28800+ entries in 0.36s
mircea_popescu: thing is, we had the nod thing back in romania ; when i visited the eastern empire
as a tyke, native chicks that spoke no language i spoke nevertheless knew how it works just fine.
mircea_popescu: "People dance tango at a structured event called a milonga (the word can also apply to the dance hall itself, or to a two-beat older form of tango music), the only social setting in Argentina where you must fetch your own drinks and empanadas at a bar rather than waiting for table service." <<< ahaha fucking bs.
as erryone can attest, you get table service.
mircea_popescu: take that, white supremacists everywhere : all white argentina is
as bad
as an all-fungus erection. i came here for the all-black argentina and didn't even know it at the time ;/
mircea_popescu: oh btw, re tango : it is a living testament to the ignorant, molasses-thick hypocrisy of these people that they regard tango
as "their national heritage", when tango was invented and developed by BLACK DUDES. who then got a little bit of genocide, deliverately (argentina declared war with peru, told black people they make better fighters, sent them to fight, got them exterminated by the mountain folk. this is not unlike telli
mircea_popescu: oft the scene plays out
as the guy frantically runs to unlock the door just
as mp is jew-waving him and turning.
mircea_popescu: anyway, it's altogether unclear how much political control over others is required for individual freedom. certainly political control OVER IDIOTS, which includes small children,
as well
as all the adults with the mind of a small child.
mircea_popescu: LET ALONE people with pretensions
as to a life of the mind.
Framedragger: mircea_popescu: yeah, i'm actually felling a bit of that constructive mp-rage towards gnupg. by god it should be kicked and replaced
as soon
as possible
mircea_popescu: there's a pile of incidental nonsense (such
as min length for name but not password hurr ; such
as 2.0.30 current doesn't even fucking compile, such
as etc) that shouldn't disappear under "oh, mpi"
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform since we're on this btw, the way i want tmsr-rsa key generation to work is
as follows : a contains a number of entropy bytes specified by user in tmsr-rsa.conf read whenever tmsr-rsa.conf specifies (such
as urandom); b contains a base-tmsr string specified by user. c = base-tmsr(a).b ; p = nextprime(cut(sha512(c),257)) ; process is repeated for q = nextprime (cut(sha512(c'),258));
☟︎☟︎☟︎☟︎☟︎ mircea_popescu: ok. and this does not actually correspond to the numeric format
as used by gpg's bignum because mpi reasons.
mircea_popescu: " In Paul Graham's world,
as soon
as oil paint was invented, painting techniques made a discontinuous jump from the fifteenth to the twentienth century, fortuitously allowing Renaissance painters to paint a lot like Paul Graham. And the difficult problems the new medium supposedly helped painters solve just happened to resemble the painting problems that confront an enthusiastic but not particularly talented art student. I ho
mircea_popescu: more's the point here : does that pos actually work so
as to get any entropy past the 600 bytes pool ?
mod6: <+mircea_popescu> asciilifeform the incredible gall of the imbecile, to actually state it
as "This bug does not affect the default generation of keys" << i mean srsly. since 1998!?
BingoBoingo: fixing seems
as though it would require mucking up phphhphphphp
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform the incredible gall of the imbecile, to actually state it
as "This bug does not affect the default generation of keys"
PeterL: or does that not count
as obscure?
a111: Logged on 2016-08-17 16:31 mircea_popescu: i perceive the following problem : in my (rightful) bashing of idiocies (allinged around "colored coins", "dao" etc, that jazz) i distinctly hear the crushed hopes of people who look at those
as a refuge from something else, specifically. i suspect it's hwqat you call "anarchists"
Framedragger: phf: so you don't regard matasano crypto challenges
as anything worthy, then?
mircea_popescu: "i could be mp, i read all he wrote" "and if tomorrow mizdra lands with an alien submarine, what will you say
as mp ? this hasn't happened in the past ALREADY, for you to life the quote"
mircea_popescu: on one hand you have people with the fixed part "disagreeing", who dress it up
as they dress it ; on the other, you have the people with the fixed dress, who call "their position"
as they may call it. these are very different, and the latter's easily disqualified.
phf: mircea_popescu speaks from experience, of things that he have practiced. even mpoe-pr's rants were using internal mpoe practices
as a model for argument. it's not clear that ptacek has any kind of similar standing, because we don't know what he did. he argues for best practices, which he could've
as easily picked up from reading others. compare to, say, djb, who, when speaks about security, uses his extensive qmail (etc.) experience
as Framedragger: phf: matasano crypto challenges and the new crypto ctf thing he and others did (i didn't try it) are a great public service; i mean the challenges start simple in the beginning but if one followed them to the end, actual reading of recent crypto papers would be required etc.; surely that counts
as something? he didn't pioneer anything in crypto, sure.
phf: mircea_popescu: ptacek is a "security expert" and founder of a security company matasano. he posts a lot to hackernews, and is regarded
as authority. a simple question "what did ptacek actually did" usually doesn't produce any answers though
mircea_popescu: yes, we're adjusting the meaning of rsa-crypto to explicitly not care,
as discussed yest. but this is novel.
mircea_popescu: maybe alf's mp-generator dun work too well, but lo and behold - my phf-parser dun work half
as much!
mircea_popescu: the one true advantage of irc
as we have it is that well... nobody's hanging on this thread.
