800+ entries in 0.006s
bvt: ty. if you gzip the work directory and publish it somewhere i'll look into it as well. i also took a stab at indented flow output (http://bvt-trace.net/2020/02/vsh-parts-25-and-3-one-binary-ada-solver-and-ada-vfilter-implementation/#comment-150)
BingoBoingo: mp_en_viaje: Thank you. I've been making progress fitting more of the tools in my hand and building with them. diana_coman is working me on how to plan, re-examining my relationship with time and how I budget it, and grounding myself in practicality. I've surrendered to diana_coman's mastery and the breaches in my head aren't completely closed yet, but I'm surrendered and working her program.
diana_coman: bvt: I'll have to check closer what's going wrong with the script on my machine as there seems to be some weird going on, possibly at output rather than anything deeper.
billymg: i'll do that this week
diana_coman: mp_en_viaje: thank you and no worries at all; I hope I didn't come across as not wanting to visit either, it's more the 12+ hours travel one way that gives me pause.
billymg: mp_en_viaje: agree. ugh, yeah, i've really been meaning to publish a roadmap for mp-wp that others can comment on
mp_en_viaje: diana_coman, i hope it doesn't come across as any kind of disinterest or noninviting. i very much would like to do more steaks, but i don't want to produce an obligation.
mp_en_viaje: mind though that you include the whole shebang, the reason i linked to that comment rather than the article plainly is that the ~correct~ auto-select stubs on pingback were only introduced there
mp_en_viaje: billymg, i think that'd be the salutary thing ; that wayy it'll at least carry over passively through edits
mp_en_viaje: diana_coman, well, the problem with anywhere not-here is that the summers do get too hot and the winters too cold. i intend to travel maybe to brazil may-ish, but otherwise i expect i'll be mostly around, so if you feel like it...
billymg: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-03-01#1958703 << i have a strong feeling the reason it's *not* this, and the reason the mp-wp genesis is 7x the size of trb genesis by LOC, is because it was designed by the "no one user matters more than another" crowd
diana_coman: I honestly have no idea; I did obtain finally all the possible passports though so at least I *can* go anywhere.
mp_en_viaje: i know how to get excellent veuve clicquot & such, etc
mp_en_viaje: speaking of which, where in cr are you whaack ? i dun remember
mp_en_viaje: but i see no hope of working all of this out besides taking it by steps and degrees.
mp_en_viaje: i practically have the choice of either publishing a screamingly offensive non-patch in november of 2019, or else wait until there's a place to meaningfully add it as a patch ; which necessarily is stalled on "what the fuck is the correct cut for themes, cuz it seems evident it isn't what's now done", which in turn rests on a half dozen or so more nodes that are all further away from what is actually being worked now.
trinque: I've also done some spelunking in the php myself, and there might be other ways to pull it in aside theme, if I can see the patch
trinque: not tabled, and I apologize for the delay. I think it needs about one more post, and then there'll be a whole item described. I've been digging into that this weekend, ought to be able to squeeze it out today or tomorrow.
mp_en_viaje: diana_coman, i suspect billymg 's thing might not actually include http://trilema.com/2019/proper-html-linking-the-crisis-the-solution-the-resolution-conclusion/#comment-132249
diana_coman: trinque: but I am not sure I follow what you say there - what do you mean by quoting? the select?
trinque: I don't have w/e patch improves the quoting mechanism apparently
trinque: if there isn't currently an answer, I'll host the patches.
trinque: diana_coman: I'm happy to "fix my quoting". Who is the source of truth for mpwp?
trinque: mp_en_viaje: I'm around, been turning a meager win into a sustainable machine.
ossabot: (trilema-hanbot) 2020-02-17 BingoBoingo: hanbot_abroad diana_coman: The problem of identifying an article url on a blog url without importing python or something else heavy has me stumped, so I've been reconsidering the possibility of blasting out a crawl over serveral degrees. The flow filewise would be something like 'churn' to 'churndomains' to 'churn2' to 'churndomains2' and so on out to the ending on a list of all the urls scraped in the third or four
mp_en_viaje: "diana : just bring them here. page, after a time : here's a sketch i drew of me bringing them over."
