25100+ entries in 0.05s
mod6: ah, yeah.
mod6: yeah got this: http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/deed/9ULZPc7yeZ9fQEA1aZ73H6mcv1s2C4gYFAbNTb5urovj ☟︎
mod6: we'll get it done asap
mod6: mp: werd.
mod6: Has the document been updated with the address et. al?
mod6: *nod*
mod6: yeah ok.
mod6: jurov: do you mean my signed charter? http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/b/1MXeLHi5
mod6: thanks for getting the address setup for the foundation jurov & for signing on to be the treasurer for the Foundation
mod6: ;;ticker
mod6: .deed http://therealbitcoin.com/charter-B71EADAF.asc
mod6: .deedbot http://therealbitcoin.com/charter-B71EADAF.asc
mod6: there is only better or best.
mod6: there is no correctly.
mod6: well, they dont, for good reason
mod6: do you think that all the root servers should use the same code & os?
mod6: i don't think the question is why, it's how.
mod6: including os?
mod6: you want to force people to use only one version of code?
mod6: what I mean is, if your worried about everyone running the same code, 'safety critical code' wouldn't it be good to have some diversity of systems, and decentralized
mod6: im pretty sure that im not smart enough for this conversation
mod6: <+asciilifeform> like, your whole reich goes down << wouldn't it be grand to have a spec so people can use that to build their own compliant reference implementation?
mod6: eh..nm
mod6: what about like 69000 other things?
mod6: what about wintel eth drivers?
mod6: so you wouldn't say, want to strip kern mods out or whatever?
mod6: s/openbsd/*bsd
mod6: so, since we're talking about it, what would be the most idea env for such a reference implentation? a fully stripped openbsd with a custom fs & drivers?
mod6: do you mean 'real' as in systemv?
mod6: not bad :]
mod6: heheh
mod6: asciilifeform: perhaps. i worry that we're all of the sudden going to fork *bsd and make mpexos
mod6: but sounds like we're getting into RE-ENGINEER ALL THE THINGS if we start to not trust whatever is already out there
mod6: the fs idea is sexy, and indeed ufs2 w/soft updates would be probably best, which is default for everything post fbsd 5 iirc.
mod6: why?
mod6: mircea_popescu: cool, np :]
mod6: nice jurov :)
mod6: lol, the ole right hook to the nose
mod6: <+bounce> dirty deeds, done dirt cheap << +1
mod6: thx, will review
mod6: ya, ben_vulpes & I need to try to figure it out too
mod6: looks that way
mod6: ah yeah. thx
mod6 looks
mod6: ok :]
mod6: i only see one sig for s.mg, which makes sense.
mod6: s/too/to/
mod6: was just checking these things too see what was done recently. for instance, with s.bbet the IPO was clear signed by one party, and then that clearsigned doc was then clearsigned again by a second party.
mod6: looks like the keyid's are correct, just not linked to the correct file
mod6: <+jurov> mod6 you mean the Signed links? << yeah
mod6: html links point to wrong/non-existant files.
mod6: was mp the only one to sign s.qntr?
mod6: so in this case, ben.sig & mod6.sig, each yields a PGP armored message, that's just a signed file that can be verified.
mod6: each party will want to name ``out.sig'' something different obv.
mod6: oh. ok.
mod6: <@assbot> [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1255344 @ 0.00076434 = 959.5096 BTC [-] {96} << ???
mod6: ^5
mod6: i don't own or use a single windows machine, and proud to have not for /years/
mod6: windows? not me. i've done all my editing in vim
mod6: <+punkman> ok, so last guy to sign must be in assbot wot << just put this in the wiki then so we'll know
mod6: ok gotta run for a bit, will be back later to continue the work on getting this thing finished.
mod6: *shrug*
mod6: s/both/all/
mod6: it looks at both and enters in a row for each?
mod6: ok good deal :)
mod6: 'reference implementation'
mod6: i think it did say that at one point. i don't have my previous revisions handy atm.
mod6: ok, noted.
mod6: Hi all, ben_vulpes and I have a new revision for the foundation charter. http://dpaste.com/16Z4M68
mod6: yikes
mod6: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W-F5NKAMdFc&feature=youtu.be&t=1m32s
mod6: they probably 1984'd it
mod6: i remember watching it on tv
mod6 laughs
mod6: ok, actually, it was 2.3tn
mod6: yeah. i was like "holy shit! is this guy kidding?! how do you do that?!"
mod6: *the day after
mod6: so the day after the 'billennium', Sept. 9th 2001, I think that was the day that rummy was like "Oops, we somehow misplaced 1tn."
mod6: heheh
mod6: *legal too :D
mod6: i actually had a leagal drink for the billinium
mod6: me too
mod6: this punkbot is neat
mod6: lol, the bull is chasing newton
mod6: <+mircea_popescu> mod6 what's ben_vulpes say ? << contract afterwards essentially, meanwhile waiting to hear back, just got back. trying to catch up
mod6: need to figure out if we should add in jurov or what's happening there. then we need a pub address.
mod6: so this is the latest version of the chater: http://dpaste.com/286VJ3N
mod6: i wish
mod6: jurov: heheh
mod6: yeah, i think it was decided that we'd put that in a seperate document.
mod6: /names
mod6: oh mailman. that's all you had to say :)
mod6: what is ``jurov's turdatron''?
mod6: lot of ideas have flown by in here over the last 2+ days, solid ideas that should be documented.
mod6: we should have some sort of sop involved.
mod6: and more-over, all the steps/requirements involved in creating such a patch.
mod6: can someone take the time to create a document outlining how to submit a patch to said forthcoming mailing list?
mod6: ^
mod6: tomorrow, 6 minutes, w/e