15200+ entries in 0.175s
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-12-29#1760177 << funny, im pretty sure this was in the logs. as a naggum quote. ☝︎☟︎
phf: yeah, it's also highlighted as bot on btcbase
mircea_popescu: should be good enough as it is anyway
asciilifeform: pehbot largely lives as a toy / ch4 exam.
ben_vulpes: asciilifeform: i am not going to take responsibility for your not reading the connection routines. it's plain as day the thing expects magic strings.
phf: please do, it would be useful as a reference, but also for me specifically: btcbase.org/patch is written in common lisp, but it can only eat vpatches, not spit them out, so a mcilroy would be a solid addition
phf: this follows ascii's pattern of trying to bend existing tools to our needs, before we know enough to do a greenfield rewrite. there's a lot of ideas floating around what v is supposed to do. a clean rewrite of mcilroy could serve as a basis for further work, but you should perhaps follow discussion in the logs on the subject to get the full scope of the problem
phf: what i'm trying to do is not so much a rewrite, as first an ascii style cut of relevant bits, to preserve backwards compatability with current patches, and then augmentation to support various operations that were discussed in logs, that are more about file management than they are about diffing
ben_vulpes: symlink is new as of today
ben_vulpes: they're not all there, as that's the directory they get dumped into after mimisbrunnr is asked for them the first time
phf: esthlos: got gnudiff down to 6149 loc from 300407, added shasum to it, as of now it can do http://archive.is/5WxUZ
asciilifeform: i.e. 'We have now the sha512 checksums of all blocks loaded by yours truly from mircea_popescu's machine on June 28 - 29, 2015. This is posted here as a permanent record in light of a certain conversation [2] concerning possible shitgnomatic shenanigans.'
asciilifeform: and let there be such a thing as , e.g., viral-payload-node-that-still-gets-correct-blox-but-dun-need-to-carry-200GB
mircea_popescu: it should perhaps be pointed out that while things like grocery lists, love letters, blog articles, ransom notes at all one might "should" write, it is the obituary which stands alone among all the literary forms as the only piece man must, eventually but absolutely MUST write.
mircea_popescu: the other direct avenue, of course, is to say "text was a lot better as author submitted it, before forbes"ru" chiseled it into visible shape". which for all i know might even be true,
asciilifeform wonders if mircea_popescu's reading is equally martian to, e.g., phf , as to asciilifeform
mircea_popescu: as i said, i can see this reading ; but it is entirely not what the text says.
mircea_popescu: nevertheless! the "genuine similarity" as one might in sufficient analysis passes unearth, is spurious when compared to the evident construction and its evident goals.
mircea_popescu: the story would work just as well but better with the coffee/tea switched, but i did it this way in memory of the master nikolay pushkin.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform the ideal of the soviet man of science is that until such a time as every last soviet citizen can follow brin the elder, no brin the elder should speak ?
mircea_popescu: like, let's have an example of any item, mechanism, anything recognizably soviet that worked as described.
a111: Logged on 2017-12-28 22:34 mircea_popescu: especially fabuous as the "you may also be interested in" bullshit is liek "virtualnoe bezdele rabotodateli rasplachivayutsya za internet SERFING" under "karera i svoy biznes". AS FUCKING IF!
mircea_popescu: as if there's fucking options at their level. "oh, i am destitute but have options!!1"
mircea_popescu: especially fabuous as the "you may also be interested in" bullshit is liek "virtualnoe bezdele rabotodateli rasplachivayutsya za internet SERFING" under "karera i svoy biznes". AS FUCKING IF! ☟︎
mircea_popescu: im going to make this the permanent reference endpoint to that entire story of how sane language protects the speaker from idiocy as a passive aura.
mircea_popescu: putting the usd and euro "values" as if they existed or mattered up top is one thing. but this, thbis is liek moar skill and ability than seen from usg in 20 years.
diana_coman: it does modify a lot of things so it's seen as having antecedents ch1, ch2 and the mpi-fix iirc
asciilifeform: because as-is, i've nfi who that is.