Framedragger: (funnily enough,
as regards authority, i regard 'tptacek very highly)
mircea_popescu: (on the sub-subject of "defending the power of phuctor's results" << it is entirely reactive. just
as doctor defending the power of sanitation. in some contexts it's the only thing a doctor can say - and he can be rendered "ridiculous" by insisting on presenting him in that context, but really, the joke's on the unwashed.)
mircea_popescu: i perceive the following problem : in my (rightful) bashing of idiocies (allinged around "colored coins", "dao" etc, that jazz) i distinctly hear the crushed hopes of people who look at those
as a refuge from something else, specifically. i suspect it's hwqat you call "anarchists"
☟︎ Framedragger:
as in, any claims to the contrary (of the power of those results) are attacked with such force that it hints at some kind of defensiveness; but perhaps this is precisely what it means to have a political position.
Framedragger: there is a danger of one presupposing the veracity of their own's truths, but this isn't exactly an original thought or anything; just, well, i *do* observe yourself and alf defending the power of phuctor's results almost a priori
as it were;
mircea_popescu: who the fuck wants to be in the same room
as "hrc"'s dead cooch.
Framedragger: mircea_popescu: i currently refuse to articulate explicit alignments. but, i contend that i should have interpreted that dood's speech on #bitcoin-otc
as political speech
danielpbarron: not
as good a pig wrestler
as asciilifeform I guess
danielpbarron is banned from the linked channel,
as well
as -dev and -assets :D
a111: Logged on 2016-08-17 07:13 mircea_popescu:
as there's not a single 0 tx block in there, seems the fee market has actually done a lot to fix various historical mining problems.
as there's not a single 0 tx block in there, seems the fee market has actually done a lot to fix various historical mining problems.
☟︎ trinque: well mine's easily fixed; however, I'm putting it here show that this is the kind of moron busywork that comes of taking something like RSS
as bedrock
mircea_popescu: now asciilifeform if cs were well specified and well understood from usage ; i wouldn't be against making "key" ambiguous
as to which of rsa, cs it is.
mircea_popescu: and i would propose this
as an example of the pernicious effects of category 3 of bad stuff selfsig did. it made people think "key" is "identity". when in fact it's algo->key.
as they say, "save this sort of idea for when your father gives you your part of heavenly kingdom"
mircea_popescu: 3)
as it's theoretically nonsensical, it feeds a bunch of idiotic yet unconscious expectations in the mind of the user. i am well convinced that the general "i'll pull myself by own breeches" attitude of "creative" people is both due to and resulting in the gpg selfsig
as it's not acctually correctly designed it 1) creates false sense of security ; 2) creates unnecessary byzantinism and "can't pop the hood on this"
☟︎ mircea_popescu: sure. some classes :
as it's unnecessary in the discussed scheme, it 1) adds weaknes through requiring unneeded computation ; 2) gives crevice for shitgnomery for no reason (see anvin bs) ; 3) possibly creates weakness through unnecessary computation on key generation
mircea_popescu: if owner asks "which this" you are not sufficiently connected so
as for you to has his key.
mircea_popescu: b) i do not regard a modulus with a new comment pasted in
as "same".
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform ideally tmsr rsa, such
as for eulora etc, uses a fp and armored base90
as above. so there!
phf: asciilifeform: proper ergonomics is a novel thing for me,
as documented in logs
PeterL: you want your screen 3 times
as tall
as it is wide?
mircea_popescu: there is no such thing
as "smartphone". just dumbuyer.
mircea_popescu: " Good morning sir, Can you please see attached, was at the machine shop this morning and he said this has not been paid
as of yet. This is really overdue, the machine shop jumps on anything I bring over, does quality work and gets me back the work quickly. Please, anything you can do to expedite this would be greatly appreciated." << speaking of spam. if anyone wants the enclosed JAR lemme know.
a111: Logged on 2016-08-16 16:49 asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: it isn't, unfortunately,
as if the 'hollywood nonsense' were harmlessly decorative. there are countless cases of, e.g., police AND arrestee both, acting out 'hollywood script' from their heads...
thestringpuller: like the episode were beavis runs head first
as fast
as possible into a brick wall thinking he'll bust through
mircea_popescu: people generally like to think faust is a story about someone else. just like they pretend italian cinema is about, you know, that place in europe, and they're ruled by hollywood nonsense.
as if that's how things fucking work now.
mircea_popescu: oh since i'm thinking about it : there's two specific items tmsr wants to bring to the field of probate reform : a) no juridical person beneficiary. no government, ngo, corporation, trust etc may obtain
as much
as a farthing from any succession. physical persons only. b) no tax or fee of any kind may be levied against succession.
☟︎ mircea_popescu: (likbez #3 : that the socialist shithead can not think of anything because too obsessed with anthill fetish should be informative
as to his braindamage)
mircea_popescu: (likbez : ant worker is not genetically distinct from ant queen. epigenetics (mostly, env factors -
as in feed) make the fenotypical distinction. consequently yes, whole anthill,
as far
as its underlying mechanics go, is found in each worker ant, all you have to do is sequence the dna and explore the possibilities. that such is currently a computationally prohibitive task is not relevant to the discussion.)