20 entries in 1.091s

bvt: no, i mean that particular paper. i initially wanted to implement a fft-like multiplication algorithm, but got interested in this karatsuba/
toom when reading the paper.
bvt: yes, actually in this karatsuba/
toom algo one can embed comba's trick, but the code would become even gnarlier
a111: Logged on 2017-05-21 16:47 asciilifeform: because ALL ops take same time, so karatsuma,
toom-cook, etc. cannot work because they fundamentally rely on breaking large x*y into a number of smaller a1*b1, a2*b2, ...
adlai likes their email addresses: j and m @
toom.im, nice and short so it fits in a sammitor's attention span
phf: asciilifeform: they are no good even at basic literacy and opsec. << those andrei
toom's articles...
mircea_popescu: but since
toom mentioned the fractal problem, let us consult the web. because the web knows shit, right ? all human knowledge, accessible to everyone etc, right ?
mircea_popescu: (i am not even all that keen on
toom's obviously very geometric take on fractals. they're an analytic construct, which yes can be graphed, like any other function. you don't need "dimensions", you need numeric theory.)
assbot: Logged on 11-09-2015 17:28:23; ascii_field: 'Please inform Mr.
Toom about the grading system and instruction methods of THIS country.:.. I earned a grade of A in my college algebra and trigonometry courses so it makes no sense for me to be doing so poorly in this course. Please straighten this man out.'
ascii_field: 'Please inform Mr.
Toom about the grading system and instruction methods of THIS country.:.. I earned a grade of A in my college algebra and trigonometry courses so it makes no sense for me to be doing so poorly in this course. Please straighten this man out.'
☟︎ BingoBoingo: definition:
toom = the interior space of a tomb
BingoBoingo: There is little recourse possible if the Great Red Dragon and God's lamb decide to wage the final battle of mortal existance in the same
toom machine is