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douchebag: SCADA hacking
a111: Logged on 2017-10-17 13:36 asciilifeform: in other thefts, 'The researchers went on to find 15 factorizable keys used for TLS. Strangely, almost all of them contain the string "SCADA" in the common name field.'
a111: 8 results for "scada", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=scada
asciilifeform: !#s scada
asciilifeform: in other thefts, 'The researchers went on to find 15 factorizable keys used for TLS. Strangely, almost all of them contain the string "SCADA" in the common name field.' ☟︎
asciilifeform: typically, 'infrastructural' routers, a few boxen that might be scada sensors or similar
asciilifeform: ^ 'scada'
mircea_popescu: "He was Vice President of CSCSS (Centre for Strategic Cyberspace and Security Science) with a focus on collaborating government bodies in securing cyber systems. Wright has trained government and corporate departments in SCADA Security, Cyber Warfare and Cyber Defence."
mircea_popescu: "He was Vice President of CSCSS (Centre for Strategic Cyberspace and Security Science) with a focus on collaborating government bodies in securing cyber systems. Wright has trained government and corporate departments in SCADA Security, Cyber Warfare and Cyber Defence."
mircea_popescu: "The divergence between the theoretical Turing machines and the machines designed to emulate has grown significantly; most of the "work" modern computers (including mobile devices, etc.) perform is not computation oriented as it was with a Turing machine. Today networking, graphics/audio and interaction with the physical world (SCADA, wearables, etc.) have become the key features that the industry is working on improvi
BingoBoingo: Airplane is solaris box and scada controllers, Airplane is Unix box with wings http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/video/2012/apr/19/cory-doctorow-regulation-computation-video time roughly 15:15
dub: so secure like SCADA? ;)