700+ entries in 0.026s
mp_en_viaje: your self-interest one is the perfecting of in-channel payments, such that deedbot can be used not merely as the processor of republican record, but also as the everyday support of commerce.
trinque: mp_en_viaje: I haven't built any hot-wallet features to date aside the stuff running deedbot's !!deed, parts of which can be repurposed for what you want.
mp_en_viaje: trinque, so for all the discussion of the past few days, i still don't have basic answers here. can i send hour-ish small payments via deedbot now ? if not know, do i know starting when ?
asciilifeform: item. (from asciilifeform's desk)
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-19 01:49:27 deedbot: trinque unrated ben_vulpes.
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-20 11:40:04 BingoBoingo: Anyways, just fired off the dispatch to the derps: http://paste.deedbot.org/?id=MOUg << attn mod6 asciilifeform
BingoBoingo: Anyways, just fired off the dispatch to the derps: http://paste.deedbot.org/?id=MOUg << attn mod6 asciilifeform
BingoBoingo: mod6: Please read http://paste.deedbot.org/?id=JCaO which is the outcomes I am telling the lawyers I want.
asciilifeform: re trinque's dialogues -- if trinque wants to unrate folx, it's b/w him and odin, as all ratings. and same re checking out to be an artist etc. was hoping to see e.g. this come outta him before he checks out, rather than leaving wot, deedbot, wallet, to be rewritten hastily, like phf left the logger, but what can do. at least he, unlike phf, gave advanced warning.
BingoBoingo: http://paste.deedbot.org/?id=JCaO << The section of my solicitor solicitation concerning outcomes and my preferences for them.
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-18 18:00:35 BingoBoingo: So in today news found a responsive lawyer interested in the case. As our conversation started http://paste.deedbot.org/?id=1YXH hit my inbox
BingoBoingo: hanbot_abroad: http://paste.deedbot.org/?id=EX0X
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-19 01:49:25 deedbot: trinque updated rating of mod6 from 2 to -1 << Makes sounds thought noble about nothing.
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-19 03:40:32 diana_coman: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2019-10-19#1946705 - so what is the party you are making there in your hall? because so far the ~only visible part has been deedbot-related + unpublished code on it -> deedbot is the seed of trinque's party; now you say it isn't and 1. why isn't it? 2. what exactly is then?
diana_coman: gettrust is for rep from deedbot itself.
hanbot_abroad: hrm. http://wot.deedbot.org/21407B3B5FB85C255DBFE463615BE7B45FE6A04F.html
lobbesbot: hanbot_abroad: Sent 4 days, 6 hours, and 51 minutes ago: <BingoBoingo> http://paste.deedbot.org/?id=lXMx
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-19 01:49:25 deedbot: trinque updated rating of mod6 from 2 to -1 << Makes sounds thought noble about nothing.
diana_coman: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2019-10-19#1946705 - so what is the party you are making there in your hall? because so far the ~only visible part has been deedbot-related + unpublished code on it -> deedbot is the seed of trinque's party; now you say it isn't and 1. why isn't it? 2. what exactly is then?
BingoBoingo: So in today news found a responsive lawyer interested in the case. As our conversation started http://paste.deedbot.org/?id=1YXH hit my inbox
mp_en_viaje: in practical terms -- i can use deedbot just fine for in-l payments ; but it is currently not usable for out-of-l payments because of the delay. 99% of those payments are tiny, why leave it on the table.
trinque: deedbot wallet is cold storage, and exiting the cold storage requires my involvement
mp_en_viaje: trinque, is there some way to make deedbot wallet work within ~hour rather than ~days ? is there some way to make paste more like 20mb limit than the current wha tis it 2 ? 1 ?
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: http://paste.deedbot.org/?id=5Wip
nicoleci: mp_en_viaje, well i don't atm know what to do. basically there's 6.6mb i'm trying to send you. i tried split -n5 and deedbot's paste still spits (1.3mb chunks, so the limit is only 1mb ???)
nicoleci: mp_en_viaje, sorry about that. here it is https://privatebin.net/?6e4559a5dd8cd7a2#9MsAxE4i6grdfKGKMPz39mbmnApRZNMnLUxSQqRQFBD (couldn't if it on deedbot, conn dies).
lobbesbot: nicoleci: Sent 3 days, 10 hours, and 5 minutes ago: <BingoBoingo> http://paste.deedbot.org/?id=rrJN
nicoleci: mp_en_viaje, http://paste.deedbot.org/?id=mIkH
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: http://paste.deedbot.org/?id=8KTC
BingoBoingo: !Qlater tell bvt http://paste.deedbot.org/?id=_klh
mp_en_viaje: BingoBoingo, the above is now done, in the sense that http://paste.deedbot.org/?id=yhHl are being announced ; mind though that you're not supposed to have all these in the same c block ideally.
