33 entries in 1.216s

mod6: <+asciilifeform> ^ d00d pushing '
onerng' over FUCKGOATS, with argument that the former 'is open source, mathematically verifiable, ...drivers for all current os, even openbsd...' while the latter 'no drivers, connection using obsolete medium - serial port, limited entropy' << limited entropy?! herp.
mircea_popescu: isn't "
onerng" the thing captain bullshit was pushing in that dumb chan ?
a111: Logged on 2014-10-28 12:51 asciilifeform: 2)
http://moonbaseotago.com/onerng/schematic.png << vendor schematic. see bottom-right-hand, 'AP3105' switching voltage-booster. it's there because 3v is not enough to run an avalanche diode. guess how the booster works?
xe4l: in review,
onerng pros: cheap, shielded cons: hobbyist level device, design flaws
assbot: Logged on 28-10-2014 12:47:11; asciilifeform: undata:
onerng.info << best lulz! this calls for a mini-review.
OneRNG - Hardware Random Number Generator
assbot: Logged on 28-10-2014 12:47:11; asciilifeform: undata:
onerng.info << best lulz! this calls for a mini-review.