mp_en_viaje: it's going to end up a satirical piece, "diana : fetch me my arms! page, after a time : i went in the arms room and looked around, saw arms there. diana : good, now fetch. page, after another time : i lifted various over the head, and came back to tell after setting them down again. room for improvmenent : next time ima set them back down in the same places i lifted therm up from"
mp_en_viaje: diana_coman, amusingly enough, if one were tasked to discuss your evolution over the past decade, it'd inescapably run something like "she moved on -- from the theoretical, to the practical". am i detaining you from the day's restatement in #o of the basic explanations re "somewhat of a superficial approximation of work" or have you already done the day's quota ?
mp_en_viaje: i don't recall where's included that picture with the 12yo boy looking angry from under an abundance of spurious shaving cream, but anyways.
mp_en_viaje: no, but i say it plainly, it's fine
diana_coman: ha, found it! though the bit is in a comment, the topic fits anyway, I'd say.
diana_coman can't find ofc the article on own blog though I think I did write it.
diana_coman: ahahah; I thought it was Italy the trouble now!
mp_en_viaje: the costa ricans wanted to know whether i visited china, iran or korea in the interval. i wanted to know how they arrived at the list. they wanted to know if i don't watch the news or what's my problem.
diana_coman: re flu it's all right, I'm sure there's plenty of advice and "we'll take care of it" everywhere, except I never quite bother to look and it didn't seem to make any difference
diana_coman: mp_en_viaje: ah, with the 1st of Feb, yes; as the silent poison said the circus is still on though.
diana_coman: I think that'd be too much work!
diana_coman: hm, I recall reading the mention + there was surely something in one of your stories but no handle for search comes to mind right now.
diana_coman: cr is unlikely to have those from what I saw.
mp_en_viaje: cititoriy roflmao. i've been hanging out with lanky blonde whores too long!!
diana_coman: sadly, I quite know, myeah
diana_coman: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-02-29#1958594 - ahaha, this sounds so much ~Apoi drumeţul se întoarse acasă şi petrecu lângă ai săi, pe cari-i socoti mai cu duh decât pe cei ce văzuse în călătoria sa.
billymg: that was one of my takeaways at least, how strikingly similar it sounded to what i see here
billymg: from your travelog articles it seems like europe is not much different from usia in terms of cultural decay, i.e. the sysco food, the hipsters and their oh-so-cool detachment, the clerks with their "i'm sorry, we can't do that, it's the 'policy'"
mp_en_viaje: well, at least after sleeping, which i've not done in about 40 hours now.
mp_en_viaje: billymg, ah, you're not even here yet ?!?! i was gonna hit you up
mp_en_viaje: god i missed this place.
ericbot: Logged on 2020-02-28 05:23:26 mp_en_viaje: i guess maybe roll it into auctionbot or something ?
lobbes: http://logs.ericbenevides.com/log/trilema/2020-02-28#1958568 << agreed on the !later tell not being that useful. And sounds like a plan; I'll have on my list to roll the !Qcalc into auctionbot and retire lobbesbot
billymg: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-02-28#1958554 << hiya mp, yup still alive. i've just been finishing up the last few pieces of the move and if all goes well should be in cr in about a week
diana_coman: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-02-28#1958559 - I have no use for it either and precisely for this reason that it's enough if it's in the logs as far as I see it.
mp_en_viaje: i guess maybe roll it into auctionbot or something ?
