1200+ entries in 0.01s
mircea_popescu: this is the platform game, and i ain't inclined to play it.
ossabot: Logged on 2020-01-26 16:22:00 lobbes: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-01-26#1957332 << long story short I went to do a 'dry run' install of everything on the shinjiru server and uncovered a host of snags that I'm currently ironing out (such as ports being blocked, them 'suspending' the service in error for a day, and my general derpage with basic sysadmin)
ave1: dorion, I got the pingpack and the comment went into spam, retrieved...
dorion: ave1 I left you a comment though it didn't specifically say it went to moderation. I have it saved so let me know if you had any issue getting it.
billymg: anyway i have something simple working, only took a few hours http://billymg.com/downloads/mp-wp-embedded-vpatch-snippets.png
trinque: I can almost certainly steal someone's session cookie with a comment if they do what dpb suggests.
ossabot: Logged on 2019-12-24 12:59:24 diana_coman: jfw: Keksum's 3rd genesis is now signed and mirrored; as you've gathered already the previous comments on your article directly, I linked that and there's no need that I see for an additional article; also, you messed up something with your Keksum's article title now.
jfw: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2019-12-24#1956026 - thanks diana_coman, it's an honor. Re the page title, still not sure how I did that (part of the wp-admin url got prepended to the title when updating) but I fixed it.
jfw: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-01-24#1957253 - I was due for a re-read on ye olde crime of being an american, huh. Reflecting on when the article first found me, probably 2015ish, my reaction was to continue the path of distancing myself from the mob, but also to keep a distance from this perceived cthulhu pointing the gun at me for the happenstance of birth. The hospital analogy makes
lobbes: I will keep you updated as the ironing continues
ossabot: Logged on 2020-01-26 09:21:36 mircea_popescu: meanwhile http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-01-06#1956661 << dude, i had to actually go fish out see wtf, maybe i misread ? THE TWENTIETH WAS LAST WEEK!
lobbes: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-01-26#1957332 << long story short I went to do a 'dry run' install of everything on the shinjiru server and uncovered a host of snags that I'm currently ironing out (such as ports being blocked, them 'suspending' the service in error for a day, and my general derpage with basic sysadmin)
hanbot_abroad: yeah, i was talking to nicoleci about her "etymology" series, and didn't notice i was typing into #trilema rather'n #trilema-hanbot until she higlighted me there. it was...a confusing second and a half, lol
mircea_popescu: i've muted it for now. get back to me asap, once it's fucking fixed, and what the fuck bright idea was this to replace a working "bad" bot with a "better" one that a) dun fucking work and b) isn't even maintained.
mircea_popescu: i
ossabot: (eulora) 2020-01-22 lobbes: mircea_popescu: this was a bit of regression after rewriting bot from lobbesbot to auctionbot; I neglected to re-code in the "check if spoken previously before announcing" piece. I will put this on my list to fix
mircea_popescu: spyked, http://thetarpit.org/2020/botworks-ix?b=But%20what&e=if#select << ahaha ok that was lulzy. i confess it never occured to me it'd work.
ericbot: Logged on 2020-01-06 22:05:12 mircea_popescu: incidentally lobbes , now that i'm back @travelbase or how shall i put this, shall we get back to the logger thing ?
ossabot: Logged on 2020-01-06 21:50:34 lobbes: http://logs.ericbenevides.com/log/trilema/2020-01-06#1956654 << this week I've commited to getting a Gales install and report complete, however next week I was indeed going to work on the final setup and testing for the mp-wp logger. If all goes well I should be free to give it another shot on around the 20th of this month
mircea_popescu: meanwhile http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-01-06#1956661 << dude, i had to actually go fish out see wtf, maybe i misread ? THE TWENTIETH WAS LAST WEEK!
hanbot_abroad: at which point i widen the freaking channel name column lmao
hanbot_abroad: oh good god i've been in the wrong channel the whole time.
hanbot_abroad: " In the end, most of the changes I brainstormed regarding structure did not seem to benefit the content. " << inasmuch as you didn't decide to use those structural changes you contemplated, they did in fact benefit the content --you judged they weren't right, for whatever reason. they're negative space, but just as in a piece of art they're still *there*.
hanbot_abroad: bvt, diana_coman tyvm for the links. none are the specific itam i'm looking for, though all could be used to segue into the discussion of such, so once i (probably) peter out on the search i'll pick from there...and naturally the re-reading is pleasant. this isn't even a bad reading compass, throw an idea into chan, enter the reading linkmaze thusly! :D
diana_coman: hanbot_abroad: as it happens, while looking for something else entirely, I found this stated schematic.
mircea_popescu: as per which foregoing coversation, the issuance of the long-overdue qntra quarterly is delayed yet again. what can i do, apologies to the interested parties.
