12 entries in 1.385s

mircea_popescu: the data model of period
emacs painfully reminds one of original
mircea_popescu: there's also linux ; and
eulora ; and gcc. and for that matter...
mircea_popescu: and yes, alt-client for
emacs etc has long been desired. if you make it happen there's
eulora riches for you.
mircea_popescu: yes. so if it's
emacs, then it's
emacs, then we need to freeze a package of it or else face the
eulora problem
BingoBoingo: I'll prolly just wait for
Eulora emacs edition. There's no source package floating around for cg toolkit so it won't openBSD unless I rip it out.
mircea_popescu: which is kinda why i was encouraging stuff like "rip off vlc's asciigfx codec and make an
emacs eulora client"