there are underlying tensions that you just dont have in a place like Romania
BlueMeanie4: tis the most immature deluded nonsense you can imagine
BlueMeanie4: to them 'police' are these annoying characters who want to get between them and their pot habit
BlueMeanie4: they really have no idea what living in a low income area is like
BlueMeanie4: this is what a lot of these protestors dont understand, most are white middle/upper class
BlueMeanie4: as that last video showed, there are plenty of ppl of all colors who do not want the police removed
BlueMeanie4: it would turn into utter chaos
BlueMeanie4: ha
BlueMeanie4: in most american cities, esp. most black neighborhoods they wouldn't dare remove the police
BlueMeanie4: fact is
BlueMeanie4: they're using these various front issues to break down state soveireignty
BlueMeanie4: now add to that all this spying, social media presence, etc.
BlueMeanie4: since 911 it's been crazy
BlueMeanie4: ya 'centralization' is the problem, weve never had this much federal power before, mostly the states governed themselves
BlueMeanie4: wow
BlueMeanie4: ive heard stories about rural illinois
BlueMeanie4: basically the whole country is a mess
BlueMeanie4: let me guess - you live therE?
BlueMeanie4: getting fixed? haha
BlueMeanie4: they dont come out and say it but they all silently hope California falls into the ocean
BlueMeanie4: oh ya, the ppl who live in the interior LOVE earthquakes
BlueMeanie4: then you talk to a californian, and it's like : NEW BMW! something is very wrong here
BlueMeanie4: California in particular is going to be a huge mess. they can't pay their bills esp pensions and social services, politicians keep passing the buck