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-15 00:29:12 BingoBoingo: !Qlater tell mp_en_viaje Whenever you can make it to the namecheap panel I've got an authoritive nameserver ready on some ips for ns1.qntra.net through ns4.qntra.net http://paste.deedbot.org/?id=yhHl
lobbesbot: mp_en_viaje: Sent 8 hours and 40 minutes ago: <BingoBoingo> Whenever you can make it to the namecheap panel I've got an authoritive nameserver ready on some ips for ns1.qntra.net through ns4.qntra.net http://paste.deedbot.org/?id=yhHl
BingoBoingo: !Qlater tell mp_en_viaje Whenever you can make it to the namecheap panel I've got an authoritive nameserver ready on some ips for ns1.qntra.net through ns4.qntra.net http://paste.deedbot.org/?id=yhHl
BingoBoingo: !Qlater tell nicoleci http://paste.deedbot.org/?id=rrJN
BingoBoingo: !Qlater tell hanbot_abroad http://paste.deedbot.org/?id=lXMx
asciilifeform: as it is i've abused deedbot .
asciilifeform: i'ma put in deedbot the final cookbook for this, when i wakeup.
BingoBoingo received a response http://paste.deedbot.org/?id=ASca Note 1. In some of the useless graphs they shared, it appeared IPs outside the pizarro range though inside the latech range had been targeted. Note 2. All that had been said before with respect to CenturyLink is that CenturyLink wasn't answering inqueries from either Dedicado or CenturyLink
BingoBoingo: So after playing dumb with the keys recieved this. After the running around part of the day's tasks plan to assemble something quoting chapter and verse while at the same time requesting we both work out a way to take this mess of a contract off our books in an amicable manner without making things more expensive than necessary. In no hurry to send anything off yet.
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-08 05:53:12 mp_en_viaje: 3. will you be able to invoice me via deedbot's sytem ? do you understand what the wot is and how it works etc ?
diana_coman: pretty much the first hurdle is wot and invoice via deedbot
deedbot: http://paste.deedbot.org/?id=QCLU
billymg: BingoBoingo: http://paste.deedbot.org/?id=XjKL < and the key
billymg: BingoBoingo: http://paste.deedbot.org/?id=WBGH
mp_en_viaje: just say !!up to deedbot in pm and then !!v the otp it gives you
diana_coman: crowncloud_: via deedbot please.
crowncloud_: just checking into invoicing via deedbot -- we usually handle support/invoicing etc all via our client area (helps keep track of invoices/updates the customer on any network maintanence etc)
diana_coman: speaking of which: crowncloud_ I'll take that intel in atlanta whatevers, I need my blog up; put centos 6 on it and invoice me via deedbot.
deedbot: diana_coman rated Metronix 2 << Indonesian ISP with 10 years close connection to local ISP; can invoice via deedbot; currently out of capacity for colo.
deedbot: diana_coman rated crowncloud_ 2 << Australian ISP with US dc-partner; can invoice via deedbot.
deedbot: Get your OTP: http://paste.deedbot.org/?id=K9nh
diana_coman: !!rate Metronix 2 Indonesian ISP with 10 years close connection to local ISP; can invoice via deedbot; currently out of capacity for colo.
deedbot: Get your OTP: http://paste.deedbot.org/?id=QTbE
diana_coman: !!rate crowncloud_ 2 Australian ISP with US dc-partner; can invoice via deedbot.
diana_coman: crowncloud_: answered my email by coming and registering with deedbot ; he's from crowncloud.net
diana_coman: he has intel machines only but at least can invoice via deedbot apparently
diana_coman: I got an australian-with-dc-partner-in-US to register with deedbot
deedbot: http://wot.deedbot.org/85DCAC7D458D11E6E30C9468FD285473CC93194C.asc
trinque: bvt, cruciform, danielpbarron, hanbot, lobbes, mats, mocky, mod6, nicoleci, peterl, thimbronion, whaack : http://paste.deedbot.org/?id=LxFh
trinque: lobbes: http://paste.deedbot.org/?id=TQln
lobbesbot: trinque: Sent 3 hours and 52 minutes ago: <BingoBoingo> Backups have finished uploading to the deedbot server.
BingoBoingo: !Qlater tell trinque Backups have finished uploading to the deedbot server.
asciilifeform: diana_coman: this promises to be uphill battle. i at least did not demand 'oh hey , only dc in 400km radius, will ya register w/deedbot ?'
diana_coman: asciilifeform: atm I don't think it matters where if they do as told and come register and invoice with deedbot etc.