mp_en_viaje: i can't be arsed to drag out where in the log this point was made for ignoramus asciilifeform 's benefit, HEY, JUSTIFY PRICES LIKE CIVILISED PEOPLE,
mp_en_viaje: i guess as a concept it harkens back from an olden time, when people were comparatively more superficially equipped and more superficially involved ; today the proper avenue for making a timeline-breaching note on some topic is a comment the person's blog (and if they don't have one that'd cotextually-support the concern then "person" who ?) ; whereas non-timeline-breaching points obviously belong in their day's log context, as they can't be meaningf
mp_en_viaje: so i dunno, maybe we don't even want it as such ?
mp_en_viaje: i also tried out a subsidiary "send notes to self on main nick" putative utility a while back, didn't actually pan out irl.
ossabot: Logged on 2020-02-16 13:47:23 lobbes: http://logs.ericbenevides.com/log/trilema/2020-02-16#1958115 << the toilet vps lobbesbot is on is down again. Will see what they say. (honestly atm lobbesbot has ~only two used commands: !Qlater-tell and !Qcalc ; instead of finding a new home for lobbesbot I'd rather just make another bot do those and retire the thing. But I've got other botworks in the queue)
mod6: Anyway, I haven't even eaten today. So I'm gonna head out.
mod6: I'll just, withold the patch. Make a blog post. If people want it, I guess they can say.
mp_en_viaje: i met plenty of would-be producers. what's the actual market for it /
mod6: I suppose not.
mp_en_viaje: who are these "folks" consuming this nonsense ? i've never met one. did you ?
mp_en_viaje: 0 chances ima deploy some patch you cooked up as things stand right now. also 0 chances ima deploy any patch baked of this "21:02. tried a patch, not worked. 00:12 oh now fixed it. i think" washington post / planeshift "development" model/nonsense.
mod6: I'll make a proper post on my blog, indeed. Just want to get this out for folks; now that there is a wedger tool out there, and it's been a number of days of reorccuring wedges.
mod6: Took some work and chasing some red-herrings in net.h. I drove through the testing and changes while asciilifeform helped think me through the problem.
mod6: Here's that quick deebot snippit I posted on Friday night (iirc): http://paste.deedbot.org/?id=Oj7N
mod6: http://btcbase.org/patches/genesis#L11361 (I'm sure you've already looked at this tho. But for folks following along...)
mod6: Apparently main.cpp:ProcessMessage() allows for quite a number of these getdata commands before flagged as 'Misbehaving'. But I've not seen waves like this before now. Quite possible I've just not seen them either tho.
mod6: When alf alerted about this wedge on the 22nd, I was quick to point out this wave of stuff that I don't typicaly see.
mod6: I have a debug.log that is ~12G that goes back ~3 mos to block #605198, i do see those requests, but in the dozens at a time at most. but not a tidal wave of tens of thousands.
mod6: bvt: Yes, I experience exactly like you describe; right before 'wedge', incoming 30k or so of 'received getdata for: block' in debug.log.
bvt: well, the only thing i feel bad about in this situation is that for some time i was getting wedged in ~30 min, did not check the logs, assumed the DB corruption, rolled back to month-old chain snapshot without keeping the current
mp_en_viaje: i guess in some quarters this counts for "intrinsic stability" or something, but...
bvt: http://bvt-trace.net/2020/02/a-tiny-and-incomplete-trb-wedgetrace/#comment-139 - did some more debugging today, but cannot get a wedge when i do need it
bvt: ty, i will upload it in ~30 min
bvt: BingoBoingo: ok if i upload the data to anyserver? it's 3Gb compressed.
mod6: Yeah, I would, that'd be great.
mod6: I'll throw something in here if it's relevant.
mod6: Thanks for your work on this, I'm following along in #asciilifeform log.
bvt: mod6: ty, i will try to figure out what is going on further
whaack: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-02-24#1958477 Alright, I am the one who is more niggardly. I could be wrong about connecting to the chasis for all I know. The car owner's method of deciding how to wire the jump based off experienced is better than mine which is based off of google vomit. http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-02-24#1958481 I embrace it. Writing about failing every
hanbot_abroad: mp_en_viaje hrm, seems self-evident but apparently not a coupla years ago? i'll have another look, atm tho' on the brink of disconnectivity. in curand & scl!
