24000+ entries in 0.495s
phf: it still works though when xterm is asking you for password because xterm doesn't know it's a password entry, and doesn't do a grab ☟︎
phf: but if you were to actually repeat that same exercise when gnupg pinentry is asking you for password you'll see that it doesn't work ☟︎
phf: so now it doesn't matter who's registered for what, the only windows that will be receiving events are those in the server grab hierarchy, i.e. your chosen window and its children
phf: that one is used for things like screen recording, and is optional. it doesn't otherwise respect the hierarchy
phf: see architecturally wayland and x11 couldn't be more different. x11 supports a special network protocol that lets clients from different sources connect to the same instance of x. for example you can have a client from a different user on the same machine or a client from a network source (like over ssh) ☟︎☟︎
sina: Wayland apps don't
sina: mircea_popescu: my main gripe is that X apps aren't isolated from each other, so they can tamper easily. I don't really like it that a vulnerability in, e.g. xeyes, can read firefox memory, or whatever.
sina: at least Wayland apps can't keylog other Wayland apps like X can
mircea_popescu: this "poor idiots make standards -- doesn't matter what lords thnk" nonsense is it's very own kind of poetteringization.
mircea_popescu: much like kandisnky isn't yet wank.
asciilifeform: that ain't the (potentially) interesting bit.
asciilifeform: sina: that ain't milk coming from the dead cow, it's corpsejuice
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform now you know why you can't have a job!
sina: asciilifeform: maybe if you don't want the hoodie job you can work for https://www.torproject.org/about/jobs-browserdeveloper.html.en
asciilifeform: i couldn't make these up if i tried.
Framedragger: ah, just that all this time i was thinking #t was making fun of wannabe-board-member derps, but the above ^ are actual quotes
Framedragger just got reverse-poe-law'd. apparently this isn't parody, omg
trinque: one side of that transaction doesn't look like it's eating too well
asciilifeform: trinque: ever been to a performance of anything where nobody sneezed ? sorta why theatres don't double as recording studios , and the latter exist as separate thing
asciilifeform: trinque: 'you aren't cleared for the TRU bookz, comrade gorbachev'
Framedragger: .lt for the summer at least. no master plan, and right now don't feel like having one (first time i feel like that in life)
Framedragger: asciilifeform: unless #3 you meant ssh key to rfc4880 pgp converter (http://siphnos.mkj.lt/datadrop/crap-from-scans-to-be-sorted/ssh-to-pgp.py), but again, prolly not. don't remember seeing any phuctor innards tbh (except for fingerprint algo), but could just be me ☟︎
Framedragger: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-09#1667749 << sorry asciilifeform, i missed this "tell" and only saw now! hmm, key *parser* - as in, pgp parser? i don't believe you've posted that before, or i haven't seen it. at any rate you probably meant sth else that the phuctor fingerprint generator i assume? ☝︎
Framedragger: (in truth, whole loggotron is in need of drainage, just fyi that i don't forget previous requests.. but yes, slow)
BingoBoingo: That's the one secret raytheon contractors don't want you to know!
mircea_popescu: elementarily can't have drone detectors in us congress
mircea_popescu: lechera here doesn't mean anything like lecherous. vaca lechera = cow which you can milk.
asciilifeform: ^ somehow hasn't stopped any of the excitable monkeys
jurov: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-15#1670769 if i translated buckwheat right, it's available in slovakia but not widely used, i don't remember last time i ate it ☝︎
trinque: doesn't matter!
phf: asciilifeform: you don't have to travel far, there's plenty of exotic locations nearby, particularly as you get close to appalachian ridge
trinque: http://archive.is/UMRP1 << as for israel, hasn't to do with anything material.
asciilifeform: now if only bengurion et al hadn't rm -rf / 'd the actual israel and overwritten
phf: well, i've met a handful a American Boy types who were interested in fighting on behalf of israel and defending the christian faith (???) against muslims over the past years, but it's gotten to the point where this doesn't seem to be fringe position
asciilifeform: ( spoiler : it ain't easy 0
mircea_popescu: biology doesn't care that a millisecond ago you built an oil refinery for the first time.
