18 entries in 1.518s

mircea_popescu: "the relatively easy circumstances of life in paris as compared to the
rural provinces has given rise to a class of vagrants (that'd be technically bums, as they do not seek to work) which makes it important that shopkeepers put out free food and there's a voting process so some of these can be given the key to the
king's treasury periodically".
BingoBoingo simply went to
Rural King, got pair of Redwings off the shelf. Traded ~$200 and began ritual break in process
mircea_popescu: and turn it as i might, i can't separate the former from the hallucination of self-determination.
rural "
king of the world" in decayed to death sicily, dying british empire, romania throughout and recently the us cultural space imagines himself... in a position to... MAKE DECISIONS!!! has options! may at his leisure obey republic or not. and so on.
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Lol, still day may come where
Rural King begins stocking anti-orbital umbrella rockets next to gopher gassers
a111: Logged on 2014-05-30 18:54 BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Around here there is a big box type store called "
Rural King" has more useful materials for electronics security than Best Buy
BingoBoingo: I am pretty sure being less equipped to slay bovine beast than "
Rural King" near beast's rampage is pretty damn evaporated
BingoBoingo: <phf> there are stores in u.s. where you can buy some quality rope. hemp, jute, nylon in garish colors, all by the meter. there's probably a harness worth of rope next to a dildo collection in every dorm << "
Rural King" is the best of those places. Can get rifle, circus peanus, cattle prod, and flowers in the same trip.
BingoBoingo: Another hypothetical
Rural king shopping trip is beef jerky, well drilling apparatus, unsinkable brown water vessel, and hay.
BingoBoingo: danielpbarron: I still favor
Rural king where you can get flowers, carhart, circus peanuts, and an AR-15 in the same trip
BingoBoingo: If
rural king sold liquor and cigarettes I probably wouldn't ever have to shop anywhere else.
BingoBoingo: cazalla: Nah, I like
Rural King. It is my kind of white trash chain retailer.
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: It's some sort of rose called "Double Knockout" which I find funny because abuse of genetics term by a plant geneticist. Not much to congratulate me on yet. All I did was pick them up from
Rural King and put them in a hole.
BingoBoingo: Wasn't looking to pick up a rosebush, but was at
Rural King BingoBoingo: But in USia barrel is roughly as easy to purchase from "
Rural King" as shovel
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Around here there is a big box type store called "
Rural King" has more useful materials for electronics security than Best Buy