BingoBoingo: Give me one month to try to shed the alfisms, and make a hard outreach push to break the 'Qntra looks a whole like like BingoBoingo's other blog' appearance. I'll include a day by day in the weekly recaps, and if material improvement isn't showing in a month... I'll pledge to #ossasepia or #trilema-hanbot if they'll have me in their castles.
mircea_popescu: i dun have time for the retarded pre-teen's world model. either make that thing live or get off the horse so i know i have yet another job unhandled rather than think it handled while it's being slowly but "defensibly" driven into the very ground.
mircea_popescu: this has nothing to do with "how well you write". i'm aware this is the typical gambit of the being an engineer, he's gonna -- don't you know -- be SO GOD DAMEND GOOD at being funny/caring/whatever the girl he ain't said hi to yet is gonna... nfi, rematerialize our of his dirty sheets and start doing the laundry one day.
mircea_popescu: leaving aside what you say, which is as fine as any sayings ever were i'm sure, who you are (on the basis that is ever determined -- which is, WHAT YOU DO) is this dude who's lazily hitched his cart to what he perceives to be a moving beast of burden, and whatever, if we take it somewhere fine, and if not, i dunno... nobody could accuse you of being a lazy ineffectual fuck ?
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: I'll keep Qntra hosted, and I'll mark a hard pivot into outreach. I'll start by shooting cazalla an email now to see if he's alive or succumbed to "life's cheaper" in Asia.
mircea_popescu: what am i gonna do meanwhile, you tell me ?
BingoBoingo: And I do have to improve my organization game.
BingoBoingo: I'll work on cranking up the outreach now that Pizarro's dead, buried, and done. Last month I made an effort to bring the 'bicycle guy' who'd been doing Pizarro liquidity into the WoT. We met up a few times to talk Bitcoin and Republic, and the evils of socialism. He kept expressing interest, but around the New Year he went silent. I suspect spawnweight and nagwife did him in.
mircea_popescu: since you've been running things, you've done a little that ever diminished, and well... i dunno, never looked at it much, either.
mircea_popescu: from where i'm sitting, the matter's not by wednesday evening. qntra originally started in the other five year plan, you know, not the one ending recently, the one before that. cazalla did a little outreach, which is part of how eg you ended up there, but then found his way back to the spawnfarms.
BingoBoingo: I'll hammer a more refined plan out of the paper notebook on the desk and put it on the blog. Should be ready by Wednesday evening.
BingoBoingo: The only walk in on irc has been shinohai, but so far he's not come with written pieces in hand or expressed interest in trying to establish a disciplined writing workflow. He's just expressed interest without having one of the two things I can say yes to. I can say yes to a piece or I can say yes to the desire to put together a workflow to make pieces. So far he isn't bringing either.
BingoBoingo: It's been a while since I've done one of these sweeps, and I want to see what all the Latinos saying Bitcoin around me are doing, and if any might be able to do disciplined writing.
BingoBoingo: Well, next month I'm inclined to try to meet up will all the folks advertising local Bitcoin trades online. Letting them know what the Republic is, etc. The number advertising themselves here has grown as Argentina's shit itself out of being a place Venezuelans can do the remittance loop thing.
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: I'm here
diana_coman: hanbot_abroad: I'd say more about some males not being and women doing but perhaps it might still be what you were looking for; specifically re being, I recall this comment
ossabot: (ossasepia) 2019-10-29 diana_coman: oh my, if I ever start "developing programmers" do me a favour and shoot me.
mircea_popescu: oh look at me, all the lines i enter are exactly the same length now.
hanbot_abroad: meanwhile i'm on a multi-day search for a trilema piece that clearly delineated the male mode as "being" and the female mode as "doing"...the uselessness of these key terms makes the search a drag without some other anchor. anyone remember this/remember something else about it?
hanbot_abroad: ave1 do drop in, i'd love to see what your output is like if your time is spent in tune with organized priorities.
