17 entries in 0.714s
BingoBoingo: Midwest stress can break 4 ways from my perch: to republic, to the grindstone, to walmart scootypuffs, and to African booty Purple Drank shit
shinohai: Boffing purple drank is best way to kill ALL retardation.
shinohai: CompanionCube: Purple Drank
a111: 9 results for "purple drank", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=purple%20drank
BingoBoingo: $s purple drank
shinohai: Purple drank
thestringpuller: that could have made some good purple drank
gribble: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=purple+drank | purple drank. codeine/promethazine cough syrup mixed in with some sprite. serve it up in a white styrafoam cup with some ice and your good to go. you can mix ...
thestringpuller: ;;ud purple drank
shinohai: The #b-a purple drank
BingoBoingo: Putin can have his vicotry in Crimea, because Obama now has victory over Purple Drank
BingoBoingo: Thankfully Activis discontinued purple drank
ozbot: Purple drank - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
KRS1: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Purple_drank
dub: yeah, hide your purple drank
dub: purple drank?
dub: If I had teh choice between fighting for the american public and sitting back on my porch with my purple drank.. I've got some bad news for the public