8 entries in 0.488s
mircea_popescu: but that's incorrect. ~thoguht~ and especially ~abstract work~ is a surplus phenomenon.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: hence naggum's formulation 'open softs are a surplus phenomenon'
assbot: Logged on 12-09-2015 18:04:11; asciilifeform: 'All of this "code sharing" is an economic surplus phenomenon. It works only when none of the people involved in it are in any form of need. As soon as the need arises, a lot of people discover that it has cost them real money to work for the community and they reap very little benefit from it, because they are sharing value-less services and getting value out of something that people take for grant
asciilifeform: 'All of this "code sharing" is an economic surplus phenomenon. It works only when none of the people involved in it are in any form of need. As soon as the need arises, a lot of people discover that it has cost them real money to work for the community and they reap very little benefit from it, because they are sharing value-less services and getting value out of something that people take for granted is hard to impossible.' ☟︎
assbot: Logged on 15-11-2014 18:18:27; asciilifeform: l of this "code sharing" is an economic surplus phenomenon. It works only when none of the people involved in it are in any form of need. As soon as the need arises, a lot of people discover that it has cost them real money to work for the community and they reap very little benefit from it, because they are sharing value-less services and getting value out of something that people take for granted
mircea_popescu: ego trips being of course an economic surplus phenomenon, and the us being pretty much wrung out of any sort of surplus whatsoever, expect a lot of such arguments to come.
asciilifeform: esp. the part re: 'is a surplus phenomenon'
asciilifeform: l of this "code sharing" is an economic surplus phenomenon. It works only when none of the people involved in it are in any form of need. As soon as the need arises, a lot of people discover that it has cost them real money to work for the community and they reap very little benefit from it, because they are sharing value-less services and getting value out of something that people take for granted is hard to ☟︎