mircea_popescu: in the end the question comes down to, do you feel like a man, or do you feel like a woman ? just don't lie to me or lie to me prettily ? ☟︎
a111: Logged on 2017-06-14 04:19 BingoBoingo: Well it shouldn't have been so fat. Nao it's got butterbrain.
mircea_popescu: hey, in ro too, if you won't eat crap.
mircea_popescu: i also didn't know non-ukr russkis eat it :D
daffadil: +mircea_popescu so I don't need to do anything with that deedbot OTP message?
daffadil: don't understand the "Get your OTP" message from deedbot, whose key encrypted it?
mircea_popescu: it's a wonder they don't also urinate on the writhing cadaver.
asciilifeform: it isn't connected to a feedbacktron
mircea_popescu: remarkably how well it covers the "republic's allies" that aren't either of the republic or its allies.
mircea_popescu: "can't have slavegirls like proper white males, on their knees naked, that'd be too... you know, like right, and proper. no, no, must invite random twink to rule the posh bullshit etcetera"
mircea_popescu: "o dude i just think of all the celenterates, oysters and snails and things and it's just too overwhelming. damned negros DON'T EVEN HAVE LEGS!"
mircea_popescu: it's like fat people coming up with "walk guilt" to explain why they ain't getting out of bed. notwithstanding "they're perfectly healthy, can even stand!!11"
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform you know this weird lsd shit isn't actually bad, visually ? or aurally for that matter.
mircea_popescu: i tell you it's kinda weird, that moment when you don't know who the fuck is calling and what they want.
mircea_popescu: i can't recall if i got banned or bored of twitter.
shinohai: I was surprised it didn't myself, but guess they had to beat other "cloud storage" providers to punch.
mircea_popescu: i'm sorry, he can't be this fucking stupid
asciilifeform: just that 'hey , powers on, so won't explode' ( somehow )
mircea_popescu: they wouldfn't think to do that
danielpbarron: just checking that it powers on, or what would they do if it booted something that wasn't windows?
mircea_popescu: i can't imagine why anyoner'd ever want to fucking leave.
mircea_popescu: maybe black lives matter, cuz white lives sure don't.
mircea_popescu: also sorta why any social organisation where young women aren't in sale and in bulk will fail.
asciilifeform: ^ ohnoez, TERRORIST, didn't respond CORRECTLY to being enpederasted -- instead of drinking to death, ohnoez, went to take a lizard or two with him to grave
asciilifeform: from same rag, https://archive.is/WAJ1b >> 'Reaction was fast and sometimes furious on James T. Hodgkinson’s Facebook page Wednesday morning before the page was removed by Facebook. The man may have had a second Facebook account, which was also missing by noon Wednesday.'
asciilifeform: betcha pantsuit-congress can't wait to put various things to vote, what with the +1 ( 2? 3? ) advantage.
mircea_popescu: "it wouldn't do to hang some shithead as loved as ben gurion"
mircea_popescu: later, as a young man i mean, they begged me to go, but i couldn't be arsed.
mircea_popescu: i didn't.
mircea_popescu: which is i suppose why they don't./
a111: Logged on 2017-06-14 13:54 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-14#1670194 << i don't know of any su-world mil autobio that ~wasn't~ a 'what fun we had'
asciilifeform: fwiw i can't picture serving in a nato army and NOT deserting and/or going to enemy at the first opportunity.
