17 entries in 0.575s

phf: in terms of what
movitz offers of course (without bringing in pre-compiled C blobs)
phf: you're saying it's straight up impossible (or approaching that) to get, say,
movitz doing networking on real hardware hardware, and i'm calling shenanigans
phf: i'm not sure mezzano boots on native hardware,
movitz i did boot, and it's basically what you would expect out of DOS
mircea_popescu: so then it seems to be that it is an offense before the gods and an insult to man when in any discussion of lisp anyone proposes any other solution than "pick either
movitz or mezzano"
movitz and mezzano are common lisp compilers, they are just shitty ones. they are good enough to boot an os on x86, but they are missing bits (large chunks of standard) because nobody's written those