8 entries in 0.579s
mircea_popescu: the reason i don't watch "Star wars" or "sex and the city" ; nor bother with "lords of the rings" or "jezebel" is exactly the same reason i don't go around sex stores to sniff used condoms and napkins from the bin in their video booths, like isabelle huppert's character in the piano teacher : i am not quite that hungry.
mircea_popescu: "the piano teacher", turns out.
mircea_popescu: anyone seen "the piano teacher" btw ?
thestringpuller: LOL ascii_butugychag sounds like my piano teacher! (who is also russian). "Who needs score? Play jazz learn from memory"
thestringpuller: ascii_field: My Russian piano teacher enjoys your writing.
thestringpuller: ascii_field: my piano teacher wants to talk to you.
thestringpuller: asciilifeform: you and my piano teacher (also russian and similar demeanor) would have interesting dirnking convos
thestringpuller: mircea_popescu: you may find this quote from my piano teacher interesting "The interesting thing about Obama is when he takes control of a bankrupt country and keeps it running. In any other place in the world the country would shut down and start over. So no one has any idea what he actually does."