6300+ entries in 0.272s
trinque: shinohai: heh! I got busted for tom petty once, of all things. told my mom "you could stand me up at the gates of hell, but I wont back
assbot: Logged on 30-07-2015 14:36:04; asciilifeform: they would much rather that everyone announce, for usg's ease of snoopage, when they are beginning to speak, and to whom, for how long, which order the bytes lay
down in.
assbot: Logged on 30-07-2015 12:13:43; jurov: every time i asked how, eventually it boiled
down to depend on retroactivity
phf: moving on...
down? :)
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform the sort of machine that currently goes
down is well i nthe six figure range.
mircea_popescu: dude get out srsly. i had dedicated machinery go
down because random muppet + udp.
mircea_popescu: as the bear was getting ready to stomp the anthill, the anthill in question was very animated by the following political debate : some ants wanted to tear
down one wall, while some other ants thought this is stupid.
mircea_popescu: if you think the dispute as to how internet won't be available in the future in the us comes
down to what anyone wants, usg or not usg...
assbot: Logged on 30-07-2015 12:13:43; jurov: every time i asked how, eventually it boiled
down to depend on retroactivity
jurov: every time i asked how, eventually it boiled
down to depend on retroactivity
☟︎☟︎ decimation: but you need to have the most minimal, stripped
down version possible to meet
mircea_popescu: sourceforge goes
down, there goes youre entire project, seriously ?
assbot: Logged on 29-07-2015 22:35:04; pete_dushenski: yelp market cap now 1.87 bn and is
down 70% this year. wd sv !
phf: trinque: linux seems to support everything and with some effort you could strip it
down somewhat. i think linux also has a policy of never breaking abi, so if you're into static compilation, like ascii said sometime ago "if stator binary breaks on your other linux something's very very wrong"
mod6: he expects everyone to pull
down their own bundles.
mod6: i put this in the stator.sh script. it pulls them
down, have tried on 3 different environments of my own, and independantly verified 2x otherwise.
mod6: and this is what all of my older v0.5.3.1 builds have pulled
down for the .tar.gz:
pete_dushenski: yelp market cap now 1.87 bn and is
down 70% this year. wd sv !
☟︎ jurov: ithings just came
down into adding terminal emulator to eulora and i'm weighing
down the options
ascii_field: mircea_popescu: how does bringing green pieces of paper from up north help bring
down anyone ?
mircea_popescu: phf buy and sell from locals, organise couriers to keep bringing bills in to help me bring
down the fucktarded slow motion socialism they call "peroniosm" here
nubbins`: had hoped to get the other 2 colours
down today, but..
nubbins`: Yirga Cheffe is hands-
down my favourite coffee origin
nubbins`: i thought you couldn't even turn those back on again once they powered
pete_dushenski: lol fucken eh does fat bastard ever look like he has
down syndrome
phf: pulling those tars at 100kb
down took most of the time ;)
decimation: the fact that 'security' has been defined-
down to 'managing /etc profiles' is the punchline
chetty: <punkman> well shit, they lowered travel allowance to 2k eur,
down from 10k// soon you will not be allowed to have cash
punkman: well shit, they lowered travel allowance to 2k eur,
down from 10k
mircea_popescu: *** Looks like p0f is
down for maintenance, sorry. Check back later. ***
decimation: "Microsoft, the ruling king of mass marketed trinketware, are just surfing on the same tsunami that lifted Taiwan and Hong Kong from poverty into an inflated economy that just _had_ to crash
down and wash out _enormous_ values some day.
cazalla: whiteman wonka keeps em
down shinohai
cazalla: ill write that yellow
down for when i paint son's room
nubbins`: all those stone pillars you see are chimneys from houses that burned
down BingoBoingo: EARTH, WATER? You will find plenty
down THERE!
decimation: you can gift your tax free account to your spouse when you die, but if your kids get it they must begin drawing
down BingoBoingo: Calloway County Missouri has comparatively new reactor. Shut
down and restarted because stupid all around. Even in middle of nowhere.
