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skinnkavaj: pankkake: I am not daytrading
skinnkavaj: pankkake: Are you mocking his name or has he ever stolen?
skinnkavaj: so pankkake
Ademan: pankkake: I saw you commented on bASIC-MINING, do you know what's going on there?
mircea_popescu: pankkake there, you fixed it.
kakobrekla: pankkake is what he does.
asciilifeform: pankkake: how do you prevent an attack by incoming MIRV ICBM?
skinnkavaj: pankkake: Yeah he and MPOE-PR can be replaced by a bot
skinnkavaj: pankkake: What a waste of time. You only have to spend 30 minutes of reading to understand that it is both centralised and premined. And if you still think it's good, I will not even bother to argue with you. Then I really have to declare you retarded.
skinnkavaj: I am not even suprised people like pankkake think ripple is good
pircea_momescu: pankkake litecoin is a scam !
pircea_momescu: pankkake ripple is a scam !
skinnkavaj: pankkake: Why are you using premined scam?
skinnkavaj: pankkake: mpex is not even secure, you should place "Hacked since 2013"
skinnkavaj: pankkake: Yes, but as stated. I want the bet to be in USD value.
skinnkavaj: pankkake: Wild swings, yeah 0.1-0.3 USD
skinnkavaj: pankkake: That's not the bet I am after
skinnkavaj: pankkake: Lol, yeah go ahead try to start pump LTC on btc-e
skinnkavaj: pankkake: What do you think, nipples?
skinnkavaj: pankkake: Put a bet up, first to go up 5x in value from today. Bitcoin or Litecoin?
jurov: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=141293.msg3458927#msg3458927 pankkake i see what you did there :DDD
nubbins`: pankkake: https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/943558_10153009658410088_2105594213_n.jpg
nubbins`: pankkake: it's all shaved off now
deadweasel: i'd be surprised if you'd left your house in a month or so pankkake
truffles: i like this in for the kill song good choice pankkake
nubbins`: pankkake: awesome
Apocalyptic: pankkake, what exactly do you find ridiculous ? marketing needs to be done
Apocalyptic: btw pankkake time to quit mcxnow for https://www.x-bt.com/ :)
truffles: pankkake so howd u get those coins!!
nubbins`: pankkake: there were a lot more t-shirt sales when the share price was > 4
nubbins`: pankkake: gonna print your fc shirt soon, i just need to digest this enormous lunch
kleeck: pankkake, you love MCXNow, right?
skinnkavaj: pankkake: Invest in LTC ASICS bro you never know when you need a pair of boots https://www.ltcasics.com/index.php?route=product/category&path=62
skinnkavaj: Doubled by litecoin holdings yesterday pankkake
skinnkavaj: I bet pankkake is invested in ActM
kakobrekla: pankkake also the positions are so small and the leverage can go really high so no worries for a margin call
dub: I win pankkake
nubbins`: ooh pankkake circle of life
chetty: pankkake: not to worry once we all get chipped ID will be settled :P
dub: pankkake's requirements include ease of spacedocking
skinnkavaj: pankkake: Quantum Ponzi
Apocalyptic: pankkake, i'm sure you would be great at it
Apocalyptic: pankkake, i totally am
skinnkavaj: pankkake
lurker: pankkake* sry :)
skinnkavaj: dexX7: No one has told me to do that. I do it because I am a share holder, this is asset channel and to rub profits in pankkake and Apocalyptics face latero n.
skinnkavaj: pankkake
davout: pankkake: where did you learn electronics? bfl?
davout: pankkake: reversed polarity? with alternative current?
mircea_popescu: pankkake no, see, it's a bad power
Vexual: tropical varieties are still a rarity, but i think pankkake has something called pif?
Diablo-D3: pankkake: possible
mircea_popescu: jurov i think the only body cavity able to hide it would be a well worked vagina, the sort pankkake favours
pankkake: I want the pankkake-themed butt plug http://i.imgur.com/xOftDYp.png
nubbins`: anyway, pankkake was making an argument for free software, not against the morals of the opera dev team
nubbins`: pankkake: i do have a lot of black shirts
nubbins`: pankkake: i think that's the point
skinnkavaj: pankkake: please stop writing, i made the 90% profit by investing in 10x kelly
skinnkavaj: pankkake: stop asking me go look on the site yourself, you can choose kelly
skinnkavaj: pankkake is speechless again
skinnkavaj: pankkake: This one you can choose investment strategy and how much you RISK each bet. I have an investment that has made 90% profit
skinnkavaj: pankkake: LTC is the most popular played
skinnkavaj: pankkake
Diablo-D3: pankkake: that would only improve somalia, really
Diablo-D3: pankkake: yes, but mp's identity is known
skinnkavaj: pankkake: you ready for november?
mod6: pankkake: seems like india has import controls, something like 15% tax on gold import
nubbins`: pankkake: plus you could be all badass walking into the music store
mircea_popescu: pankkake that's basically avalanche
skinnkavaj: pankkake
Apocalyptic: pankkake, the part where most bitcoin people seem to fail the most is company/assets valuation
mircea_popescu: pankkake https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2013/10/can_i_be_truste.html
nubbins`: pankkake: you're just trying to sabotage the sweet divs
Scrat: pankkake: more like 0:45
gecko_x2: haven't clicked pankkake's link yet
soypirate: pankkake: so true
gecko_x2: pankkake try this little nice tune..
mircea_popescu: pankkake in fairness, i knew this very hot chick that only wore leather pants.
mircea_popescu: pankkake aty
mircea_popescu: pankkake im not even sure what it's supposed to be
FabianB_: pankkake: np
FabianB_: pankkake: then you can authenticate via gpg
FabianB_: pankkake: i didn't use it for a while, but it used to work like this: put "gpg" in the password field instead of your password
FabianB_: 21:53 < pankkake> it's funny that weexchange supports gpg authentication, but if you enable it, you are locked out of your account
skinnkavaj: So pankkake is now speechless about LTC
skinnkavaj: pankkake: Coinbase use Mtgox
skinnkavaj: pankkake: Merchants using LTC
skinnkavaj: pankkake: There is no way everyone will forget about Mtgox, Coinbase and Btcchina exchange.. The hype has not even begun.
skinnkavaj: pankkake: So LTC in one year has crashed even more?
dexX7: hey pankkake
skinnkavaj: pankkake
Apocalyptic: pankkake, my guess is he's fully loaded in ltc and can't buy more anyway
Apocalyptic: pankkake, cause he is irrational
Apocalyptic: pankkake, wonder where our friend skinnkavaj is
Luke-Jr: pankkake: the altcoin that never accomplished decentralisation
Luke-Jr: pankkake: to verify as well
Luke-Jr: pankkake: the hope with that one instance was that it'd deter the scammers
Luke-Jr: pankkake: waste of my time
Luke-Jr: pankkake: mircea_popescu is a troll; my pool was not involved
mircea_popescu: pankkake Luke-Jr became famous through doing the same thing coupla years ago. or trying... i don't recall if he succeeded.