asciilifeform at one point tried to systematically fit in head danielpbarron's theology, but it appears to be at least as complicated as ffa; broke teeth
asciilifeform: danielpbarron: are you still running FG dealership ?
asciilifeform: lol possibly asciilifeform loses championship crown of 'whose www b0rked the longest'
asciilifeform: ( the japanese never could resist to attempt to make something 'more of itself' )
asciilifeform: << no heads. but, funnily enuff, recently asciilifeform read old treatise on harakiri, and apparently, sometimes , as 'sprezzatura', it was performed with wooden knife☝︎
asciilifeform: << ftr this is only marginally less troo of man than of cow ( unprepped hand & room is much closer to freshly-shat arse , bacteriologically, than to proper operating theatre )☝︎
asciilifeform: typically 'rezistenta prin cultura' before it even hits forebrain
asciilifeform: in usa they even tried to start a pedo party. for roughly same type honeytrap . but pedos apparently smarter, on avg, than 'activists', didn't catch on
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: usa has ~identical one, it's only known use is to prosecute 'unapproved leak, could've gone to Official grievance room' folx
asciilifeform: lol was naturally speaking of ameri-restaurant, rather than where mircea_popescu gets his water glass filled with virgin tear spritz
asciilifeform: ( there's ~0 other employment for'em outside of restaurant )
asciilifeform: 'devil finds work for idle hand', clinton's lawyers are preets nao
asciilifeform: ( somehow 'badbios'-style odin's-own-gift-to-sec-researcher never seems to fall on the head of anybody with half a clue, but only ever milkmaid )
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: from cursory dig, seems like whole thing took place at a kind of trade school where they taught 'seekoority', i.e. how to install av on winblowz etc
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: didja know , there was broadway play about the rabbit chix ?
asciilifeform: ( troo phakt -- burning at stake did not discourage this type of 'attention whoring tech industry' either )
asciilifeform: i suspect that 400y ago this chix would've insisted that devils inseminated her while slept etc
asciilifeform: 'An NCC Group graduate trainee who emailed 300 coworkers to ask for help with what she deemed to be "unusual" behaviour from her Kali Linux VM; contacted the firm’s incident response team to complain about a faulty laptop; and said the machine had been "deliberately sabotaged", has had her victimisation claim thrown out by an employment tribunal' etc
asciilifeform: naturally they won't be present in a correct 4000ln ffaistic ecc
asciilifeform: whole point, ~unexplored~ corners, deliberately proddable, in the ~orig~ shitoshi sslism
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: trb dun use any 'wwwism' from ssl, only the ecc numerics, so i expect just about any extant version will link and run. the rub is how it'd behave in unexplored corner cases, as in the der sig affair
asciilifeform: and ftr naming convention ( carried on since asciilifeform's original vtron ) is simply that patch is $string.vpatch and sig is $ .
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: vtron (including phf's , and in fact his esp. well) solves.
asciilifeform: ( if anyone wonders why -- was for peculiar industrial application where device driver gets built ~in real time~ based on custom params; no can do with microshit's compiler )