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snsabot: Logged on 2016-07-17 14:05:28 asciilifeform: for the record, the only direction with real promise in small arms field is '
gyrojet', where the rifled and tempered barrel is unnecessary, given a self-rotating projectile, small and quite easily-made rocket
ben_vulpes rather fond of simple barrages over
gyrojet projectiles
gyrojet is so futuristic weapon, shame it didn't make the cut
PeterL: so my question is if they would be improved by adding
gyrojet-type propulsion?
PeterL: yeah, sort of a small grenade launcher combining some attributes of
gyrojet PeterL: RE
gyrojet: one thing that sped failure was 13 mm caliber, which exceeded the 12mm size limit, so needed extra note from stalin
decimation: asciilifeform: re:
gyrojet < lol "recoiless rifle" from your fist? Does the exhaust burn your eye out too?
mircea_popescu: <asciilifeform> ben_vulpes: speaking of rockets and small arms, familiar with american invention, '
gyrojet' ? <<< isn't this really that french invention ? the rocket powered grenade that regularly gets stopped in branches etc and kills the shooter ?