mircea_popescu: as time goes by, the first list grows (though the 2nd list doesn't shorten), and so while any cultivared man of means could be a doctor in 2000, only ~i and such can be de facto "general practitioners" today... wait, nothing's changed.
ossabot: Logged on 2020-01-24 20:23:06 jfw: trinque: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2019-12-18#1955688 - do I understand this claim as: if A assists B to use known-bad software X as opposed to known-worse software Y, while clearly stating the risk, A is then to blame for what harm may befall B?
ossabot: Logged on 2020-01-24 19:54:12 jfw: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-01-24#1957173 - regarding the "because" there: there was perhaps a degree of teaching it because we'd built it, but I see it more the other way - a text-only Linux being a good choice for the job specifically because it doesn't have the GUI crutch and CLI illiteracy is one of the bigger barriers that otherwise intelligent people face to using serious
mircea_popescu: i don't think there's a mandatory time where you must irc, anymore than i think there's a mandatory time when eg people from #ossasepia must trilema or anything.
mircea_popescu: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-01-24#1957178 << not like it's forbidden or anything. i'm not saying you should marry all these people or anything like that. i think the way of looking at it is the central problem, once that's well anchored the specific ways you go about it in a circumstance or another's you know, a matter of circumstance.
mircea_popescu: if instead of taking actual women to actual cages and stocks i joined the choir invisible, and "did" TWICE, whatever, ten thousand times "as many", except you know, "not physically" to use an euphemism... woudl you be impressed with how much i've progressed ? would i be ten thiousand times better if instead of being real i collapsed into wholly imaginaey ?
mircea_popescu: honestly, i believe the being together part is actually more important than the "teaching linux" or "sticking it in her" or "playing with stocks and wheels" and whatnot.
mircea_popescu: physical presence also limits me wrt to the sluts i can fuck, both in regards to variety (for instance, the typical redditard chronical masturbator "has sex" with a much greater variety of women that never heard of him) and in regards to whatever the fuck i can catch from them. like say the common cold, the fewer actual women you physically meet, the less variety of colds you'll get. obviously the subway is RIGHT OUT!!!
mircea_popescu: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-01-24#1957177 << i do not believe this is a sane worldview.
mircea_popescu: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-01-24#1957178 << i do not believe this is a sane worldview.
ossabot: Logged on 2020-01-24 18:39:46 dorion: mircea_popescu I hope I've not waited too long, but I'm ready to ask you about the face to face structure jfw and I started with for jwrd.
mircea_popescu: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-01-24#1957172 << too long for what lol, i'm still around. now, what are you asking me ?
mircea_popescu: trinque, i dunno, but it sounds just like something i said
jfw: I liked your description of ownership in that series too btw.
ossabot: Logged on 2020-01-24 20:23:06 jfw: trinque: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2019-12-18#1955688 - do I understand this claim as: if A assists B to use known-bad software X as opposed to known-worse software Y, while clearly stating the risk, A is then to blame for what harm may befall B?
trinque: it's that "oh god linux is a fractal hellscape so I will airgap" solves some problems, and by way of cosmic fact not all
trinque: and I'd have said "mod6 what the fuck, there are already classes for keys" and then by god, we'd have babby's first culture brewing by lunch
trinque: and ftr my word is not law. if you were sane you'd have said "hey trinque, I am thinking of introducing this class" and arguing with me why it should be introduced.
dorion: fyi, I'm currently making a big photo blog of st. vincent, and on a deadline.
ossabot: Logged on 2019-12-19 02:04:30 mp_en_viaje: i mean uh. the word's the same, ye olde beran, but the participle / past tense of it is "borne" in all cases when you're not talking of actual birth.
jfw: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2019-12-19#1955775 - thanks, fixed. Indeed I recognized "borne" as correct once pointed out but then "wait, so what's the infinitive of born if it's not about the bearing?!"
jfw: trinque: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2019-12-18#1955688 - do I understand this claim as: if A assists B to use known-bad software X as opposed to known-worse software Y, while clearly stating the risk, A is then to blame for what harm may befall B?
jfw: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-01-24#1957173 - regarding the "because" there: there was perhaps a degree of teaching it because we'd built it, but I see it more the other way - a text-only Linux being a good choice for the job specifically because it doesn't have the GUI crutch and CLI illiteracy is one of the bigger barriers that otherwise intelligent people face to using serious
dorion: (I'm not saying one's better than the other, just pointing that it exists.)