a111: Logged on 2017-12-25 19:00 mircea_popescu: anyway, for the record and in case it isn't entirely self-evident on the basis of http://btcbase.org/log/2017-12-25#1758486 : whenever some self-proclaimed "sovereign" of the fiat sort tries to say "hey, we have a law", the correct response is to a) point out to that self-proclaimed faux sovereign that there exist other just as valid because just as self-proclaimed faux sovereigns (the eu, russia, china, whatever, bucnha them
a111: Logged on 2017-08-05 21:11 asciilifeform: zoolag live as of now at ye olde .
asciilifeform: same as previously
asciilifeform meanwhile was watching zoolag sync, 'hmm 10min from nao' turned into hour+, and still 10blox behind. culprit seems to be a combo of 'everybody else is lagging' and 'flooded with mempool crud, and as result , not spending enuff time disconnecting unproductives and pushgetblocks()ing with novel peers'
mircea_popescu: you know how many alt-mps the empire has summoned up as if it does something ?
mircea_popescu: im not sure this is a problem. people use crapple os, an unsupported chain off the main v trunk as it is.
asciilifeform: but meanwhile, in historic loose ends , http://btcbase.org/log/2017-12-24#1758001 << how to square this with >> http://btcbase.org/log/2017-04-05#1637609 ( summary : classical bitcoin permits ~modification of old blocks~ via the idjit 'tx replace' mechanism. even though -- as i understand -- it'd split the network if actually ever deployed. which it was not, not even in prb. but theoretically still permitted by the protocol. ) ☝︎☝︎
mircea_popescu: anyway, for they clamoring for references -- the complete works of varro (such as they remain) are most instructive here.
mircea_popescu: (for the astrophysics noobs : material composition of any corner of space is determined by supernova/plain star proportion, which as best anyone can determine is the only true random variable in nature)
mircea_popescu: (as to domus and personal divinity -- slavegirls regularily apologize for "not having managed more". because it's true, the fundamental with a view to only interaction with the superior is built out of the vague regret of one's own insufficiency. da fuck else is there.)
mircea_popescu: "for them to find four i gotta put in ten, and it gets worse as you go further"
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Cirrhosis is usually has acute and reversible alcoholic hepatits as a herald well in advance of cirrhosis, if not problem space still narrows
mircea_popescu: human civilisation is entirely dependent on iron being present within its early environment. while it's true that iron is overwhelmingly abundant on earth, making up as it does 1/3 of it by mass, it is nevertheless also heavy enough to not be abundant on the surface. it is abundant in the core only. the surface iron comes from ancient collision with tinier earths that, like this one, had an iron-ish core, which core then ends
asciilifeform: not clear why one 'cleverness' but other, 'fortune', could just as easily say the reverse
asciilifeform: as in, ffa-width cpu.
asciilifeform: petro supply falls ? as good as nukefest.
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-12-28#1759406 << guaranteed no-go. it's rather like trying to sew a squirrel into a rat skin and expect it to live happily as rat. ☝︎
a111: Logged on 2017-12-19 15:47 asciilifeform: they are widely sold as surplus today, about fiddybux ( naturally diskless )
phf: heh, i was prepared to be disappointed, but the op, as they say, delivered
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-12-27#1759277 << any actual history of bitcoin, as opposed to the usual "and then hillary clinton really won the elections and global warming etcetera" ? ☝︎
mircea_popescu: optimal investment in the other (as teh sartrean notion) is putting them into pain.
a111: Logged on 2017-12-27 17:52 asciilifeform: entirely possible that the man's chief sin was simply the failure to find worthy successor. he left tex to the maggots, and the result is exactly the typical result. ( just as e.g. stalin ended up leaving his 'tex' to the maggots, with similar result )
mircea_popescu: i am convinced that all these useless foreigners had not an inkling of an idea that they're trading their ancestral land for the sack of shiny baubles, simply no conception whatsoever. "what, there's something wrong with codebase increase ?" they might ask, with all the endearing pathetism of well meaning senility, in the same tone as they might ask "where am i ? could you take me home ?", lost at a crowded crossroads.
