10 entries in 0.545s
a111: Logged on 2015-05-20 00:29 mod6: take a look at this:
http://dpaste.com/0SQPBKC.txt Is there any reason when allocating the space for p & q to do Eulers
totient they would initialize the space with 'p' and 'p', instead of 'p' & 'q'?
esthlos: mircea_popescu: is there a preference on how I compute
Framedragger: (i'll go right ahead and reserve mine: (1) "euclid was snakeoil!"; and (2) "euler was snakeoil!" << there, now when
totient function is broken or rsa is broken or any public key crypto scheme is broken, i'll have free pitchfork credit.) (i joke, i joke)
assbot: Logged on 20-05-2015 15:03:07; assbot: Logged on 20-05-2015 00:29:41; mod6: take a look at this:
http://dpaste.com/0SQPBKC.txt Is there any reason when allocating the space for p & q to do Eulers
totient they would initialize the space with 'p' and 'p', instead of 'p' & 'q'?
assbot: Logged on 20-05-2015 00:29:41; mod6: take a look at this:
http://dpaste.com/0SQPBKC.txt Is there any reason when allocating the space for p & q to do Eulers
totient they would initialize the space with 'p' and 'p', instead of 'p' & 'q'?
☟︎ mod6: ok, so gnupg v2 relies on libgcrypt to generate the keys, i finally found the code: dpaste.com/3106AJC.txt Seems that it does the same thing as v1 when doing the Euler
mod6: take a look at this:
http://dpaste.com/0SQPBKC.txt Is there any reason when allocating the space for p & q to do Eulers
totient they would initialize the space with 'p' and 'p', instead of 'p' & 'q'?