2500+ entries in 0.059s
gabriel_laddel: BingoBoingo: meh, I'm done here, read more or something
gabriel_laddel: punkman: so when you create a new format or something in ALGOL you have to create a new parser right?
gabriel_laddel: punkman: okay, okay
gabriel_laddel: BingoBoingo: hide it all behind Super-Meta-click and leave the rest to Congnition Stratifies(TM)
gabriel_laddel: BingoBoingo: thins can all be done at the UI level
gabriel_laddel: punkman: have you tried lisp yet?
gabriel_laddel: "Here are some abstractions, solve the problem." The end
gabriel_laddel: punkman: the whole DSL thing doesn't have a name in lisp because it isn't needed
gabriel_laddel: punkman: the problem with creating "DSLs" in ALGOL is that you end up losing M-. (jump to definition) and any ability you may have had to interact with the AST of the previous programming language (read: the actual language, as it is the thing that contains all the semantics) when you change the syntax
gabriel_laddel: BingoBoingo: wrong wrong wrong, study more
gabriel_laddel: one sec, thinking of an example...
gabriel_laddel: punkman: you lose the full power of the programming language.
gabriel_laddel: BingoBoingo: Enough with the almost analogies already. They're an escape hatch to nowhere.
gabriel_laddel: He who wields Masamune, a loper device, lispm etc.
gabriel_laddel: Want to launch a 3D visualization from a button press in the back of the settings menu? Sure, why not.
gabriel_laddel: the full power of the machine should be yours, at all times
gabriel_laddel: the correct model is that you never have a DSL or "mini-language"
gabriel_laddel: nah, you've got it backwards
gabriel_laddel: I don't know wtf textbook highlighting has to do with anything
gabriel_laddel: BingoBoingo: it is quite obvious that I've poorly expressed exactly why the web interface for Masamune exists.
gabriel_laddel: BingoBoingo: because I want your information pl0x and I'm not going to ask nicely.
gabriel_laddel: BingoBoingo: I don't think you have context here
gabriel_laddel: ?
gabriel_laddel: you get macros etc.
gabriel_laddel: just hack parenscript (which compiles down to JS)
gabriel_laddel: there is a partially complete js->parenscript transpiler so that you don't have to read js ☟︎
gabriel_laddel: e.g., scriping combinations of browser movements, OCR routines and X windows level key-presses together for data mining
gabriel_laddel: whatever
gabriel_laddel: BingoBoingo: because there is a lot of information that needs to be sucked out of the web, and having a 'sharp' blade with which to do this will be quite valuable moving forwards. ☟︎☟︎
gabriel_laddel: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=07-09-2015#1265781 << I lol'd ☝︎
gabriel_laddel: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=07-09-2015#1265693 << nifty ☝︎
gabriel_laddel: Something like 40% of the conkeror js translates to PS without signaling conditions using the included js->ps transpiler.
gabriel_laddel: Incidentally, improving the browser interface is what I plan on using to punish interns / employees who create DSLs, configuration file formats, non-reader macro syntax extensions...
gabriel_laddel: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=07-09-2015#1265774 << I hack it using the parenscript REPL you can find in the Masamune repository. Mozrepl (the basis) provides some very rudimentary debugging facities that tbh, I almost never use due to a burning hatred of js and no reason to ever sharpen that edge of the blade. ☝︎
gabriel_laddel: !up VariaVarietatis
gabriel_laddel: wow
gabriel_laddel: !
gabriel_laddel: spelling?
gabriel_laddel: !up refferedbyloper
gabriel_laddel: nvm - I've just got a bunch of DERIVE files, no sources.
gabriel_laddel: erm let me unpack derive.zip and see wtf is in here then
gabriel_laddel: mircea_popescu: already downloaded it ;-) but will probably stick with Macsyma.
gabriel_laddel: Maxima is neato, but the ALGOL interface to all the goodies sucks.
gabriel_laddel: Yeah, I failed at that a while back.
gabriel_laddel: symbolics box...
gabriel_laddel: asciilifeform: is there anything in particular DERIVE has that maxima does not? I read a presentation on the matter, which had some nice specifics (inequality support) but am curious why you fondly remember the former rather than the latter.
gabriel_laddel: funkenstein_: life is ruff, here, have a blanket.
