160 entries in 0.129s
aquentson: kings and lords?
aquentson: but is not your idea that there should be a hierarchy?
aquentson: what's your solution to the scalability debate?
aquentson: enlighten me BingoBoingo
aquentson: buttcoin does
aquentson: I mean thats even before gox
aquentson: you know who speaks about garza?
aquentson: butthurt over what?
aquentson: but clearly none of you has any brains to see its effects
aquentson: you guys know the role you've played in the blocksize debate
aquentson: in... in... in this whole mini community
aquentson: autist yourself
aquentson: and yes thats atypo
aquentson: very
aquentson: BingoBoingo, I'm very dissapointed
aquentson: its the un autistic bit
aquentson: but my retord is I would not be here otherwise
aquentson: now you might accuse me of enjoying myself
aquentson: even in a drunken state you go silent BingoBoingo
aquentson: to the lost deluded brainwashed souls?
aquentson: to the corrupt?
aquentson: to manipulators?
aquentson: to theifs?
aquentson: to who?
aquentson: information is an enemy?
aquentson: we both know its not over some shit chat
aquentson: BingoBoingo, tell us why you pinged me
aquentson: dude I can do it for about 15 dollars
aquentson: cant even get a proper site up
aquentson: whats that, a billion
aquentson: what did mircea_popescu say? I have 1 million bitcoins!
aquentson: to the 3 ppl that visit it, you mean?
aquentson: didnt*
aquentson: dodnt know qntra was appealing to an african audience
aquentson: sorry, I'm too harsh
aquentson: are there any here?
aquentson: oh but it takes brains
aquentson: how much does it cost? 2 shekles
aquentson: you cant even get a shity site to look 21st century like in design!
aquentson: you claim o rich
aquentson: how many are here 49
aquentson: a month!
aquentson: what is it 2 ppl?
aquentson: does anyone visit qntra?
aquentson: and your solution?
aquentson: I doubt in your, what, 7 year history now, you've hosted anyone more interested to be persuaded
aquentson: I thought you guys were interesting
aquentson: haha
aquentson: I haz no wisdom
aquentson: I am merely a lowly man
aquentson: omg how can I provide an answer
aquentson: look at the king sweat
aquentson: exactly
aquentson: <aquentson> two years!
aquentson: <aquentson> what do you expect your men to think mircea_popescu ?
aquentson: <aquentson> of how the unrest in his kingdom can be solved
aquentson: <aquentson> to provide even an indication
aquentson: <aquentson> was unable
aquentson: <aquentson> who proclaimed all wisdom
aquentson: <aquentson> the mighty king
aquentson: <aquentson> well then let history see
aquentson: two years!
aquentson: what do you expect your men to think mircea_popescu ?
aquentson: of how the unrest in his kingdom can be solved
aquentson: to provide even an indication
aquentson: was unable
aquentson: who proclaimed all wisdom
aquentson: the mighty king
aquentson: well then let history see
aquentson: WHAT SAY THOU?
aquentson: now, looking at this desolate field
aquentson: and you have influenced part of it
aquentson: its not an easy problem, ney, the opposite, two years of civil war, devastation all around, bickering
aquentson: or should all here think you have no wisdom your highness?
aquentson: and do forgive my spelling....
aquentson: how about, your majesty, you provide a solution to what you have so galvenisingly opposed?
aquentson: you supported hillary?
aquentson: they care about bigger stuff than your whatever you do here
aquentson: they dont care about your internal rubish
aquentson: and proposing shit
aquentson: a bit like kings comming from other citadels
aquentson: gave a way forward
aquentson: there came king maker mircea_popescu and when all seemed desperate up the hill on sunny uplands
aquentson: imagine the history books
aquentson: your highness
aquentson: and provide a bloody solution
aquentson: act as a leader you proclaim to be
aquentson: you
aquentson: how about
aquentson: what am I, a bot, to read all trillion words here and quadrillion other shit
aquentson: then maybe you appreciate I have a restriction on my time too?
aquentson: they fight
aquentson: the community is now divided
aquentson: it is
aquentson: I'm interested in today
aquentson: always is for history
aquentson: <aquentson> thus speak
aquentson: <aquentson> many believe you indirectly have stopped some of them
aquentson: <aquentson> as you know bitcoin's transaction capacity is currently limited, there have been many proposals
aquentson: your* whatever