3200+ entries in 0.569s
asciilifeform: $up boolcrap
asciilifeform: $s arkencide
mircea_popescu: $up Farksers
BingoBoingo: Framedragger: If you call it $job you have the wrong attitude towards it. Call it "hobby"
Framedragger: mircea_popescu: just to update, i've cleared my "things owed to relatives etc in short term" list and will move on to log bot+web feature stuff. realistically things will happen on tuesday (or before), because $job from monday onwards. will let y'all know.
asciilifeform: $s food depot
shinohai: $up VAodminnTer
Yipdard: you have more than 1'500'000$ lel
Yipdard: $key fuckyou
mircea_popescu: $key Yipdard
shinohai: $up Yipdard
mircea_popescu: $key VAodminnTer
VAodminnTer: $register 08119972876B78EB07B107C840911EAF3ABA24C0
VAodminnTer: $register 08119972876B78EB07B107C840911EAF3ABA24C0
VAodminnTer: $register 08119972876B78EB07B107C840911EAF3ABA24C0
VAodminnTer: == Cannot send to channel $register 08119972876B78EB07B107C840911EAF3ABA24C0
shinohai: $up VAodminnTer
mircea_popescu: $up Yipdard
shinohai: $up VAodminnTer
Yipdard: $register DF94F889FDFDB1F30545A985AD292D96188A3B0C
mircea_popescu: $up Yipdard
mircea_popescu: $key sellbtctraderz
shinohai: $up hotgirlchandai
shinohai: $up sellbtctraderz
BingoBoingo: $up freebtcwebsite
trinque: $up boolcrap
BingoBoingo: $t m s.mg
BingoBoingo: $up boolcrap
diana_coman: $key Robespierre_
diana_coman: $key AllKindsOfBad
diana_coman: $key Robespierre_
mircea_popescu: $key shinohai
mircea_popescu: $deed http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/f0bcc036-283d-4d1b-95e3-0dce4d912104/?raw=true
mircea_popescu: $deed http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/b46591b3-2fe5-4f08-9c60-92d8b9bd89a6/?raw=true
mircea_popescu: $up sellbtctraderz
mircea_popescu: $up VAodminnTer
shinohai: mexxer: ok, now just register key with deedbot by typing: $register <your gpg fingerprint>
shinohai: $up mexxer
shinohai: $upo mexxer
shinohai: ok, now just register key with deedbot by typing: $register <your gpg fingerprint>
mircea_popescu: $up mexxer
mircea_popescu: $up holgerkpedersen
mircea_popescu: $key Robespierre_
BingoBoingo: $up Palaboy
asciilifeform: $s 93717621124200192314145705948137075738570941668159058108077267463226172347789
mircea_popescu: $google gpg key
mircea_popescu: $up ImHash
asciilifeform: $s nihil
Framedragger: $s _s
BingoBoingo: $up umoguny
asciilifeform: $up g_l
asciilifeform: $up g_l
trinque: $up g_l
thestringpuller: $s dma bad
asciilifeform: plumber does not advertise 'ANY problem fixed for 100$'
asciilifeform: $up gabriel_laddel
asciilifeform: 'Around this time, Bruce and I were sharing personal concerns and he confided in me that he had let Michael borrow $50,000 from his personal savings. Did you read that? A startup employee gave his life savings to our CEO. He wasn’t the only one. Another biz dev team bro who was crashing on the CEO’s couch, Bobby, apparently lent Michael five figures too. In disbelief, I asked why he needed money when he has $2M already committed
pete_dushenski: bought 2k btc for ~$2k in 2010 though so not a complete maroon but that's still taking the 'great divestment' pretty far.
mod6: $deed http://mod6.net/buildroot-deeds/pkgconf-0.8.9.tar.bz2.asc
mod6: $deed http://mod6.net/buildroot-deeds/ncurses-5.9.tar.gz.asc
mod6: $deed http://mod6.net/buildroot-deeds/musl-1.1.8.tar.gz.asc
mod6: $deed http://mod6.net/buildroot-deeds/mpfr-3.1.2.tar.xz.asc
mod6: $deed http://mod6.net/buildroot-deeds/mpc-1.0.3.tar.gz.asc
mod6: $deed http://mod6.net/buildroot-deeds/m4-1.4.17.tar.xz.asc
mod6: $deed http://mod6.net/buildroot-deeds/linux-3.18.14.tar.xz.asc
mod6: $deed http://mod6.net/buildroot-deeds/gmp-6.0.0a.tar.xz.asc
mod6: $deed http://mod6.net/buildroot-deeds/gdb-7.8.2.tar.xz.asc
BingoBoingo: $s Sodini
mod6: $deed http://mod6.net/buildroot-deeds/gcc-4.9.2.tar.bz2.asc
mod6: $deed http://mod6.net/buildroot-deeds/fakeroot_1.18.4.orig.tar.bz2.asc
mod6: $deed http://mod6.net/buildroot-deeds/expat-2.1.0.tar.gz.asc
mod6: $deed http://mod6.net/buildroot-deeds/busybox-1.23.2.tar.bz2.asc
mod6: $deed http://mod6.net/buildroot-deeds/binutils-2.24.tar.bz2.asc
asciilifeform: own on a fucking rail. But Marvin Heemeyer wasn't the sort of mewling pussy coward who was going to sit there and let a bunch of stuffed-suit bastards fuck him over like a little bitch. He was an insane badass motherfucker with an arc welder and a mad desire for vengeance at all costs, and he decided he wasn't going to take it anymore. Heemeyer paid his $2,500 fine to City Hall, scribbling the word "cowards" in the memo portion of
mircea_popescu: $up thortron
Framedragger: $~ ?
mircea_popescu: $up fromphuctor
trinque: writing $seen for it is trivial.
mircea_popescu: $up covertress
asciilifeform: $up gabriel_laddel
gabriel_laddel: $s 1-5 months
asciilifeform: $up gabriel_laddel
asciilifeform: aaaaha i'ma spend a month on a $5 part. suuuure.
BingoBoingo: $s noose
danielpbarron: $list
mod6: $orders
mircea_popescu: $key PeterL
asciilifeform: $s разруха
thestringpuller: $s interlisp
trinque: $up Sinclair6
mircea_popescu: $key pi2u
mircea_popescu: $key khaos49
shinohai: $key khaos49
shinohai: $up khaos49
mircea_popescu: t2yax you can voice yourself, just say $up to the bot
mircea_popescu: $gettrust deedbot t2yax
mircea_popescu: $up t2yax
BingoBoingo: $up indoor_jellyfish
shinohai: Now can only hope very speshul offer includes a $3000+ bailout
thestringpuller: $s otp