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-12-27#1759236 << the problem is rather the ability to tell people [as a fine example, one's own sons] that they have failed miserably, and here's the small stiletto that'll wash somewhat of the miserable stain they placed on your name. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-12-27#1759208 << i consider it perfectly acceptable ; if crapple software were improved to swallow 100% of their luserbase's output as opposed to merely 1% or w/e it is now it'd be even more acceptable. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: just as good as google ai (tm)
mircea_popescu: can offer it in the logotron as a [?] item, ie message is "blablabla http://someu" and next line goes "rl.com/hurddurr" and your log shows the line as "blablabla http://someu [ http://someurl.com/hurddurr ?]" or perhaps in shorter format, "blablabla http://someu [<a href=http://someurl.com/hurddurr>?</a>]"
a111: Logged on 2017-12-19 15:47 asciilifeform: they are widely sold as surplus today, about fiddybux ( naturally diskless )
asciilifeform: and, observe, this was without any such prbisms as 'headers-first'ism etc.
a111: Logged on 2017-12-12 15:42 asciilifeform: meanwhile in pinoy spamola, http://peltebesining.tk/giwe/asic-bitcoin-miner-schematic-1634.php << image-embeds asciilifeform's lispm keyboard schematic as 'asic miner' . bonus : if loaded via archive.is, gives entirely ~different~ spamola, prolly based on ip block
asciilifeform: entirely possible that the man's chief sin was simply the failure to find worthy successor. he left tex to the maggots, and the result is exactly the typical result. ( just as e.g. stalin ended up leaving his 'tex' to the maggots, with similar result ) ☟︎
asciilifeform: phf: given specifically as i do not know the man -- all i'm left with is 'the mathematics for which he was famous'
a111: Logged on 2016-04-22 04:34 asciilifeform: rmans really got to England my acquaintance of the Cafe Royal would soon have found his painting deteriorating, even if the Gestapo had let him alone. And when the lid is taken off Europe, I believe one of the things that will surprise us will be to find how little worthwhile writing of any kind -- even such things as diaries, for instance -- has been produced in secret under the dictators.'
asciilifeform: as for nodes at the 'tip', the path of chinesium through layers of prb is a lottery, and i suspect that attempting to measure the effect of a trb patch on said behaviour is doomed to astrologize over noise
a111: Logged on 2017-12-27 05:36 ben_vulpes: asciilifeform: let me know if your aggression patch was enough to stay at the tip of the chain, as it wasn't for my node.
ben_vulpes: asciilifeform: let me know if your aggression patch was enough to stay at the tip of the chain, as it wasn't for my node. ☟︎
ben_vulpes: mircea_popescu: okay, i geddit. do it as the first step of vdiff, so the mutation shows up
mircea_popescu envisaged the genesis.manifest as wholly mechanical item, just a patch-per-line count of patches, no space to adlib.
ben_vulpes: putting the codebasehash in headers doesn't work then, as there is no 'file that will always be touched' that is a part of v to participate in the toposort
a111: Logged on 2017-12-27 01:58 asciilifeform: i'd like to encourage trinque to put some of his 'crackpot' algos 'to paper', as articles. the hypertext thing was interesting imho, for instance, and so was earlier trinque pill for 'mining is a bug', and possibly other occasions. dun be afraid to write down conjectures, trinque , gauss did
trinque: manifest can be the patch header nearly as is
trinque: mircea_popescu: yep, concatenate every single item in the path diff processed, use *that* hash as antecedent and that recalculated as expected.
mircea_popescu: because otherwise, touching entirely different filesets, their precedence can not currently be established as per extant v
trinque: totally, if I have to edit something to name it as antecedent
mircea_popescu: it doesn't matter which files they touch. a4 will build upon one of them, and then a5 on a4, and the unbuild upon one is left as a "fray" on the rope.
trinque: which is where I got to "concatenate whole cppwad and hash that" as that's your cpp program anyway.
a111: Logged on 2017-12-26 18:26 mircea_popescu: so as the reconciler, you get to pick which of ~either~ a ~or~ b to count in your considered oppinion as the republican and which as the heretic.
mircea_popescu: trinque there's an ambiguity here i'm possibly responsible for though not intended : to "regrind", ie to take a pile of patches and make them into one single patch ; as opposed to re-genesis, which is what happened with eg mpi.
mircea_popescu: whereas the pantsuit psychotic cleaving, where ~some kinds~ of spam are spam (ostensibly because they came from russian hackers as per their bayesian filters ?) whereas some other kinds of spam magicaloly "aren't spam" somehow, because pravda said it, or some "transgender" schmuck said it, or whatever.