gabriel_laddel: in any case, it tells me if I'm at all interested in the individual
gabriel_laddel: it'll spark an interesting conversation - or not.
gabriel_laddel: nah, more along the lines of "I'm a programmer" "orly, do you grok lisp? What the primary advantages that haskell's type system provides? Ada's test suite: comments?"
gabriel_laddel: mircea_popescu: she is involved in the pornography industry in some capacity?
gabriel_laddel: !up sexy_saffron
gabriel_laddel: sexy_saffron: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=23-07-2015#1210834 ☝︎
gabriel_laddel: she giggles throughout iirc
gabriel_laddel: twas for taleb
gabriel_laddel: ben_vulpes: no comment & looks like fun.
gabriel_laddel: "god fucking forbid i ask for the best rum in the world (centenario anejo especial) because they don't import it from nearby costa rica" << lol
gabriel_laddel: and here I was under the impression stas didn't like penis.
gabriel_laddel: http://www.mazepath.com/uncleal/geoduck.jpg << Al wins. Again.
gabriel_laddel: America is two generations too late for that
gabriel_laddel: hola
gabriel_laddel: trinque: it's in the logs, but work mostly.
gabriel_laddel: trinque: how goes btw
gabriel_laddel: I've a thing for faces.
gabriel_laddel: trinque: lol, no fear - it just turns me off.
gabriel_laddel: read the logs?
gabriel_laddel: !down moonpunter
gabriel_laddel: or is such a thing for sale
gabriel_laddel: Do you have a database of all the judges, the lawyers who frequent their courts etc?
gabriel_laddel: mircea_popescu: more specifically, I'd love to hear more about the justice system some time
gabriel_laddel: moonpunter: also what
gabriel_laddel: ;; ud cray
gabriel_laddel: but his face!
gabriel_laddel: troglodyte male in the background ruins photo :/
gabriel_laddel: ewww troglodyte photobomb
gabriel_laddel: !down shovel_boss
gabriel_laddel: !up moonpunter
gabriel_laddel: !up shovel_boss
gabriel_laddel: mircea_popescu: how is Ar?
gabriel_laddel: mircea_popescu: I work a lot but have a new crush. 5/10?
gabriel_laddel: Norm Hardy
gabriel_laddel: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=29-08-2015#1255663 << see Bill Gosper ☝︎
gabriel_laddel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tHW0HaG01iU
gabriel_laddel: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=02-08-2015#1222462 << riiight... ☝︎
gabriel_laddel: !up diana_coman
gabriel_laddel: jwz also failed to use his winnings productively.
gabriel_laddel: 04:49:25 mircea_popescu: they should have held out for 55 billion. << lol
gabriel_laddel: oh ty
gabriel_laddel: ;; later tell mircea_popescu https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bznn0f9Mk3KATnVoRWxCb05PTEE/view?usp=sharing << Symbolics https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bznn0f9Mk3KAODdIREhqMkcyM28/view?usp=sharing << Pixar
gabriel_laddel: mircea_popescu: Compare: Symbolics demo reel 1989 ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V4HXPJtym2Q ) to Pixar demo reel 1988 ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=__3aAOBWW60 ) and note Symbolics wasn't a graphics company.
gabriel_laddel: shinohai: in derpspeak, this is "toxic"
gabriel_laddel: (from the back of cltl2)
gabriel_laddel: "... a magnificent job. I have never seen a language description that is more complete or more precise, yet each chapter is throughly enjoyable and subtly witty. The book is absolutely indispensable for all serious LISP students and users; its high quality is a major reason why Common LISP is *the* LISP of the future" - Patrick Henry Winston
gabriel_laddel: ben_vulpes: what, like trolling through CLHS?
gabriel_laddel: Yep. Him and many others. One rubyist had a particularly entertaining one where he complained about Naggum (who had already passed) being "toxic for the community".
gabriel_laddel: I can't wait for the inevitable blog post about how "CL isn't really all that good" and "the language has serious problems and a lack of tooling"
gabriel_laddel: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=26-07-2015#1213475 << bahahahaa ☝︎
gabriel_laddel: ben_vulpes: I don't know anything aobut libuv and as such didn't comment.
gabriel_laddel: asciilifeform: No one ever gets called to extend a program's feature-set? Nonsense.