70 entries in 0.57s
trinque: if the circumstance arose where somebody lifted "asciilifeform" I wouldn't be opposed to changing the alias string for same key to "alfred
alfer" as I've handled expired keys in the past, by proving control of key to me
a111: Logged on 2017-09-01 06:14 mircea_popescu: Alfred
Alfer the correct solution here is to pay 1-200 per month for a dedicated server in a sane jurisdiction (ie, outside of nato). make sure you get a chunk of ips with it, then host all your shit.
a111: Logged on 2017-09-01 05:10 Alfred
Alfer: say you're completely anonymous, don't use your real name, like I assume all you guys do.. is it easy for them to tie what you've said onto your actual person?
a111: Logged on 2017-09-01 04:35 Alfred
Alfer: Oh thank you for posting my cartoon, +a111
a111: Logged on 2017-09-01 04:24 Alfred
Alfer: Trilema's decentralized though, right?
deedbot: Alfred
Alfer voiced for 30 minutes.
mircea_popescu: Alfred
Alfer do you understant how pantsuit "AI" works ?
a111: Logged on 2017-09-01 04:14 Alfred
Alfer: for me what did me in was a fat joke
mircea_popescu: Alfred
Alfer it's 0.02. two bitcents. see ? so you can say "here's my two... bitcents".
mircea_popescu: Alfred
Alfer why not ? what, it's shameful to have tits or something ?
deedbot: Alfred
Alfer voiced for 30 minutes.
mircea_popescu: Alfred
Alfer it's not like it's hard or something. have him drop by, it'll get sorted out.
mircea_popescu: Alfred
Alfer the correct solution here is to pay 1-200 per month for a dedicated server in a sane jurisdiction (ie, outside of nato). make sure you get a chunk of ips with it, then host all your shit.
☟︎ mircea_popescu: "terms". here's a pro tip Alfred
Alfer : if a website has "terms" it's shit.
cazalla: i'm off, parental stuff.. Alfred
Alfer, i'd encourage you to spend more time here and/or reading logs, you will find actual solutions here, altright is lulzfest but even that has died down now due to taking themselves super 1488 seriously
deedbot: Alfred
Alfer voiced for 30 minutes.
mircea_popescu: Alfred
Alfer sorry, it's a little bit of central america.
cazalla: Alfred
Alfer, no-one shoots anyone, they're all a bunch of Cantwells in that they come armed to the gills but never a single shot is fired, just larping at best
mircea_popescu: Alfred
Alfer btw, did you know it's in the constitution of the czech republic, all girls under 30 must topless on request ?
cazalla: Alfred
Alfer, not so much research, listened to TRS for a bit for the lulz so you obviously come up, personally i'd love to see you take up the offer and break sven's heart
cazalla: Alfred
Alfer, i thought kinky cooking was your thing?
deedbot: Alfred
Alfer voiced for 30 minutes.
mircea_popescu: Alfred
Alfer how much does your comissioned cartoon pay btw ?
mircea_popescu: Alfred
Alfer absolutely lol. seeing how it's how the internet works in the first place.
cazalla: Alfred
Alfer, finally in the right place eh?
mircea_popescu: Alfred
Alfer well not getting shitty vps'en on obscure shithosts would help ; also not getting them one at a time ; and also not using fucking domain names. behold : trinque: Alfred
Alfer: there is a voice mechanism here run by my trusty deedbot.
deedbot: Alfred
Alfer voiced for 30 minutes.
a111: Logged on 2017-09-01 04:11 Alfred
Alfer: fwaa it's the free speech twitter. You can say whatever you want and they won't ban you.
danielpbarron: Alfred
Alfer, it's kinda like a bitcoin address in that it has a private/public key, and we use it to send secret messages and identify ourselves
a111: Logged on 2017-09-01 04:24 Alfred
Alfer: has trilema reached their radar?
deedbot: Alfred
Alfer voiced for 30 minutes.
BingoBoingo: Alfred
Alfer: Register a key. I'll rate you so you can get on our better internet. Thank you for not being another KKKalifornian
danielpbarron: Alfred
Alfer, if you were to host your own blog, your banworthy stuff can get posted by other people who read it, and on whichever social media is fashionable at the time
deedbot: Alfred
Alfer voiced for 30 minutes.
BingoBoingo: Alfred
Alfer: Who is your daddy and what does he do?
deedbot: Alfred
Alfer voiced for 30 minutes.