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-14#1670194 << i don't know of any su-world mil autobio that ~wasn't~ a 'what fun we had' ☝︎☟︎
erlehmann: i can't follow. → sleepworking
mircea_popescu: i didn't read it no. i skimmed.
mircea_popescu: i don't think i ever met anyone i'd let into the house who was death-avoidance-oriented.
erlehmann: oh, i won't sleep, probably. but i have mindless work to do and i feel in the right state of mind for that.
mircea_popescu: ok, not bad. i guess i didn't spend enough time staring at that part of europe at the rightr age.
erlehmann: i don't see the dilema, re syria
erlehmann: re agency: i had a talk with a syrian electrical engineer yesterday. he needed a ride and explained that mostly young people flee that conflict because every side sees them as potential fighters. that was the moment where i decided that the neo-nazi meme “they wan't our jobs and our women” ascribed way too much agency to immigrants.
mircea_popescu: erlehmann why do you suppose afghani women don't go around topless ? is it because twitter hasn't perked up awareness enough yet ?
mircea_popescu: generation after generation, pattern repeats because contrary to what people thing, they don't really matter all that much.
mircea_popescu: i also observed that 9th graders all agreed sucking cock is very vulgar, only to agree four years later that only losers don't eat the penis.
mircea_popescu: and ostensibly "you couldn't understand because you haven't experienced" bla bla.
mircea_popescu: leaving the theory aside, from actual, observed practice -- the muppets don't conform to their neighbours, but are conformed to their neighbours. by the muppet owners, yes.
mircea_popescu: consider there are one hundred companies, just like mine. consider that whenever one of our widget licker leaves one company, another one hires him. consider that there's 99 idle fucktards who aren't qualified to drive, who also show up EVERY TIME, but are never selected.
mircea_popescu: suppose i own a company, as i happen to. suppose this company employs one hundred widget lickers, as it doesn't. suppose one day one widget licker dies, and i advertise the open position. suppose one hundred candidates present themselves, and one is selected. suppose this happens a few times over a year, and over the years.
mircea_popescu: "gee, you sound exactly like the other fifty schmucks. don't they have men where you're from ?"
erlehmann: re activism, i suspected quotas work like “we found that women talk significantly less in our gatherings than men, even though they represent ⅔ of in-group. this is an injustice. let's make a rule that men can't talk more, that'll fix it”
mircea_popescu: erlehmann how's greedy go ? they don't get anything for the underpants subscription do they ?
mircea_popescu: erlehmann ah ah i see. well, why is person dedicated to seeing specific classes of people code ? i don't care.
asciilifeform: lizard rep : 'why cantya just put in faeks' 21co gauleiter : 'oh but we always listed ip and port, folx can try and connect, so nao you gotta make at least aws sybils' lizard : 'mno, won't do, just nuke it'
BingoBoingo: Well it shouldn't have been so fat. Nao it's got butterbrain. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: just like EVERY SINGLE OTHER FUCKING TIME. there is no case known to history where the officious intermeddler's schemes didn't blow up ; nor has this ever been fucking admitted to, ever.
mircea_popescu: the mothers of the current crop of useless cunts with delusions of journalism were just as their daughters, importantly neighing about "obviously" and "everyone knows" bullshit they couldn't spell.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform basically, there isn't at the present time one single stupidity of the soviet republic that's not implemented by the anglotard empire. not ONE thing.
BingoBoingo: I haven't seen a single Karpicturales de-karpicting from head all the way to foot on floor without scaffolding to support weight
mircea_popescu: whole menagerie of early losers isn't worth the kako it's printed on.
mircea_popescu: i can't be bothered.
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> i've been sitting here trying to recall which irrelevant scam "exchange" kraken is, can't really come up with much. was in the one the tradehills scammers made in their doomed but cheeky attempt to "come back" the usual coupla years later ? or was the one named after a pirate-era mpoe-pr post ? << The USG created "Goxcatcher" created mostly to have a place to receive the legal effigy of MtGox
mircea_popescu: that... doesn't sound too happy.
shinohai: Those dishes won't wash themselves.
trinque: one sec. phillipsjk wasn't your resume about washing dishes and something volunteer pirate ?
asciilifeform: not to say that there isn't a handful of very narrowly useful 'proof' mechanisms -- some of them appear in, e.g., ada's Spark