15 entries in 0.569s

mats: with the familiar garnish of
Tiananmen Sq mention, so readers are reminded chinese people also hate freedom
tiananmen sq literally does not matter to anybody but english readers
assbot: Logged on 05-12-2014 05:09:14; asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: are you familiar with china's reply to 'why did you roll up the (
tiananmen) students (molotov-armed, by some reliable accounts - also with grenades) with tanks ?'
nubbins`: worked for
tiananmen square ;p
assbot: China Destroyed Control Chip of Japanese Spy Satellite with Secret Weapon |
Tiananmen's Tremendous Achievements ... (
http://bit.ly/1AyHSAS )
xmj_: chetty: like nothing happened on june 4, 1989, in
tiananmen square?