11 entries in 1.343s
trinque: also "this here cpio does zip"
gabriel_laddel_p: generating CPIO files is... anyways, ascii knows
gabriel_laddel_p: maybe I overcomplicated things,but wrote in terms of CPIO format then fed into linux kernel from syslinux.
a111: 6 results for "cpio", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=cpio
ben_vulpes: !#s cpio
adlai: well, the missing patch is resolved; but the missing cpio - is a bug.
adlai: also, i had to install 'cpio' on this box, whatever that is
asciilifeform: initramfs, cpio, the idiot kernel, the whole thing.
gabriel_laddel: Even unpacking and then repackaging it causes this - so must be that I have two versions of cpio installed or some nonsense..
mod6: i hit a small environment snag in the buildroot build itself -- i didn't have `cpio` installed, now that it's installed continuing make..
decimation: 35deaa1d5bf822b74ea13928cb9621b03eafcdd5450c176928b4df72bf27ce64c0ed6c87ff46e3c2958313ffe99ff219c6458d8b82311f04fc5e85a01e3054bb dl/tar-1.28.cpio.gz