15 entries in 0.752s
deedbot: diana_coman updated rating of crowncloud_ from 2 to 1 << Australian ISP with US dc-partner; has key, won't use it.
diana_coman: in other lolz, I contacted yet another local dc and the guy went to read my blog so I pointed him to the rundown on it; rather curious now what'll he do, lolz.
deedbot: diana_coman rated crowncloud_ 2 << Australian ISP with US dc-partner; can invoice via deedbot.
diana_coman: !!rate crowncloud_ 2 Australian ISP with US dc-partner; can invoice via deedbot.
mp_en_viaje: (to clarify : build ipx list, because it lists live active dc/isp operatoons. you're not likely to get to work for the ixp directly as these are usually ~foundations, nonprofits)
mp_en_viaje: can also be frank with them, "look, i came to uy to get isp going, worked ok for 3 years, dc died from under us, i got a girl and must relocate asap"
a111: Logged on 2018-11-11 16:52 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-11#1871149 << before that little subthread gets entirely lost in the cacophony of the moar urgent matters : mircea_popescu i also suspect that even without radio etc exotica, gossiptronic routing would give ~same connective reliability to e.g. a flat in kamchatka with 3 heathen isp pipes, as actual dc cage has today
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-11#1871149 << before that little subthread gets entirely lost in the cacophony of the moar urgent matters : mircea_popescu i also suspect that even without radio etc exotica, gossiptronic routing would give ~same connective reliability to e.g. a flat in kamchatka with 3 heathen isp pipes, as actual dc cage has today ☝︎☟︎
BingoBoingo: Options for that are either have a hardware on the rack that aggregates ISP links to the DC and handles this shit, OR beat a jolo into sense.
mircea_popescu: if it has doubts as to its physical location, it is an isp not a dc.
Framedragger: nah even i am clear by now i think, and that tells ya something :D an isp may or may not own a dc. an isp has hardware at a dc. isp deals with customers (be it private or business), a dc deals with isps. in this picture if you are colocating at a dc, you are (in mp's picture) an isp, basically.
shinohai: isp = internetz service provider .... dc= data centre
pete_dushenski: ok. so i call them all today. except i'm still not clear wtf is an isp and wtf is a dc. you use them interchangeably it seems.
asciilifeform: decimation: i don't run an isp, or a dc, don't care one whit for optimizations
knotwork: Running a DC is something I can do, its just an ISP writ large