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Aquent, not everything that pointed to him is included in the article
Aquent i don't want to anything dood. you want to, an' so far it's not going too well.
Aquent: You wouldn't happen to be Thiel by any chance?
danielpbarron: Aquent_, if you were smart you'd stop listening to whatever jack-ass put "decentralize everything" into your head, and instead read everything that has gone on in this channel while you were gone.
BingoBoingo: Aquent_: The open unaccountable thing though mostly appeals more to NeoBees though
BingoBoingo: Aquent_: It's a similar error to making a bicycle, releasing the alpha version and having a mandoline instead of a seat.
BingoBoingo: Aquent_: No, Alpha means bugs and shit, not fucking publishing private keys
chetty: well Aquent_ if you actually know of such an exchange (secure,private,etc) do tell
BingoBoingo: Aquent_: You mean the openbazzar that leaked private keys?
BingoBoingo: Aquent_: At least you were forgetable instead of memorable for the wrong reasons
BingoBoingo: Aquent_: I'm curious, where is your bubble?
Aquent: because all the mtgox bagholders might panic and sell their coins on mtgox?
Aquent because that's what you call people who avoid showing up in court.