dorion: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-01-24#1957161 - I see. perhaps writing some articles about the process on your blog would mitigate the downs and amplify the ups ?
dorion: Does this shift make sense to you ? Or is it still silly in ways I'm not seeing ?
dorion: mircea_popescu I hope I've not waited too long, but I'm ready to ask you about the face to face structure jfw and I started with for jwrd.
mod6: I won't be back around until later today, but i'll check back in later.
mod6: mircea_popescu: Ok, I have published my trb keccak regrind on the bitcoin.foundation site. It comes with the following: 1. Update to original genesis.vpatch - removes the UTF charater. 2. Added mod6_privkey_tools.vpatch (unchanged fro the original ML posting by myself.) 3. A manifest file. 4. I've also updated the howto document on thebitcoin.foundation.
ossabot: Logged on 2020-01-24 00:20:48 mod6: I am also aware of the wallet work that has been on-going in python by gbw. Maybe this gets folded into that?
ossabot: Logged on 2019-09-30 14:06:42 mod6: Hai all, it's been a pretty intense month - lot going on here. I've left my 9-5 job!
mod6: Also, mircea_popescu, I do have the the entire trb tree (with exception of privkey_tools) signed and ready to go in Keccak. Has been since last January. I havne't been able to find a Lord who will double check my work though.
mod6: I am also aware of the wallet work that has been on-going in python by gbw. Maybe this gets folded into that?
mod6: Anyway, I'm open to another discussion around the privkey tools vpatch. For what it's worth, I think TRB sorely needs it. But again, the whole discussion about the wallet.
mod6: Let me see if I can dig up trinque's objection here quick.
mod6: That's what I've had loaded in my head, anyway.
mod6: billymg: Hi, it wasn't included because there was an objection (i'll have to dig the logs for it) to it being included (trinque) because it includes a class that was deemed unnecessary.
billymg: i was looking through the logs trying to find a reason why it wasn't included in the main release but couldn't find an answer. are there any caveats/things i should watch out for?
billymg: mod6: been doing some testing with your privkey_tools patch and afaict everything's working as it should. i applied it manually after pressing the trb stable tree
dorion: in other tmsr os updates, I expect to have a review from nov 25th to present and plan for february published by this sunday.
dorion: I think he got to a point, probably around 2008 where he decided he'd figured out how ~everything works and stopped learning.
dorion: the price of gold in usd was only briefly above the price it was that day (~$1720ish), despite usd being continually diluted. meanwhile, p. schiff, "i didn't forget my password, my wallet forgot my password." doh.
billymg: dorion: i should be there full time in early march, i'll be there for about a week starting at the end of next
diana_coman: mircea_popescu: ha! I did look in disbelief at the length of my own "comment" - it's longer than some articles I published at other times!
mircea_popescu: man, i gotta read this log lol. currently stuck on what's becoming an endless piece for diana_coman ; but I SHALL PREVAIL!!!
ossabot: Logged on 2020-01-22 18:03:57 bvt: dorion: typically i just go to gym; after vacations i added swimming to the mix (used to do a lot of that in school), and i like the 'noble tiredness' feeling that it gives a lot.
dorion: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-01-22#1957092 - nice. I grew up playing team sports, but find myself primarily doing gym exercises these days.
dorion: right, things were going down hill before them, but I reckon they accelerated the decline.
dorion: mircea_popescu yeah, I discovered that when I had the conversation with him back in nov. clocks still there though..
mircea_popescu used to get what i expect is the ~same, from horses.
ossabot: Logged on 2020-01-22 18:03:57 bvt: dorion: typically i just go to gym; after vacations i added swimming to the mix (used to do a lot of that in school), and i like the 'noble tiredness' feeling that it gives a lot.
bvt: dorion: typically i just go to gym; after vacations i added swimming to the mix (used to do a lot of that in school), and i like the 'noble tiredness' feeling that it gives a lot.
ossabot: Logged on 2020-01-21 23:57:55 billymg: damn it feels good being in control of my time again. i spent the morning installing alf's dulap-gentoo on a lenovo E545 i picked up off ebay, plus some research into the trb setup i'll want for it. i then took a break in the afternoon to read the origin stories from jfw and dorion, both of which were inspiring/motivating (and i plan to continue with the background articles published recently on other blogs as well
dorion: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-01-21#1957074 congrats and cheers ! sitting down with whaack last week I learned you were big in motivating him to make some key decisions and become more active.