27500+ entries in 0.257s
BingoBoingo: "Good night and God bless America and the entire world. Thank you."
<< On the otherhand could be hint of MWGA effort
BingoBoingo: "Unlike the previous administration, President Trump confronted a pivotal moment in Syria and took action, said Sens. John McCain (R-AZ) and Lindsey Graham (R-SC)."
<< Apparently Trump satisfied the Lich's war boner.
deedbot: mircea_popescu rated skydragon 1
<< seems hardworking enough.
Framedragger: (one internet says "No, it is not always reliable when you have binary blobs. In that case you MUST use the "--hex-blob" flag to get correct results."
<< untrusted source)
mircea_popescu: -- Dump completed on 2017-04-06 15:10:30
<< at least i know for a fact i got an integral mysqldump. sadly it's 40.9 gb.
mircea_popescu: 111119289 tril_posts.sql
<< that took ~5 minutes of wc time.
shinohai: "obama :: The Messiah for brain-dead Democrats. "
<<< Accurate
shinohai: "Enphase's storage technology is optimal for the masses."
<<< Indeed!
<mircea_popescu> incredible. this is even legal ?
<< O hai I R the packet interceptor. Pls to pay again for delivery.
mircea_popescu: 39491524 /var/lib/mysql/trilema_blog/tril_posts.MYD
<< reported by du | 40439263232 Apr 6 11:12 tril_posts.MYD
<< reported by ls -l
mircea_popescu: load average: 0.01, 0.05, 0.21
<<< meanwhile i am... waiting... for it to... repair.
lobbesbot: Logged on 2017-04-06 00:05:55:
<mircea_popescu> until trinque's deedbot payment is on i dunno what lightweight to recommend you
Framedragger: i sed'ed the relative urls, as in "
<a href="/">Submit GPG Key
</a>", to point them to phuctor, etc
<td> (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) <sshscan-queries+>;
http://btcbase.org/log/2017-03-29#1634033 << that's all i have:
http://imgur.com/a/SPFBI (stuff that was stickied on the parcel). i had unfortunately thrown out the 'postcard' from royal mail, but it was a single slip which literally only said "we can't post you this because this got held up. go online and put in a reference number". the latter opened a "PAY NOW" form, and that's it.
☝︎ trinque: "though no word was available as to whether the agent and his female companion explored a full range of disciplinary actions on their own before the tryst was interrupted."
<< top kek
<mircea_popescu> anyway, no explaining, ridiculous move.
<< perhaps move to lure pantsuits into self hanging? Either that or clog fake news circuit.
<asciilifeform> if mircea_popescu dun feel like qntra -- BingoBoingo , then ?
<< I can/will qntra, but in the future when you are lulzing about the details of a thing and are unsure if editor is awake/digging-liming holes/trying to get older sober lady to 13th step him, maybe consider writing a qntra while you have and are playing with the details? Makes for more timely publication when editor is awake? Publication can happen faster when
<+asciilifeform> mod6 ?
<< need some perl?
<+mircea_popescu> asciilifeform working on list.
<< looks like mp is on it.
<+mircea_popescu> sorry i can't hear you over the sound of hillary clinton's pantsuit.
<< lel
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform> the thing that tells you when the nukes have dropped ?!
<< the original inventors of the telethon
<asciilifeform> it's a thing that has 2 modes, 'ahci' and 'legacy' (or 'compatibility')
<< I refer to these modes internally as "James Lafond Presents Baltimore" and "Antebellum Kitchen"
mircea_popescu: reinstating from the dump is easy, just go into the bash and say mysql
< file
http://btcbase.org/log/2017-04-05#1638105 << dumping dom is not hard (it's innerhtml attribute on document.body/head), extracting images/objects is harder. used to be able to do it using canvas, but not there's security provisions. you literally have to go into the browser's cache (via internal apis) to got the graphic, etc. back. or else redownload, which is rife with potential issues
☝︎☟︎ mircea_popescu: phf> state of the art for blind folx is misserable.
<< about same as in 1997.