10 entries in 0.661s
asciilifeform: had all the requisite backroom deals & all, but not the fist-sized benzyl xtal, so no dice.
a111: Logged on 2016-07-11 17:52 asciilifeform: he even had the benzyl crystals mostly grown.
a111: Logged on 2014-08-22 03:06 peterl: no, a less traditional synthesis, from benzyl bromide, methylamine and acetaldehyde
a111: 5 results for "benzyl", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=benzyl
mircea_popescu: !#s benzyl
asciilifeform: [insert the benzyl thread here]
asciilifeform: and mircea_popescu's assertion that 'you ought to take the benzyl ring and look at the bits of the jpeg'
asciilifeform: he even had the benzyl crystals mostly grown. ☟︎
PeterL: could agent walk into my lab and say "You have benzyl chloride, acetonitrile and methylamine, therfore intent to manufacture methamphetamine"?
peterl: no, a less traditional synthesis, from benzyl bromide, methylamine and acetaldehyde ☟︎