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BlueMeanie4: Rome wasnt built in a day
BlueMeanie4: re. counterparty- they are blazing the trail- let them do it and spend someone else money :)
BlueMeanie4: but Bitshares is just a nightmare con job
BlueMeanie4: it can't be used for serious money making
BlueMeanie4: good metaphor
BlueMeanie4: ha yes
BlueMeanie4: yes their claims are reliable, which is important
BlueMeanie4: yes there are flaws with their ideas, but it can be used for some things
BlueMeanie4: the ppl at counterparty are at least reliable
BlueMeanie4: onto the next P&D
BlueMeanie4: Vitalik was invovled in Mastercoin too, seems ppl forget that
BlueMeanie4: you guys are IRC geniuses around here
BlueMeanie4: also Mircea - you dont like Preston Bryne?
BlueMeanie4: what happened to Mastercoin?
BlueMeanie4: that doesnt sound sketchy at all, right?
BlueMeanie4: they kicked Charles out of ethereum then announce a partnership with his other project
BlueMeanie4: that whole gang of people are just making big problems
BlueMeanie4: brit
BlueMeanie4: he's a lawyer that deals in crypto space
BlueMeanie4: its a good article by preston byrne
BlueMeanie4: hey Daniel
BlueMeanie4: how is capital 'bad'?
BlueMeanie4: the first and primary benefit is much more capital available
BlueMeanie4: you dont seem to recognize the power in these sorts of liquid markets
BlueMeanie4: actually what im advocating benefits poor people
BlueMeanie4: you need to have entire principal in hand
BlueMeanie4: but capital requirements are large
BlueMeanie4: oh you can make a private deal
BlueMeanie4: show me how
BlueMeanie4: really?
BlueMeanie4: can you buy your friends mortgage?
BlueMeanie4: there are no choices really
BlueMeanie4: currently the way the markets work are very elitist,
BlueMeanie4: if they want to juice up credit markets in chicago, they can
BlueMeanie4: no idea what youre talking about but the idea here is to give people more control and choice over where there money goes
BlueMeanie4: and then the price to take out a mortgage for people in chicago goes up
BlueMeanie4: so you can short the underlying credit devices for the mortgages in chicago
BlueMeanie4: and the property is overvalued
BlueMeanie4: ok lets say you think chicago is a horrible investment
BlueMeanie4: thats how investing works
BlueMeanie4: maybe you know someething about it
BlueMeanie4: for romanian mortgages
BlueMeanie4: thus I buy undervalued credit risk
BlueMeanie4: maybe i personally know that lets say romania is a great investment
BlueMeanie4: i might choose to look at any criteria i want
BlueMeanie4: if i were a mortgage investors
BlueMeanie4: youre taking the gonzo highly critical anti-view
BlueMeanie4: Mircea, thats not accurate
BlueMeanie4: TAT: technically no
BlueMeanie4: prior to the invention of such, mortgages were very hard to get
BlueMeanie4: take the MBAs
BlueMeanie4: sure it is
BlueMeanie4: it worked, then the altcoin fuckfaces came in and pissed in the pool
BlueMeanie4: its like bitcoin
BlueMeanie4: people got out of hand with it
BlueMeanie4: but then
BlueMeanie4: and these gains were rationally derived mostly
BlueMeanie4: but what they did see where amazing gains
BlueMeanie4: so most didnt know what they were
BlueMeanie4: prior to that futures and options were only for commodiites
BlueMeanie4: they developed these things not very long ago, you might say 198-something maybe they began?
BlueMeanie4: heres basically what happened
BlueMeanie4: its not securitization
BlueMeanie4: i live in a area that was heavily financed by these MBA mortgages
BlueMeanie4: i think there was a degrade in quality for some of these
BlueMeanie4: go tit
BlueMeanie4: ok so you dont want marketable financial contracts
BlueMeanie4: thats what the anti-walmartians argument boils down to. they lack the terms to describe what is bothering them, so instead they are stuck paying for overpriced stuff from 'local' people
BlueMeanie4: ha
BlueMeanie4: nubbins you dont want the best price?
BlueMeanie4: ok.
BlueMeanie4: or at least aspiring to be one
BlueMeanie4: but you look like a cult leader
BlueMeanie4: well sure
BlueMeanie4: you cant just wave away ideas by saying 'thats old world'
BlueMeanie4: this seems to be a tactic you use to avoid addressing either your lack of information on a subject or you willingness to accept various facts
BlueMeanie4: and how will i get the best price
BlueMeanie4: i want the best price
BlueMeanie4: well if i want to say take out a put or o call
BlueMeanie4: from Greek oikonomia "household management, thrift,"
BlueMeanie4: economics literally means 'efficiency'
BlueMeanie4: well for as long as you lack the features i describe, these contracts will have a very limited market
BlueMeanie4: im assuming youre being facetious
BlueMeanie4: this few weeks was written about with horror by most who lived through it
BlueMeanie4: some of these bitcoin people are reminiscint of the french revolution. for a few weeks they thought they could completely redesign the whole universe. I believe they wanted to change the number of days in a week.
BlueMeanie4: ok?
BlueMeanie4: what do the Iroquois have to do with this
BlueMeanie4: are we about to go into tour de force of rousseuian noble savage theory
BlueMeanie4: ?
BlueMeanie4: A Brave New World
BlueMeanie4: no, im explaining real tangible facts of how finance markets work
BlueMeanie4: you system as far as i udnerstand it does not allwo for the transfer of obligations
BlueMeanie4: WIN
BlueMeanie4: and manage to collect 400k
BlueMeanie4: i buy them for 200k
BlueMeanie4: and I was a collectoins auditor
BlueMeanie4: say you had a million dollars in outstanding collections
BlueMeanie4: people market those kind of collection notes all the time
BlueMeanie4: TAT- so before you say goxcoins
BlueMeanie4: the basic laws of math and economics have not failed nor have they been altered