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: You ever Google Maps the former Prison at Tamms? Greenville is merely Federal Medium security. Tamms was Illinois own Super Max until Amnesty International shut it
BingoBoingo: To build stator on "Linux Mint" and ubuntu like I had to first hunt
down and install the compilers, because why would a *nix need to ship with compilers
mod6: <+asciilifeform> 366601 at this time << ah ok. i'll start mine back up later. i had shut it
down because it had been on the same block for >36 hours.
mircea_popescu: seems to me jungle is everywhere cut
down by diesel engines.
phf: i move few blocks away from where they burned
down MOVE compound. though those guys were genuinely .. not quite there
trinque: hanbot: yep, because those messages are coming from commands in the build script, whereas further
down there are warnings galore of missing headers
hanbot: so .deb package checked against .rpm file list shows libc_stubs.a missing, the other eleven are present. debian says no .deb packages contain this guy. i'm assuming i need it. auto.sh still errorful after grabbing everything else here
http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=22-07-2015#1209888 (errorflurry:
http://dpaste.com/26ZEG17 ). doesn't look like that missing library has anything to do with it, but prolly problematic
down the line?
☝︎☟︎ ben_vulpes: i'm
down to a single finger and i intend to kepe it
mod6: and run these to pull
down OpenSSL/BDB/Boost:
mod6: once pulled
down do this `sha1sum stator_7447d6ad798179d04e9d277acb72799b3c7d0eae.tar.gz stator_72424e6da0f81aea5ab09165c377fd8b7418983f.tar.gz.sig` and ensure that the output hashes match what's embedded in the file name.
mircea_popescu: ;;later tell aquentin simmer the fuck
down and learn how to use the tools.
mod6: So in addition to lastnight's script I posted [ pulls
down ascii's latest patches (up through -verifyall) and applies them to v0.5.3.1 ], I've got an updated one that i've just tested & worked for me on x86-64 gentoo w/glibc:
http://dpaste.com/2F68T3F.txt phf: those svn.code.sf.net are
down phf: mircea_popescu: yes, it'll be done. sourceforge is
down, and that's where crystalspace's repository is hosted. it's been
down for couple of days now for all hosted projects
mod6: Anyway, yeah, we can go through it tomorrow. I've also got some curl commands to pull
down the distfiles:
mod6: If you run that script in a directory say ~/sandbox then you can `cd bitcoin-v0_5_3_1` `mkdir -p ourlibs distfiles` - then pull
down the boost/bdb/openssl and drop them in distfiles. then finally drop in stator.sh into the ~/sandbox/bitcoin-v0_5_3_1-RELEASE dir and kick it off. that should do the trick.
mod6: hanbot: so, this might help you, it's worth a read through anyway -- it's a script that I created to pull
down v0.5.3.1-RELEASE, and then add ascii's recent patches up through verifyall [ read the script for all that are applied ]:
http://dpaste.com/23VKWD8.txt mod6: my other instance is connected to the same node, and still syncing, but much further
down the chain: height=215394
pete_dushenski: that's for the shake-out to determine, not top-
down authorities.
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: Oh those were the paid, pretentious herders of the unpaid. But since Denton clamped
down on their lulz Apparently herding interns is too much nao.
nanaki: trilema.com is
down now, I think.
rooder: you proley live
down the road
trinque: gabriel_laddel: I want to sit
down and catalog everything around me according to kind and relationship
decimation: which is why it didn't go
down, they did spend $x mil, possibly $bil
ben_vulpes: i am clearly not elite enough to set my own priorities, otherwise i'd be
down on the beach with a margarita and my laptop
assbot: Logged on 19-07-2015 18:26:59; asciilifeform: i've been waiting to hear somebody describe ~some~, even very theoretical,
down side for those
decimation: you did force the attacker to lay
down one card
mircea_popescu: anyway, wanted to see i can first take
down random sites with it
decimation: now, the scammer could discover a 'credited ip' and run
down its account
mod6: But you'll still have to create your own distfiles + ourlibs then drop in ssl/bdb/boost into distfiles. then pull
down stator and build.
mod6: So this can be used as a test platform for all the patches, etc. . If you're really ambitious you can install gentoo as above ^^ then use this to pull
down the v0.5.3.1 basecode and apply these patches:
http://dpaste.com/23VKWD8.txt assbot: Logged on 19-07-2015 01:18:02; ben_vulpes: anyways, the drivetrain is incorrect. yes, electrical drive is fantastic for the low-end torque, but regen brakes of engineering necessity must clamp
down insanely hard in order to maximize current out of the machines.