24 entries in 0.854s

Mocky: my first
torx was to pull a ford brake pad
BingoBoingo remembers first
torx screwdriver fondly. Acquired at RadioShack in 1999 to open "Mac Classic"
ben_vulpes: on the flip side,
torx work (for now). i sunk oodles of self-drillers this past weekend without a single slip.
ben_vulpes: the final nail (screw?) is that even traditionally phillips applications (eg framing) now come with the
torx heads.
scriba: advantage in early automotive work.
torx does not cam out ; which was major advantage in
scriba: Logged on 2016-09-16: [19:47:07] <mircea_popescu> ACTION just found out that phillips and
torx heads respectively aren't mere "let's arbitrarily change standards to try and extract spurious rents via alleged intellectual property" ; but in fact have proper reasons to exist. a) phillips head is self-centering ; which is to say driver does not slip out of screw being driven. this was major
http://log.mkj.lt/trilema/20160916/#242 << plausible, sure, but what has actually happened is that a) the chicoms have diddled the phillips female bit such that it cams out at the slightest provocation and than on top of that the zamac used to replace it wears after so much as a single slipped drive and b)
torx is a convenient workaround for the shit metals
mircea_popescu: ACTION just found out that phillips and
torx heads respectively aren't mere "let's arbitrarily change standards to try and extract spurious rents via alleged intellectual property" ; but in fact have proper reasons to exist. a) phillips head is self-centering ; which is to say driver does not slip out of screw being driven. this was major advantage in early automotive work.
torx does not cam out ; which was major advantage in
BingoBoingo: I'm pretty sure I still have my
torx screwdriver for the real B&W Macs somewhere around here
Torx - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
BingoBoingo: Ah, I thought
torx was such because someone in Cupertino thought in 1999 it would be a swell idea to push Bingo to buy a $20 screwdriver from radioshack
BingoBoingo: Mac has been infatuated with
torx for some time it seems