9 entries in 0.878s

a111: Logged on 2018-01-05 15:18 BingoBoingo: Because in Protuguese "Nao"
means No, which
means yes, which
means anal BingoBoingo: Because in Protuguese "Nao"
means No, which
means yes, which
means anal ☟︎ mircea_popescu: (this is mostly needed for the illusion of the female state to be maintained -- you can bet your sweet ass, literally speaking, that if there's money to be made in childbearing there's no "right of choice", nor does "no
means yes,
yes means yes,
anal means we'll burn you at the stake" need any stating for how obvious it is)
mircea_popescu: <mod6> ben_vulpes: it basically shouldn't ever happen, but it could and since; no
means yes,
yes means anal. << lol io like how he thinks.
mod6: ben_vulpes: it basically shouldn't ever happen, but it could and since; no
means yes,
yes means anal.
mircea_popescu: no
means yes.
yes means anal. it's how computiong works.
mircea_popescu: davout the negative doesn't actually cunt, you're right.
yes means anal.
mircea_popescu: Delta Kappa Epsilons Yale chapter is in its fourth year of a five-year suspension that followed an episode in which pledges paraded through a residential quad chanting, No
means yes;
yes means anal.