mircea_popescu: so on. because "it's spam" and that means "it shouldn't be read" and they actually have a consensus on this, which they idiotically but universally misrepresent as somehow different from any other cultish behaviour, such as believing "racism" or "global warming" or "witchcraft" are things.
trinque: as I cannot put a definition to merge that is not "destroyed vertex on this graph, because it was by my lights wrong, and created a new one"
mircea_popescu: whereas K would be wrong to attempt same, and instead should regrind a whole new genesis, call it D, even if it is made up of the reunion of the As and Bs he uses.
mircea_popescu: now, the v doctrine as it stands right now, both on logs and actual precedent, at least as far as i understand it (but this is vacuous both as a representation and as a history, as most important questions haven't yet been seriously tested) -- is that Z is right to simply sign a patch on B-genesis ;
mircea_popescu: as history ended up unfurling, "let's truncate hash to 10 chars or 20 chars depending" takes one from 2009 to some portion of 2018. better than nothing ; much less than could have been had, if only.
mircea_popescu: man did not bother, which can only be rendered as "man told us in no uncertain terms to fuck off", well... the sentiment is mutual.
trinque: asciilifeform: as a carving tool for the graph of knowledge
mircea_popescu: ie, i don't expect the trb cut as described to have a trb genesis necessariyl, or even probably.
mircea_popescu: there's nothing wrong either in principle or in practice with making a correct item as the genesis and then patching in various parts of trb.
asciilifeform: i'd like to encourage trinque to put some of his 'crackpot' algos 'to paper', as articles. the hypertext thing was interesting imho, for instance, and so was earlier trinque pill for 'mining is a bug', and possibly other occasions. dun be afraid to write down conjectures, trinque , gauss did ☟︎
asciilifeform: trinque: i'd go as far as to say that what you're observing is a defect in cpp, not v.
asciilifeform: and yes every patch oughta stand as a leaf, pressable to .
trinque: so then, when things get so modular that you have frayed rope, author makes clean separation, as V has told him he has distinct items.
BingoBoingo: as per http://trilema.com/2016/a-complete-theory-of-politics/
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> http://btcbase.org/log/2017-12-26#1758819 << she kinda got sent off for NOT being looking dedicatedly enough ; then she got pissy because i imagine in her dumb head she had self-delusions as to self-importance as dear as they were baseless. << Ah, gets BTC once returns years later and has less sense and more ideas ☝︎
a111: Logged on 2017-12-27 00:23 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-12-26#1758779 << i see e.g. trb tree, as the frayed end of a rope. in long term, observe, the loose ends that dun get built on -- fade away, like orphan chains. btc is actually more or less same kind of system. but iirc we had this thread.
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: ( trinque ? ) what ~concrete~ operation on trb tree did v-as-it-nao-exists keep you from easily carrying out ? i'd like to see ?
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-12-26#1758779 << i see e.g. trb tree, as the frayed end of a rope. in long term, observe, the loose ends that dun get built on -- fade away, like orphan chains. btc is actually more or less same kind of system. but iirc we had this thread. ☝︎☟︎
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-12-26#1758781 << this only oughta be done in 2 situations -- 'releases' , as discussed by mod6 et al ; and to avoid fuckuppy as seen in orig shiva patch, where there was a logical dependence , but not a vtronic one , b/w shiva-part1 and -part2 ☝︎
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-12-26#1758788 >> 'The founder also promised that in addition to the common practice of crediting BTC holders with equivalent balances of the new coin (B2X), they would also receive “a proportional number of Satoshi Nakamoto’s Bitcoins as a reward for their commitment to progress.”' << lol!! ☝︎
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-12-26#1758839 << asciilifeform did a bit of survey of the sw spectrum ( where he lives , but also elsewhere, via helpful public toilet ip-streamed receivers. ) plenty of digital ???? in'ere. incl. in places where none 'ought', Officially, to be. but 1) could just as easily be usg 2) it's all, definitionally, carriered signal, or asciilifeform would never have learned of it ☝︎
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-12-26#1758819 << she kinda got sent off for NOT being looking dedicatedly enough ; then she got pissy because i imagine in her dumb head she had self-delusions as to self-importance as dear as they were baseless. ☝︎
a111: Logged on 2017-12-26 22:02 danielpbarron: relatedly, l0de expressed interest in running a "trilema infomercial" on his show. I told him he should bring it up in here, as i'm not sure what that should entail