BingoBoingo: mp_en_viaje: Every shared hosting customer's home directory and databases are being uploaded to trinque's deedbot box now as gpg encrypted tarballs.
BingoBoingo: mp_en_viaje: Will have to dig deeper. I plan to to the full notes and accounting autopsy this weekend. ATM preparing the shared customer backups for uploading to deedbot.
mp_en_viaje: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2019-10-08#1942663 << at this juncture perhaps i should share this tidbit : http://paste.deedbot.org/?id=t7-3
trinque: BingoBoingo: http://paste.deedbot.org/?id=sGFv
lobbesbot: mod6: Sent 19 minutes ago: <BingoBoingo> http://paste.deedbot.org/?id=8O_Y << Notes on the recovery
BingoBoingo: trinque: ssh key http://paste.deedbot.org/?id=hDe2
trinque: I could host on deedbot
BingoBoingo: !Qlater tell mod6 http://paste.deedbot.org/?id=8O_Y << Notes on the recovery
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-08 18:02:28 diana_coman: asciilifeform: re paste.deedbot it might be ~ http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2019-10-08#1942251
ossabot: trinque last seen in #trilema on 2019-10-03 22:53:34: sorry for the gagged deedbot meanwhile; that outage caught me in the middle of a multi-channel experiment
diana_coman: asciilifeform: re paste.deedbot it might be ~ http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2019-10-08#1942251
asciilifeform: hrm, paste.deedbot seems to be dead. ( was it on piz?? i didn't think it were ? )
ossabot: trinque last seen in #trilema on 2019-10-03 22:53:34: sorry for the gagged deedbot meanwhile; that outage caught me in the middle of a multi-channel experiment
ossabot: trinque last seen here on 2019-10-03 22:53:34: sorry for the gagged deedbot meanwhile; that outage caught me in the middle of a multi-channel experiment
diana_coman: it would be the keks of time if now the singaporean very-tightly-process-no-idea-outside guys actually manage to pass the hurdle and accept payment via deedbot
diana_coman: maxim_mivo: yes, it does; you can withdraw the funds to any btc address; ie you receive it in your own deedbot wallet and then you can !!withdraw to anywhere
mp_en_viaje: http://deedbot.org/help.html
mp_en_viaje: http://wot.deedbot.org/ << no, it's up
diana_coman: I thought he wasn't but atm I can't access trinque.org nor http://deedbot.org/help.html
diana_coman: maxim_mivo: deedbot does more than just voice in chan; specifically here, it provides a wallet service for people in the wot; ie you can deposit/withdraw bitcoin from/to any address you want + you can invoice & pay invoices between wallets directly for any amount.
mp_en_viaje: 3. will you be able to invoice me via deedbot's sytem ? do you understand what the wot is and how it works etc ?
diana_coman: maxim_mivo: you can !!up with deedbot yourself and then it's permanent rather than in 30min slots
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: In the morning's hopper http://paste.deedbot.org/?id=Xr-u
ericbot: Logged on 2019-10-06 04:53:21 BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: two emails in the last ~30 minutes http://paste.deedbot.org/?id=fWlq
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-06 01:53:48 BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: two emails in the last ~30 minutes http://paste.deedbot.org/?id=fWlq
ericbot: Logged on 2019-10-06 04:53:21 BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: two emails in the last ~30 minutes http://paste.deedbot.org/?id=fWlq
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: two emails in the last ~30 minutes http://paste.deedbot.org/?id=fWlq
BingoBoingo: Take 3 http://paste.deedbot.org/?id=kojY
BingoBoingo: http://paste.deedbot.org/?id=maNq << Second draft reflecting the receipt of the offer for a firewall phone call
BingoBoingo: I also just received http://paste.deedbot.org/?id=4nFG "We can have a call next Monday, if that is OK with your schedule. We think that a firewall will help you with this type of problems."
BingoBoingo: http://paste.deedbot.org/?id=MHHw << Here is a draft of what I have so far to send. asciilifeform mp_en_viaje I would like your input. Please let me know if anything is missing.
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Recieved http://paste.deedbot.org/?id=QSzj instead of call
BingoBoingo: I'm going to draft an inquiry for the business side contact asking what can be done to keep routine internet weather from incurring a reaction far more destructive than the weather. Will post for review before issuing. In the latest news from the tech team http://paste.deedbot.org/?id=QSzj
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: http://paste.deedbot.org/?id=f0Lq
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: http://paste.deedbot.org/?id=5tKz