mp_en_viaje: speaking of which hey hanbot_abroad it's femInin not femenin. i can see why you'd make the mistake, but they're right, it's femina not femena ; and besides famen's a word.
mp_en_viaje: o wait wait, it's "i don't have to actually do, because [http://thewhet.net/2017/01/feminine-exceptionalism/?b=The%20follow&e=The%20following%20is%20a[n%20attempt%20at]%20translation%20of%20the%20Trilema%20piece%20Exceptionalismul%20feme#select][i am worth]", i recall beating speshul cuntlets black and blue over the same delusionary approach, yes, yes, certainly.
mp_en_viaje: as to the practical matters, the only use of coca cola is as corrosion stripper, especially off metal ; baking soda i guess works, but honestly i never used any rust stripper besides the great products of the coca cola co in decades, there's no need to.
mp_en_viaje: research is a term of art, it's done a certain way and by certain people, it is NOT done by dumbphone monkeys on
ossabot: (ossasepia) 2020-02-23 whaack: BingoBoingo: From jumping with someone who owns 8+ cars and jumper cables but did not know you could connect the cable to the chasis on the dead car, I gather that people here do not research how to do things and instead learn only from experience. This could be true also with the mechanic, so I will consult with the mechanic and use his tools but I will take his advice with a grain of salt and
hanbot_abroad: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-02-23#1958451 << i don't know of many US-driven notions as major in their time or as utterly forgotten by now as this chautauqua thing --at least nominally; ultralame "community"-ing still pushed as a thing by descendants of the same lamers, but the name's entirely absent.
lobbes: This script was on a cron job initially, but ever since douchebag pooped in the input I moved to manual. The whole archive process is due for a recode; but I deemed it low priority since.. well I read the logs and the logs are the only input so I reason this manual stop-gap approach is fine for now
lobbes: I hadn't pulled the crank it some time but just did now; it'll attempt snarf all links the bot has seen since dec 24th (probably will take about 2 hours to run I'd say)
lobbes: mp_en_viaje: my bad on the archive. The "submit links to archive.is and download" portion of the process is initialized manually (I just run a shell script and it does the rest).
BingoBoingo: I've got a little bit on Emerson. This next generation was roughly the first to get charged with implementing the idiocy.
BingoBoingo: mp_en_viaje: This is a project I could start warming up again and structuring as I work on building my toolset and working towards some sort of actual rather than UStarded level of literacy. If I break these particular mid-19th century retards up into bite sized chunks and publish indictments/annotations on the blog in a structured way, I would be filling a gap in documenting how intentional the failure of US "education" was.
BingoBoingo: mp_en_viaje: Beyond the old, I've got some scribblings on William Torrwy Harris, Anna Bracket, the failure of "St. Louis Normal School/Harris-Stowe State College" that aren't very organized at present. Harris and Bracket have some essays on the intentionally severing children's connections to the real world to better shape them into
mp_en_viaje: i recall some passing mention here and there, maybe
mod6: jfw: I don't have any information regarding what miners of any size are currently running.
jfw: mod6: do we have any picture of what software the larger miners are running these days? Because that's the possibly-prb-afflicted network I'd rather not be isolated from.
mod6: Your notion is correct on the former, 'more exposed to potentially misbehaving or sybil peers'. As to the latter, I suspect you will be connected simply more prb nodes. It is possible that you'll also find, in a 'subgraph', nodes that are playing nicely, but seems less likely.
jfw: mod6: my notion of what that action entails, and please correct if I'm missing a major aspect, is that I'm more exposed to potentially misbehaving or sybil peers, but also potentially better connected and more likely to bridge otherwise partitioned subgraphs of the network.
mod6: Heads up to TRB users, seems that nodes have wedged on block 618406. A simple restart of TRB seemed to resolve it. Not sure on the cause yet. Will update with more information as I have it.